Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2970: Zhan Zhizun


A terrifying explosion occurred somewhere in the starry sky of the universe, just like a galaxy explosion. A terrifying energy storm, turning into an aperture, swept in all directions in circles, where countless stars were instantly blown up and turned into fly ash. .

Fortunately, this is a wild area with no life. Otherwise, everything is just like an ant in this terrible explosion.

In that incomparable big bang, there were two figures intertwined. The horrible big explosion did not have the slightest impact on them, because the big explosion was caused by their war.

Of these two people, one is an old man with a long beard and fluttering, sitting cross-legged on a Tai Chi picture, with a fairy-style bone; the other is a man with a strong figure and six black holes in his back.

Every time the two clash, they will form the power to destroy the world.

These two people are naturally Yin Yang Shenzun and Han Yu.


Suddenly, a splash of blood splashed.

A shallow scar appeared on Han Yu's left arm, and the terrifying yin and yang qi was destroying his flesh and blood at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Han Yu snorted, the flesh and blood exploded with the power of horror swallowing, and immediately swallowed the yin and yang two qi directly, and the wound healed in the blink of an eye.

Han Yu turned his fist and hit the Yin-Yang god's chest with a punch.

Six reincarnation fists are all invincible.

The **** of Yin and Yang narrowed his eyes slightly. His Yin and Yang Qi is one of the most terrifying powers in the world. Even if he is the world's supreme, he can't easily swallow refining, but Han Yu can do it easily, which is really incredible.

In front of the **** of Yin and Yang, a Tai Chi pattern appeared.

Han Yu's fist banged heavily on the Tai Chi pattern, and the Tai Chi pattern vibrated abruptly, but it did not break.

Yin Yang Shenzun's right hand palm was like a knife, and he slashed towards Han Yu from the side.

Han Yu stepped back with lightning, rotating his body and kicking it on the wrist of the **** of Yin and Yang.

The **** of Yin and Yang stroked his left hand into the void, and a Tai Chi pattern quickly formed, as if a chariot pushed across the sky and hit Han Yu.

Han Yu's rotating body stabilized, and he shot out with one punch, still six reincarnation punches.

A terrifying confrontation was staged, and the two fought thousands of moves in a short time, and no one showed the slightest exhaustion.

The supreme and strong, the vitality in the body is like the sea, endless.

Han Yu used six reincarnation punches, and after each punch, the force of the six powers possessed his body, instantly filling the vitality consumed in his body.

"You have the power to fight the supreme, but only the power to fight." Suddenly, the faint voice of the **** of Yin and Yang sounded.

The **** of Yin and Yang raised his hands slightly and patted the void lightly.

This shot has the power to destroy the world.


Two terrifying roars sounded, and two terrifying gases rushed out from the palms of the Yin and Yang gods, one black and the other white, turning into black and white dragons, flying crosswise towards Han Yu to kill.

Han Yu snorted coldly, and took the initiative to greet him.

"Boom boom boom..."

There was a terrifying loud noise, and Han Yu, under the siege of the two dragons, was extremely brave and blasted and killed.

After more than seventy punches, the black dragon exploded and turned into black gas permeated; shortly after, the white dragon exploded and turned into white gas permeated.

In an instant, the world where Han Yu was was occupied by black and white gas. The black and white gas compressed rapidly, and every strand became extremely heavy.

Han Yu's speed was getting slower and slower, and it didn't take long for him to seem to be caught in a quagmire. He was actually struggling.

"The supreme method is beyond your imagination. The deity will give you another chance. Now you will worship the deity's door, and the deity will spare you not to die." The Yin and Yang deity's long voice sounded.

"I want me to surrender just by this little means, and I look down on me too much!" Han Yu hummed.

Suddenly, his body turned into a bottomless black hole, and began to frantically devour the surrounding yin and yang.

The yin and yang two qi has already become extremely heavy, and most people let it enter the body, and the flesh and blood will be crushed in an instant, but Han Yu, constantly swallowing it, does not have any side effects.

"Huh?" Yin Yang Divine Venerable's eyes narrowed slightly. He had discovered that Han Yu's physical body was unusual before, and it was now more vividly displayed.

The Yin-Yang deity's knot seal was printed, and the two qi of yin and yang were actually combined and turned into chaos.

Heavier and more terrifying.

Han Yu's body surface was distorted and scarred under the pressure of Chaos Qi.

Han Yu was not afraid, and the Heaven-swallowing Demon Gourd in his body also exploded with the power of horrible devouring, swallowing the sky and the earth, and the Qi of Chaos could still be swallowed.

"Even the qi of chaos can be swallowed, there is only one possibility in this world, that is, you are not a **** race, but a human race swallowing demons!" Yin Yang God said firmly.

At this moment, Han Yu's body was like a **** hole in the universe, madly devouring the chaotic energy around him.

It didn't take long before Han Yu broke free from it and rose to the sky.

The knots on both hands are devilish.

Soon a horrible black killing sword formed in the sky above him, with murderous aura and earth-shattering.

It is the high-level supernatural powers, the sword of the **** of death.

"I haven't seen the demeanor of the Sky-Swallowing Demon ancestor 100,000 years ago. Today, let me learn about whether the Sky-Swallowing Demon Body is as terrible as in the legend!" Yin Yang Shenzun's eyes burned and he became serious for the first time.

The Yin and Yang God Sovereign made a seal on both hands, forming a cyan spear in front of him, and the breath it radiated was no weaker than the sword of the **** of death.

With a flick of his finger, the cyan spear pierced through the void and came towards Han Yu.

Han Yu gave a soft drink, and the sword of the **** of death slammed out and hit the blue spear hard. An incomparable and terrifying sound of impact sounded, and the cyan spear and the sword of the **** of death flew back.

The powerhouses who reached their level, the high-level supernatural powers they displayed were very stable.

The **** of Yin and Yang stretched out his palm to block the cyan spear that was flying backwards, and then swiped his finger forward. The cyan spear was turned into three, with three into nine, and then the nine cyan spears were killed towards Han Yu. .

Han Yu's pupils shrank suddenly.

The supreme powerhouse really deserves to be the supreme powerhouse, the high-level extreme magical powers can change the form of their attack after they are cast.

Han Yu snorted coldly and controlled the sword of God to kill him.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sword of the **** of death smashed three spears one after another and then collapsed. The remaining six spears pierced through the energy storm and smashed toward Han Yu.

Han Yu snorted coldly, and took the initiative to greet him.

"Boom boom boom..."

One person fought six shots, and Han Yu killed the sky darkly, without the sun and the moon.

When all the six long spears were shattered by him and rushed out of the terrifying energy storm, Han Yu was already completely wounded.   But Han Yu's injury, he soon recovered. Such a terrible self-healing ability makes Yin and Yang gods a little jealous.

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