Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3000: Premonition of the Taoist Crow

Taoist Crow was very angry, but he couldn't help it. Said: "You tell him that the world is about to become chaotic, and I will seek my own way."

Jian Jiuling said in an angry voice: "The world is already in chaos, this is not a reason."

Taoist Crow rolled his eyes, if he wins the fight, he might slap the sword nine spirits on the ground.

After much deliberation, in the end I can only be soft.

Said: "The Protoss has suffered such a big loss, but hasn't made any big moves for so long, haven't you found anything wrong?"

Jian Jiuling said: "You don't need to teach this."

Taoist Crow said angrily: "Okay, let me tell you why the Protoss didn't do anything when it was the best time to get rid of you, because they are waiting for a chance."

Jian Jiuling changed his color slightly and asked, "What is the opportunity?"

Daoist Crow said in a special way: "Opportunity to become a fairy!"

Jian Jiuling looked at Taoist Crow suspiciously, with a look of disbelief.

Daoist Crow said helplessly: "I said you little girl, what do you want Master Dao to say before you believe?"

Jian Jiuling said: "My master has explained that no matter what happens, don't disturb him."

Crow said humanely: "Don't tell him the opportunity to become a fairy?"

Jian Jiuling looked straight at Taoist Crow and said, "How do I know you didn't lie to me?"

The opportunity to become an immortal was so far away and incredible that Jian Jiuling couldn't believe the words of Taoist Crow.

Taoist Crow had nothing to do with the sword and nine spirits. After thinking about it, he said, "Since you won't let me see Han Yu, can you take me to see your master?"

Jian Jiuling thought for a while and said, "Yes!"

Jian Jiuling took the Taoist Crow to find Zhao Yubing.

Zhao Yubing was quite surprised. The Taoist Crow had been avoiding her and the Korean War because of his identity.

"Friend of Heaven Jie Tian, ​​please sit down." Zhao Yubing was very polite.

Taoist Crow glanced proudly at Jian Jiuling, meaning that you see that your master is so polite to me, you yellow-haired girl dare to be disrespectful to me.

Naturally, Jian Jiuling rolled his eyes.

Taoist Crow sat arrogantly across from Zhao Yubing, while Jian Jiuling walked to stand beside Zhao Yubing.

"I don't know if Fellow Dao Jietian is looking for me, what advice can I have?" Zhao Yubing asked.

"I want to leave." Taoist Crow said concisely.

"You can go to Xiaoyu. Daoist really wants to leave. I don't think Xiaoyu will embarrass you." Zhao Yubing smiled.

Taoist Crow glanced at Jian Jiuling, and said angrily: "Your disciple stopped me from meeting Han Yu."

Zhao Yubing said: "Xiaoyu has been in retreat lately, so it really shouldn't be disturbed. Let's do this, fellow Daoists can tell me if you have anything."

Crow Taoist said: "The world is about to change drastically, I am going to pursue my Tao."

Jian Jiuling interrupted and said, "Didn't you say that you are going to find an opportunity to become a fairy?"

After speaking, he curled his lips, quite disdainful.

A person who has attained great accomplishment at the peak of the gods is looking for an opportunity to become immortal. Doesn't it make people laugh out of their teeth?

Taoist Crow snorted twice.

He does not mean that. If Taoist Crow is just an ordinary person, it would be ridiculous to say such a thing. But he is the **** Smiting God, the **** Smiting God is a person who wants to become an immortal and wants to be crazy, and coupled with some things Zhao Yubing has learned during this period, she has a heart

Dao Lingguang flashed, and I thought of a lot in an instant.

Zhao Yubing thought for a while and said, "Jiu'er, you take fellow Jietian Daoist to see Xiaoyu."

Although Zhao Yubing didn't want anything to disturb Han Yu, this matter may not be ordinary.

Zhao Yubing can directly ask Taoist Crow, but apparently Taoist Crow trusts Han Yu more.

Daoist Crow glanced at Jian Jiuling and said, "You see, let Daoye go to see Han Yu, you girl is too muddled, looking forward and backward, and if you continue like this, be careful Han Yu doesn't want you."

Jian Jiu was anxious, walked over and grabbed Taoist Crow by the collar, directly lifted Taoist Crow, and said angrily: "Aren't you going to see him, I'll take you."

"Quickly let go of me, even your master dare not do this to me, you are a big treachery..." Taoist Crow shouted.

Zhao Yubing smiled slightly without interfering.

After Jian Jiuling left with Taoist Crow, Han Zhan quietly appeared.

"Do you think what Jietian said is true or false?" Zhao Yubing asked.

"The opportunity to become a fairy is too far away to be judged." Han Zhan shook his head.

Taoist Crow shouted all the way, before entering that special space, Han Yu heard his ghost cry and howling wolf, and saw that Jian Jiuling was being picked up, and couldn't help laughing.

"How did this old guy offend you?" Han Yu asked, narrowing his eyes.

Jian Jiuling threw Taoist Crow in front of Han Yu, and said angrily: "Looks at him not pleasing to your eyes."

Taoist Crow winked at Han Yu and said, "I said she is not good enough for you."

Han Yu said: "Deserve it!"

Taoist Crow was speechless, and said: "I see things that are forgotten!"

Han Yu hummed: "Okay, what can I do if you come to see me?"

Taoist Crow glanced at Jian Jiu Ling, like a thief, making Jian Jiu Ling anxious.

Han Yu said: "Jiu'er, you go back first."

Jian Jiuling gritted his teeth at Taoist Crow, then smiled at Han Yu and turned away.

"Boy, haven't you noticed something wrong with this time?" Taoist Crow suddenly became serious.

Han Yu shook his head.

Taoist Crow told Han Yu about the recent movement in the God Realm. Han Yu realized that so long had passed.

"Sure enough, it's weird, what did you find?" Han Yu asked.

"It may be related to the Feixian Mountain Range!" Crow said humanely.

"Oh? Why do you see?" Han Yu asked expectantly. "Recently I felt a power calling me. This power may come from Jietian Temple." Crow said humanely, "So, I have to leave here. If I am as you say, I am Jietian, maybe This time i can recover

. "

Han Yu frowned. If Taoist Crow can recover, this is naturally a good thing.

But the problem is that Daoist Crow is a protoss, then he will turn around and deal with Han Yu, but it is a big trouble. Taoist Crow seemed to see Han Yu's thoughts, and said: "When did your kid become so timid? Don't you say whether I am Smiting Heaven, even if I am Smiting Heaven, then my goal in life is to become immortal. Mind to take care of other little things. Moreover,

The grievances between the heavens and the gods, do you think he will turn to the gods? "

The crow Taoist old **** is there, and it seems to be true.

Han Yu thought for a while and said, "Okay, you go!"

Taoist Crow was overjoyed. He stood up and drove off. After running a certain distance, he looked back at Han Yu with a grin and said, "Boy, if the Daoist recovers this time, we will calculate the old and new accounts together." Han Yu said: "Okay. Ah, I am waiting for you!"

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