Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2989: Han Yu's doubts

"Father, you..." Han Yu looked at Han Zhan with shining eyes.

The breath of the Korean War at this time was like a sea, giving Han Yu an unfathomable feeling.

"I am the same as your mother!" Han Yu smiled.

Han Yu asked, "Then you are the Emperor Tongtian, or..."

The Korean War smiled heartily: "Tong Tian is the Korean War, and the Korean War is Tong Tian."

Everyone present was overjoyed, they all knew what this sentence meant.

Especially the masters from Jiuyang Continent are full of worship and awe when they look at the Korean War.

"Hmph, ignore me!" Suddenly, a complaint sounded.

Caifeng at the back looked aggrieved.

Han Yu smiled and said, "Little guy, it's been a long time!"

Caifeng grinned and ran over to take Han Yu's hand.

"Old fellow, you have lived long enough." Suddenly, the Korean War said meaningfully.

Han Yu couldn't help being a little surprised, Han Zhan was actually watching the Taoist Crow meaningfully.

Daoist Crow faced the Korean War's gaze, a little dodged, and said with a sly smile: "Why did the emperor say this?"

The Korean War didn't say much.

Han Yu took a deep look at Taoist Crow, and didn't ask why Han Zhan said that.

The return of the Korean War and Zhao Yubing swept away the haze shrouded in the Ten Thousand Sword Sect.

However, the two of them acted as hands-off shopkeepers, and the preparations were completely left to Han Yu.

The matter was important, and Han Yu could only do it himself. Under his arrangement, the masters of Wan Jianzong and Jiuyang Palace prepared methodically.

In addition, Han Yu also issued combat orders to the demons.

This battle, if you want to fight, fight him!

"Father, is there something wrong with the crow?" Finally, Han Yu had time to spend time alone with Han Zhan and Zhao Yubing, asking questions in his mind.

"Back then, I crossed the past and the present, and I saw this person 100,000 years ago." Han Zhan said.

Han Yu knew that the crow had an extraordinary origin, but it appeared one hundred thousand years ago, which is really incredible.

The Korean War paused for a while and then said: "If I'm not mistaken, the old guy is probably one of the most terrifying characters of the Protoss, Jietian!"

"What?" Han Yu's eyes widened in surprise.

For Jietian God, he was like a thunder.

One of the most amazing and brilliant figures in the history of the Protoss.

The holder of multiple records in the alien space.

One heart is just for becoming immortal, it is actually the idea of ​​madly hitting the God Ancestor Mountain Range, and the result is intolerable by the Protoss.

Such a stunning, stunning, famous person, turned out to be the wretched appearance of Taoist Crow?

However, thinking of the magic of Taoist Crow, and thinking that he is the only one who can open Jietian Temple, it is not so difficult to accept.

"Is he also reincarnated?" Han Yu asked.

"It's not like, it's possible that you have practiced some secret method!" Han Zhan said.

Han Yu took a breath. Jietian Shenzun was a figure hundreds of thousands of years ago. Has he lived for so long?

There are not many things in this world that can surprise Han Yu, but this is really incredible. Han Zhan said: "It is not surprising that he can live for so long. The world only knows that even the supreme powerhouse can only live for two lives even with magical medicine. However, the Protoss has held the world's best ears for millions of years. One way is not from other races

Can be compared. In the ancestor mountain range, people who lived for the third and fourth generations probably existed. Some people who have been sitting in the history of the Protoss may not really be sitting. "

From the tone of the Korean War, he can hear his admiration for the Protoss. Although it is an enemy, the advantages of others are undeniable.

Han Yu said in shock: "There are still such things?"

This is beyond his cognition.

He has never dared to look down upon Shenzu Mountain, but he never thought that Shenzu Mountain would be so terrible.

Han Zhan said: "I have never seen such an existence, but what the Demon Ancestor said, there will be no fakes."

Although the Great Emperor Tongtian was born four to fifty thousand years later than the Demon Swallowing Ancestor, he had traveled through time and space and walked against the sky. He appeared in the dark turmoil 100,000 years ago, and fought alongside the Demon Ancestor, Huangquan Ancestor, and the Demon Swallowing Ancestor .

According to the historical records of the God Realm, the Demon Swallowing Demon Ancestor was able to kill from the God Ancestor Mountain Range and cut off a mountain and took it away. There was a mysterious person helping in the dark. This mysterious person was probably the Great Emperor Tongtian.

Therefore, Han Zhan said that Heaven-swallowing Demon Ancestor told him, it is not an incomprehensible thing.

Han Yu asked, "So what is the difference between those who have lived for a few lifetimes and those who have just broken through the realm of supreme?"

The Supreme Realm does not distinguish between the front, middle and later stages, of course, this is what Han Yu knew before. Zhao Yubing suddenly interrupted and said: "Too much strength. Take the six gods as an example. He has lived for two lives. It can be said that he is the most powerful existence among the nine martial sects. At first, only Lingtian gods could compete with them. The **** of heaven has fallen, he is undoubtedly the ancestor

Beyond the mountain, the most powerful existence. "

Han Yu was surprised: "Aren't even his mother and father his opponents?"

Both Han Zhan and Zhao Yubing shook their heads.

Han Yu couldn't help but secretly said that he was lucky, and it was still considered that the Six Gods did not make a move this time, otherwise, Wan Jianzong might be in danger.

The Korean War talker turned around: "However, it is not easy for him to kill us."

Han Yu couldn't help rolling his eyes, and said with a wry smile: "Father, you almost scared me to death."

The Korean War laughed. Zhao Yubing said: "The Supreme Realm is very mysterious. So far, neither your father nor I have explored many useful things. It is like a blind man who walks by groping. But what is certain is that the Supreme Realm still has a lot of room to live. The longer,

The more things can be explored. "

The Supreme Realm is the top realm of cultivation in the current world, and a realm to be explored.

Maybe there is a realm above the Supreme Realm, maybe not, no one is sure.

Han Yu looked at Zhao Yubing and said, "Mother, the behavior of this person of the six gods is quite weird. I have never guessed his intention."

Zhao Yubing curiously said: "How can you feel this way?"

Han Yu told the six gods who came to visit, what happened at the supreme gala, and what he hadn't participated in the war this time, and also said his own questions.

After hearing this, Zhao Yubing fell into deep thought.

Han Zhan said: "It may be related to the Demon Swallowing Ancestor."

Both Han Yu and Zhao Yubing looked at Han Zhan curiously.

Han Zhan said: "One hundred thousand years ago, the six gods were one of the gods who participated in the encirclement and suppression of the devil ancestor. The six gods were injured by the devil ancestor. Get on the body." Zhao Yubing nodded and said: "It is possible that the Six Gods have never taken action since that battle to recuperate. If he is injured by the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Ancestor, he will definitely suffer from the terrifying aura of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Ancestor. Troubled, looking at the world, I am afraid that only the Sky-Swallowing Demon Ancestor can heal him. It is naturally impossible, and Xiaoyu, you are the Sky-Swallowing Demon Body, with the same physique as the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Ancestor. There is also excuse for him!"

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