Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2977: Zuquan

"Boom boom boom..."

Strong as the yin and yang god, under the attack of Han Yu and the ten thousand demons, he also appeared quite embarrassed.

Especially the Ten Thousand Demon Array, after being urged by the Ten Thousand Demon, the ultimate move it issued was not at all weaker than the one blow sent by the Supreme Power.

And the horror of the supreme powerhouse, this moment is also revealed.

Han Yu used his magical powers several times to hit the Yin and Yang deity's body, but the Yin and Yang deity was unscathed.

The supreme powerhouse, whether attacking or defending, is the pinnacle of this world.


The **** of Yin and Yang was smashed over by the Zhen Shen Tian monument again, his hair was scattered, and his anger was on the top.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

The **** of Yin and Yang shouted angrily, sat down on the Tai Chi Tu and smashed into the Ten Thousand Demon Formation, and he rushed towards Han Yu.

The yin and yang gods send both palms together, and each palm is a Tai Chi pattern.

Although it couldn't be compared with the Tai Chi figure he sat down in a Taoist walk, but one after another, it was extremely terrifying.

Han Yu is holding a golden sword with Dao pattern, using all kinds of swords, all swords will destroy the sky, and thousands of swords will face endless Taiji pictures.

"Boom boom boom..."

Tai Chi Tu and Jian Yi collided, and both sides continued to wear and explode.

Tai Chi Tu kept getting closer to Han Yu, gaining the upper hand.

"The deity said that if the Zang Wanjian uses this trick, you may be able to compete with the deity, you are still too tender!"

Before long, the thousands of sword intent were wiped out, the **** of Yin and Yang rushed to Han Yu, grabbed the Daowen Golden Sword with his left hand, and blasted Han Yu with the palm of his right hand.

Han Yu avoided the grasp of Yin Yang Shen Zun's left hand, but his chest was hit by the palm of Yin Yang Shen Zun's right hand.

A Tai Chi pattern slammed heavily on Han Yu's chest, smashing Han Yu's chest directly, and a Tai Chi pattern appeared.

The **** of Yin and Yang immediately slapped Han Yu.

At this moment, the giant roar shook the sky, rushing out of the nine-headed Heaven-Swallowing Beast from the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Gourd, and rushed towards the Yin-Yang God.

The **** of Yin and Yang had to blast towards the Swallowing Beast.

"Boom boom boom..."

Although the realm of Sky Swallowing Beast was comparable to Han Yu, it was not an enemy of Yin and Yang Divine Venerable.

Under a palm, a swallowing monster burst into pieces.

With only nine palms, all the nine-headed swallowing beasts disappeared.


The sky-swallowing demon gourd turned into the size of a star, and smashed toward the Yin-Yang god.

Yin and Yang Divine Sovereign snorted coldly, and slashed a palm on the Heaven Swallowing Devil Gourd. Both the Yin and Yang deity and the Sky Swallowing Devil Gourd were shocked and flew backwards.

The Yin and Yang Divine Sovereign couldn't help narrowing his eyes, and it was beyond common sense that a half-step Supreme Soldier could actually block his blow. But it is not surprising to think that Han Yu is beyond common sense.

Although Sky Swallowing Demon Gourd and Sky Swallowing Beast did not cause any harm to Yin and Yang Divine Venerable, Han Yu got a chance to breathe.

A black killing sword formed, breaking through the void and killing towards the **** of Yin and Yang.

The sword of the **** of death, the high-level supernatural powers, murderous.

The yin and yang gods even use several Tai Chi patterns to resist.

The sword of the **** of death was decayed all the way, and it was about to pierce the chest of the **** of yin and yang, the **** of yin and yang actually grabbed the sword of the **** of death in the air, the palm of the hand shook, and the sword of the **** of death crashed.


At this moment, a loud bang sounded.

The Taiji Tu that killed the Ten Thousand Demons Array flew backwards, and the terrifying golden sword slashed towards the Yin and Yang god.

The Yin-Yang God Venerable's face was cold, and his punch hit the sky, shattering the terrifying knife.

