Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2984: Supreme event

One day, Jian Jiuling hurriedly found Han Yu, holding a golden invitation card in his hand.

"Six sects jointly organized a supreme event, and invited Master to participate!"

Han Yu took the invitation and opened it to watch.

These six sects are naturally the Five Elements Sect, the Six Dao Sect, the Wu Shi Sect, the Dao Emperor Sect, the Great Sage Sect and the Time Space Sect.

Although Wu Shizong has no supremacy, no one dares to question its status in the gods.

Han Yu didn't expect that a few big sects did not directly attack Wan Jianzong, but held a supreme event first.

The previous supreme event was interrupted by Han Yu, this time the pertinence was more clear.

"This is definitely a Hongmen Banquet!" Jian Jiuling said anxiously when he saw Han Yu not speaking.

Han Yu sneered: "Of course this is a Hongmen Banquet!"

Jian Jiuling said: "Then we won't respond!"

Han Yu shook his head and said: "In that case, we would be considered afraid, and they would be even more unscrupulous."

Jian Jiuling said with some worry: "Then what do you want to do?"

Han Yu closed the invitation card and handed it to Jian Jiuling, saying, "Let him cool down for a few days before talking."

Jian Jiuling nodded, turning around and leaving without disturbing Han Yu.

Han Yu fell into contemplation. This supreme event is definitely a huge trap. If you go there will be more or less good, but if you don't go, you will lose your momentum, and it will be extremely unfavorable for the next war.

A few days later, Han Yu found Jian Nine Spirits.

"Have you thought about it?" Jian Jiuling asked for the first time. Now she is already an ant on a hot pot.

"In response to them, we will participate, but we have to change the location." Han Yu said calmly.

Jian Jiuling's heart tightened, this was a Hongmen Banquet, no matter where it was changed, it was dangerous, but Han Yu had already made a decision, and she couldn't say much. Asked: "Where is the location changed?"

"Devil Town!" Han Yu said with a word.

Hearing this, Jian Jiuling couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Demon Down Town is next to the Motian Mountain Range, where a supreme event is held. As long as there is something wrong, Han Yu can immediately enter the Motian Mountain Range, and the Motian Mountain Range is Han Yu's territory.

A few days later, a few big groups responded jointly, yes.

It was also on this day that Han Yu was ready to leave.

"Bring on the Naihe Bridge!" Liu Xuanyue looked at Han Yu worriedly. They couldn't stop Han Yu and could only help Han Yu with their best efforts.

Originally, they wanted to follow, but Han Yu flatly refused.

Looking at his worried wife and children, Han Yu smiled confidently and said, "Don't worry, I will be fine."

Naturally, Han Yu would not bring the Naihe Bridge, which is an umbrella for his wife and children, and Han Yu would not move.

Han Yu only took the Taoist Crow on the road.

Taoist Crow was extremely depressed, and shouted: "Boy, you don't bring other people, but Dao master, what is the hatred of Dao master and you?"

Today's Taoist Crow is the realm of the Great Perfection at the peak of the gods, but he is still timid and wretched.

Han Yu smiled and said, "I think you are my lucky star!"

Taoist Crow almost fainted, wondering who would be your lucky star?

When Han Yu and the others rushed to the Town of Devildom, Moyun Cave came to see Han Yu for the first time.

"Your Majesty, within a 10,000-mile radius of Demon Down Town has been sealed by us, and the Protoss can't do anything. As for the original residents of Demon Down Town, we have sent them to other star regions!" Demon Cloud Cave respectfully reported. .

Han Yu nodded in satisfaction, this was exactly what he wanted to do, and Moyun Cave did it in advance.

Han Yu said: "Just build the Supreme Platform here to welcome the Supreme Event."

"Yes." Moyun Cave stepped back and retreated to Mo Xue's side and commanded: "Your Majesty is struggling all the way, please take care of your Majesty."

After speaking, he hurriedly left.

Mo Xue's pretty face blushed, and he glanced at Han Yu secretly, and saw that Han Yu's expression was indifferent, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit lost.

The demon army began to build the Supreme Platform in an orderly manner.

In less than ten days, a stone platform as high as a majestic mountain and broad as a plain was built.

On the edge of the stone platform, seven tall buildings have been built. The seven tall buildings are arranged in the position of a seven-pointed star. The top floor of each tall building has an observation deck with futons.

After Han Yu's inspection, he was very satisfied and ordered the demons to retreat.

Moyun Cave's expression couldn't help but changed slightly, and said: "We want to stay and defend your Majesty to the death."

Han Yu smiled and said: "The supreme event, all the supreme will come. In front of the supreme, you are like an ant, what's the use of staying here?"

Moyun Cave is ashamed.

The demon army withdrew, Han Yu only left Crow Taoist.

"Boy, why are you only leaving me?" Daoist Crow was extremely upset, and the Supreme Event was about to be held soon. With his strength, if any Supreme loses his temper, he will suffer. Turning his eyes, he took out the shovel, handed it to Han Yu, and said, "I really served you. You must want to borrow the shovel? But you are afraid to owe me favors, so you leave me with you. By your side. Take it, count me on the initiative to lend you

No thanks. "

Han Yu smiled slightly, took the shovel, and said, "Naturally, I won't thank you."

Taoist Crow almost fainted, humming and leaving unhingedly, and directly entered the Motian Mountain Range.

Finally, the day when the world-renowned supreme event was held.

It's just that the people of the world, except for the overlords of all parties, are not eligible to participate.

Therefore, everyone can only yearn and guess for the supreme event.

In the morning, it dawned.

Han Yu boarded the Supreme Platform and looked at the east quietly with his hands behind his back.

Suddenly, six figures appeared in Eastern Skyline at the same time. On the far right is the five-element deity who sits cross-legged on the white jade lotus platform, abundance of gods like jade; the second person on the right sits cross-legged on the golden Taoist platform with a golden light circle behind his head. Although Han Yu doesn’t know him, he knows that he is the Taoist deity. ; The third person sits in the void with a solemn expression, looks the most ordinary, but the person most dare not to look down upon, the six gods; the fourth person sits on the flying sword with two white eyebrows, more than hair To be long, hanging down under the sword, is the great holy deity; the fifth person sits on a cloud of auspicious clouds, sometimes as if it exists, sometimes as if it does not exist, but the time and space deity; the sixth person, walking away from the sky OK, compared to the five great gods, the momentum is quite weak, but it also makes people afraid to underestimate. This person is the only one who does not

It is the no-start sect master Wutian of the supreme powerhouse. But even if he is not the supreme, walking with the supreme strong, he is calm.

With three swords on his back, he immediately attracted Han Yu's attention.

If Han Yu guessed correctly, these three swords were all Supreme Soldiers.

Looking at the world, only Wu Shizong can bring out so many Supreme Soldiers at once. The six masters are like six mountains flying towards this side. Before people arrive, the six incomparable feelings of oppression are like wild beasts coming towards Han Yu to slaughter them. Most people here are probably already collapsed.

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