Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2986: Fighting the Five Elements God

"Hahaha..." The five-element deity laughed and said, "It is true that you will die, but it may not be true that you are known for eternity. The deity raises his hand to destroy you and sees how you are known for eternity!"

Han Yu said tit-for-tat: "You can try!"

The Five Elements God Venerable wanted to do it, but he listened to the Six Dao God Venerable said: "Since the young Daoist will take the place of the Wanjian Daoist to participate in the Supreme Event, it is not impossible for us to treat him as the Wanjian Daoist. You can fight whenever you want to fight, so why bother? In a hurry."

The Five Elements Gods frowned, glanced at the Six Dao Gods, and said nothing. The six gods glanced at the people, and then said: "Now that the alien race is raised, the God Realm is in chaos. As the overlord of all parties in the God Realm, naturally you can't stand by and watch. Wan Jianzong is a giant in the East, one of the original nine sects. Contributed to the flames, but already

We can only hope for the future, and hope that Wan Jianzong will know how to return and turn the tide! "

The six gods looked at Han Yu.

The others also looked at Han Yu. Han Yu said: "The world should be prosperous and all races should be prosperous. The Protoss suppressed the races for hundreds of thousands of years for their own benefit. Why do you know when you get lost?

It is not a wise move to act against all souls as an enemy! "

The Five Elements God sneered: "You see, it's just a waste of time. For this kind of misbehaving alien, you should kill without mercy!"

The Six Dao Gods frowned and said, "Since Daoist Han can replace Daoist Wanjian, our decision to be Daoist Wanjian today is the decision of Wanjianzong."

Han Yu is noncommittal.

The Time and Space God suddenly said: "If this is the case, please tell your father, we have seen you on the battlefield. Your father Tongtian, who failed to fight him fifty thousand years ago, has always regretted that he will not let me down. ."

Han Yu said: "Don't worry, you won't be disappointed!"

The Five Elements God said coldly: "If this is the case, this is the end of the supreme event!"

After speaking, he looked at Han Yu ill-intentionally.

Suddenly, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "To deal with you, we still disdain to join hands. Today, all fellow daoists also bear a testimony. If I don't kill him within three moves, I will spare his life!"

A few people are naturally happy that the Five Elements God takes the initiative.

If Han Yu can be killed today, it would be a good thing for them. Moreover, if the Five Elements God Venerable alone takes action, even if the world criticizes it, it will not be counted on them.

The six gods frowned slightly, but in the end they said nothing.

Han Yu stood up slowly and sneered: "Three tricks? You take yourself too seriously!"


The five masters flashed, and they went tens of thousands of miles away, leaving space for Han Yu and the Five Elements God.

The Five Elements God Venerable didn't say anything, suddenly raised his right hand and pressed his palm towards Han Yu.

His palm rose in response to the storm, and instantly turned into an endless size. It turned out to be five colors, like a five-element mountain coming towards Han Yu's suppression.

"The Five Elements Mountain! The Five Elements Taoist is one of the killers. It seems that Han Yu still pays more attention to this!" Wutian sighed.

"In those days, Han Yuneng fought yin and yang for a long time and was not killed. It can be seen that his strength has reached a certain level." The Great Sage God said indifferently. It is not surprising that the Five Elements God is a killer.

"Brother Dashen thinks Han Yu can block this blow?" asked the Time and Space God.

"It should be able to stop it, but it will be seriously injured!" The Great Sage God said firmly.

"That's not necessarily true!" Six Dao Gods suddenly said.

"Oh?" Everyone looked at the six gods in surprise.

From the beginning to the end, what the six gods showed was really incredible.

The five-element sacred mountain fell down like an eternal blue sky collapsed, making people inevitable.

Before being depressed, Han Yu's body creaked under the force of terrifying oppression.

But instead of being afraid, Han Yu went up to the sky with a long roar and punched him.

"Six Reincarnation Fists!"


Han Yu blasted out with a punch, and six black holes smashed into the void, crashing on the Mount of the Five Elements.

Six black holes and the Five Elements Mountain, burst into pieces at the same time. Han Yu easily resisted the five-element god's ultimate blow.

Wutian, Great Sage God, Time and Space God, etc. are invariable.

"Brother Liudao, I really suspect that that kid is the disciple you secretly received." Dao Sovereign God's eyes burned, staring at the Six Dao Gods.

When the others heard this, they all looked suspiciously at the six gods.

The six gods gave a wry smile and didn't say much.

The Five Elements God's face became hard to look like, Han Yu's strength surpassed his strength.

"one move!"

Han Yu stretched out a finger, and that finger really dazzled the Five Elements God.


The Five Elements God gave a cold grunt with respect, and suddenly a five-color light appeared on his back.

A gold-colored longbow was suspended in the five-color light, and the longbow was pulled apart, and the golden arrow on it shot out.


After the Jin Xing Arrow was shot, it turned into a white tiger that smashed the sky and roared towards Han Yu.

That momentum, like a supreme strong.

The golden arrow shot by the five-element gods is actually many times stronger than the full-strength shot of his disciples.

Han Yu still took the initiative to greet him.

The two fists revolved, and the six reincarnation fists continued to burst out.

"His boxing technique is really weird. Every punch has a powerful energy to feed him back for the first time, allowing him to instantly recover to his peak, almost invincible!" The Great Sage God Venerable's eyes burned, and he couldn't help but glance at him. One glance at the six gods.

"That is the backfeed of the power of the six realms, this young fellow is no longer much weaker than the old man in terms of the attainments of the power of the six realms!" The six gods sighed.

Everyone couldn't help but change their expressions.

The Six Dao Gods, palms the power of the Six Dao, and have lived for two lives, it is hard to guess how terrible it is.

He repeatedly praised Han Yu very highly, and he had to let all the Supremes gradually pay attention to Han Yu.

Of course, even if the six gods did not say anything, they would take it seriously.

If he is not the Supreme, he can compete with the Supreme. Whoever dares to underestimate such a person is a fool.

"Boom boom boom..."

Han Yu moved his fists and fought with Bai Hu.

After seven punches, the white tiger wailed and burst into pieces, turning into the original shape of a golden arrow, trembling and flying back.

"Second trick!"

Han Yu stretched out two fingers, and then took the initiative to rush towards the Five Elements God.

"Friends of the Five Elements Daoist may not be able to end today!" The Great Sage Divine Venerable's expression froze.

The expression of the Temporal Protoss also became more cautious.

Wutian directly widened his eyes. He fantasized about changing himself to Han Yu's position, sadly discovering that he might have already lost.

Even if he tried his best to block the Five Elements Mountain, he couldn't resist the Golden Arrow.

Except for the six gods, it is difficult for the others to remain calm. At first, the Five Elements God said three ways to kill Han Yu, and they felt that there was no problem at all. But now it seems that it is a bit difficult to achieve.

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