Han Yu rushed into the Ten Thousand Demon Array without hesitation, and urged the Ten Thousand Demon Array with the demon.

With Han Yu's joining, the power of the Ten Thousand Demon Array instantly increased, and a series of sword auras condensed, smashing the world.

It is as strong as the yin and yang god, and cannot easily crack the sword energy.

This battle is dark and dark.

After the confrontation of tens of thousands of moves, the Yin and Yang Divine Venerable has already appeared many wounds on his body, becoming very embarrassed.

But the Ten Thousand Demon Array is not going well.

After all, the strength of the people who spurred the Ten Thousand Demon Array was uneven. Except for Han Yu and Xiao Jiao, the others were more or less injured by the shock, and most of them were vomiting blood and losing their combat power.

Han Yu and Xiao Jiao glanced at each other, and the two took the initiative to rush out of the Ten Thousand Monster Array to kill the Yin and Yang God.

"Boom boom boom..."

The small horned man stood up, his front feet formed into fists, and his fists moved in turns, just like a peerless master of fist training. Every movement seemed very simple, but it was straight to the true meaning of fist, simple and simple, but magnificent.

Han Yu couldn't help but brighten up when he saw it. This punching technique was even more terrifying than Han Yu's six reincarnation punches, and it turned out to be a high-level supernatural power.

Today's Xiaojiao is already the supreme of the Eight Tribulations and Half Steps. After displaying this set of boxing techniques, it has overwhelmed the world and has the power to compete with the supreme.

It was Han Yu who couldn't help but sigh, good boxing skills.

"Boom boom boom..."

The endless fist marks blasted towards the **** of Yin and Yang, like billions of stars.

"This is... the magical power of the demon ancestor... the ancestor fist?" Yin Yang Shenzun's expression changed.

Upon hearing this, Han Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then deeply thought it was.

The boxing technique that Xiaojiao displayed at this time was unstructured and without any moves. It was like an unformed boxing method, but it seemed that it could evolve into all the boxing methods in the world.

Zuquan is like the ancestor of Wanquan.

"Little guy, look here!" Han Yu's eyes lit up and he performed six reincarnation punches.

Xiao Jiao turned his gaze to Han Yu, and after a while, six black holes were formed behind it. Its boxing technique completely evolved six reincarnation boxing.

It's just that the power of boxing is far above the six reincarnation punches.

The ancestor of ten thousand boxing, can evolve ten thousand kinds of boxing techniques!

"Boom boom boom..."

Xiao Jiao actually fought with Yin and Yang God on his own.

The horror of the ancestral boxing is simply against the sky!

Han Yu assisted from the side, using the sword of the **** of death, the monument to the gods, and the ten thousand swords. At the same time, he was still learning to evolve the ancestral boxing in his mind, and then combined with the six reincarnation boxing.


Suddenly, a chaotic sledgehammer was turned into the hands of the **** of Yin and Yang, and it slammed into the void. Suddenly the universe was in turmoil, and the universe turned upside down.

The magical powers of Han Yu and Xiao Jiao were broken with a hammer, and the terrifying air wave hit Xiao Jiao and Han Yu.

The little horn burst out blood instantly, and his breath instantly wilted.

Although the ancestral boxing is strong, the small horns are only a supreme level of cultivation of the Eight Tribulations and Half Steps, and the defense is too weak. Once the boxing technique is broken, it will be vulnerable!

Not only Xiaojiao, but Han Yu was shocked to cough up blood and suffered serious injuries.

"The supreme is invincible!"

Han Yu exclaimed, thinking that he and Xiao Jiao would at least be able to draw a tie with Yin and Yang God.

Han Yu quickly rushed to the little horn and took the little guy directly into the heaven-swallowing devil gourd. The magical medicine Jue Xian Magnolia appeared to help the little horn quickly heal his injuries.

Han Yu rushed into the Ten Thousand Demon Formation, urged the formation with the demons, and left quickly.

"Want to escape?" Yin Yang Shenzun sneered.

Han Yu coldly snorted, he can't beat the Yin-Yang God, but don't want to stop him if he wants to escape.

"Yin and Yang, dare to hurt my son?" Just then, a cold voice sounded.

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