Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2967: Devil descends

These five people are impressively masters of the Five Elements School.

The Five Elements Sect and the Yin-Yang Sect form an alliance with a clear division of labor. The Onmyoji Sect is responsible for killing the disciples of the Ten Thousand Sword God, and the Five Elements Sect is responsible for breaking the Sword Tide God Star.

"Do it, we can't lag behind the Yin Yang School." One person laughed.

Excitement appeared on the faces of the other four people.

The Sword Tide God Star is the home of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect. After tens of thousands of years of operation, it has left countless treasures. Everyone wants to get in first and seize the best opportunity.

The five people chanted a spell at the same time, and as the spell fell, a golden longbow suddenly appeared in the sky. On the longbow, there was a platinum-like long arrow.

Both the longbow and the long arrow exude a majestic atmosphere.

The five raised their heads to look at the longbow and the long arrow, all showing deep awe.

This bow is the natal magic weapon of the Five Elements God, the Supreme Soldier Shooting the Sun God Bow, and the platinum arrow is one of the Five Elements Arrow.

The five men formed seals at the same time and hit the sun-shooting bow.

Suddenly, vitality was continuously injected into the Divine Sun-Shooting Bow, and the aura emitted by the Divine Sun-Shooting Bow became more and more terrifying, slowly pulling away.

"Boom boom boom..."

At this moment, in the direction of the sword tide **** star, there was the sound of thunderous drums. I saw a man in black, walking slowly. Every step you step on will cause you to tremble in the void and shake the world.

"Han Yu?" All five of them narrowed their eyes, bursting out bursts of death.

They wondered why Han Yu appeared in Wan Jianzong.

However, it is more killing intent.

"Things that do not live or die, come just right!" The five murderous spirits rushed into the sky, and they fully urged the sun shooting bow.

The terrifying breath of the Supreme Soldier caused the sword tide **** star in the distance to tremble involuntarily.

However, Han Yu strolled with his hands behind his back, walking in a leisurely manner.


The five shouted, and the golden arrow hitting the sun-shooting bow suddenly shot out.

Jin Xing Arrow turned into a white lightning and shot at Han Yu, instantly becoming the only one in the world. It seemed that everything in the world could be shot through with one arrow.

At this moment, Han Yu's body suddenly became crystal clear as jade, without impurities. Behind him, six black holes of different colors appeared, exuding terrifying devouring power.

Han Yu raised his arm and slammed the golden arrow that turned into white lightning.


With a loud noise, Han Yu and Jin Xingjian separated quickly.

After Han Yu flew upside down dozens of miles away and stopped, he walked again.

"How is it possible?" The five half-step supreme powerhouses were shocked and dumbfounded.

Hard to shake the Supreme Soldier, even blocked it.

The five of them were horrified for a while, and hurriedly urged the sun shooting bow.

The golden arrow flew back, once again on top of the sun-shooting bow.

Not long after, the sun-shooting divine bow was pulled to a certain level, and the string was instantly released, and the golden arrow shot again.

This time the power of Jin Xingjian was several times more terrifying than the previous one.

Han Yu didn't change his face, and pulled out the thing on his back with his backhand. It was a shabby shovel.

Han Yu held the shovel in his hand and moved to shoot Jin Xingjian.


There was a sound like metal crossing.

Han Yu seemed to be casually photographed with a shovel, but the incomparable golden arrow was photographed upside down.

And, it was even more terrifying than the speed when it came out.


The five were shocked, because the speed of Jin Xingjian was so fast that it had been out of their control.

The Jin Xing Arrow flew upside down and hit the Divine Sun Shooting Bow. With a loud noise, the Divine Sun Shooting Bow was knocked into flight, directly out of the control of the five people.

The five souls trembled three times, and hurriedly chanted a spell to summon the sun-shooting bow.

Han Yu fell from the sky like a **** of death and blasted out with a punch.


Five people exploded, and two of them instantly turned into fly ash.

"You... why are you so strong?" The remaining three people were scared to death.

Now that Han Yu's overwhelming aura is in the world, they have only felt it in one person, who is the Five Elements God.

Is Han Yu already the supreme powerhouse?

However, the three of them had no time to think about it. Han Yu slammed his punch, and the three returned to the dust.

Killing Half-Step Supreme is not much different from killing a chicken.

Han Yu glanced at the direction where the sun-shooting divine bow was leaving, put the shovel on his back, turned and flew towards the south.

In the southern battlefield, there is almost a one-sided trend.


Suddenly, a burst of blood splashed.

The wandering half-step supreme suddenly appeared, and a sword cut off Jian Shi's arm.

Sword Twelve, which had fallen short of the wind, was instantly suppressed by Jiang Ruhai.

After a successful blow, the man quickly retreated, and began to wander again preparing for a sneak attack. His eyes swept across the battlefield, looking for opportunities, suddenly his eyes brightened and he sneaked in the direction where Jian Jiuling was.

Jian Jiuling was besieged by two people, and at this time he could only protect himself.

Although she is already the Half-Step Supreme who has survived the Six Tribulations, the old man who besieged her is also the Half-Step Supreme who has survived the Six Tribulations.

Although Half-Step Supreme is difficult to kill, even if two people besiege her, she can't kill her, but she can't help others at all. "Jian Jiuling, surrender obediently. Even if you resist our Yin-Yang Sect's attack today, you will undoubtedly destroy the Ten Thousand Sword Sect in the future. The matter of you and Han Yu hooked up, we are now Men Qing. You said if this is the case. Things spread out, the world

Heroes, can you spare you? "The old man of the Five Elements Sect was tempted by words.

Jian Jiuling coldly snorted: "The sect is here, and the sect is destroyed!"

The old man of the Yin-Yang sect turned gloomy in an instant, and said angrily: "I don't know how to live or die!"


At this moment, the sneaking master issued a fatal sword.

This sword pierced the back of Jian Jiuling's head straight.

Jian Jiuling was already step by step under the siege of the two masters, but the other party was attacking again. It was almost defenseless and inevitable.

The old man of Yin Yang Sect, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Just when the opponent's peerless killing sword was about to stab Jian Jiuling in the back of the head, suddenly a man who looked like a demon fell from the sky and slammed a punch.


Before the man realized what had happened, his body collapsed under the terrible fist, and his flesh and blood was stirred into ashes by the fist and died on the spot.


The two who were fighting Jian Jiuling were all shocked.

How powerful is this to kill a half-step supreme with one punch?

I saw a man in black, rushing towards this side with a boundless intent to kill like a **** of death.

"Retreat!" The Yin Yang Sect elder made a decision in an instant, and quickly retreated.

However, the other person did not react as quickly as he did, and was stabbed on the shoulder by Jian Jiuling's sword. Before breaking free from the sword of Jian Nine Spirits, the man descended like an emperor, and stepped on his head from the sky, and his body was paralyzed under unparalleled pressure.

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