Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2812: Betrayal

Tingtao Tower is located on a small hill between Shinto Mountain and Xiandao Mountain. This hill is covered by ancient pine. There is wind and strong wind all the year round. The ancient pine is shaking like a green ocean tumbling. On the top of the mountain, you can hear The sound of the waves, so this pavilion is named Ting

Tao Tower is one of the ten scenic spots of the Six Dao Sect.

"Tingtaolou will meet the distinguished guests today, and the idlers are not allowed to enter!"

When Han Yu came to the foot of the mountain, he was blocked by two disciples.

These two disciples looked a little jokingly, obviously they knew Han Yu, but they did so deliberately.

Han Yu was not annoyed, and said lightly: "Is it a distinguished guest from the Taoist Sect? I received Yun Songyu's invitation to come to the banquet."

"Oh, it turned out to be Master Modaoshan, I almost didn't recognize you, forgive me!" One of the disciples pretended to be very surprised, seeing Han Yu a little sick.

"Since Brother Liu was invited by Brother Yun, is there an invitation token from Brother Yun?" Another disciple pretended to be very upright.

"There is a letter, but I didn't bring it with me." Han Yu said.

These people are obviously arrogant, and if they want to disarm Han Yu, how can Han Yu fail to see it.

But now that his status is special, Han Yu endures it.

"Then I'm sorry, we can't let you go up." The upright disciple shook his head.

"Why don't you wait a moment, I will go to the top to verify?" The other person seemed to be smiling, quite a little bit of teasing.


With a flash of Han Yu's figure, he passed the two of them and headed up the mountain. A few flashes disappeared.

"Don't chase, Dadang Modaoshan, the only way to go up the mountain is shameful enough!" One person wanted to chase, but was stopped by another.

Their purpose is to tease Han Yu, and now the purpose has been achieved.

A lot of people had gathered upstairs in Tingtao, and Han Yu was talking and laughing when he came, and was full of joy.

When everyone heard the footsteps ascending the building, they all stopped unanimously, and cast their eyes on the stairs. When they saw Han Yu appearing and recognized him, many people from Liudaozong showed disdain and even abused him. color.

There were ten people upstairs, Han Yu glanced over, and he saw an acquaintance, Fang Yang of the Taoist Emperor.

Fang Yang is sunny and cheerful, and he looks even more like a jade, even among this group of outstanding people, he is also very conspicuous.

But Han Yu recognized her, but she did not recognize Han Yu.

He glanced at Han Yu's body and then closed it back.

Among the ten people, eight are from the Six Dao Sect, and two are from the Dao Emperor Sect.

Except for Fang Yang, he is a man with a confident face and a jade tree facing the wind. Even if he is surrounded by geniuses from the Six Dao Sects, he can talk and laugh happily and freely.

Han Yu couldn't help but glanced at this man. The first thing this man gave to Han Yu was that he was better than Xiao Yan!

Feeling Han Yu's gaze, the man turned his gaze to Han Yu, his brows frowned, as if he was wondering how Han Yu, a weak person at the peak of the true god, was qualified to be here.

At this moment, a cynic voice sounded.

"It deserves to be Senior Brother Modaoshan, so long overdue!"

The man sitting at the very end looked at Han Yu with a rather bad look.

Upon hearing this, Fang Yang and the man were both slightly startled, and once again turned their gazes at Han Yu, this time quite curious. Especially Fang Yang couldn't help but look at Han Yu more.

As the elite of the Taoist Emperor Sect, they naturally heard of the deeds of the Liudao Sect Modao Mountain.

Nowadays, people who see Modao Mountain are also curious.

Han Yu glanced at the sarcastic man coldly, and walked over without saying anything.

At this moment, the man sitting on the head stood up and said to Fang Yang and the man: "Two, let me introduce to you, this is our Six Dao Sect Master Brother Liu Yiliu."

"Junior Brother Liu, these two are the peerless arrogances of the Taoist Emperor. This is Taoist Wang Miao, and this is Taoist Fang Yang." The man introduced, without thinking about it, this person is Yun Daochuan's brother Yun Songyu. .

Sure enough, he was a man of great head and spirit.

The whole person gives a sense of calmness, oldness, and watertightness.

Both parties will see each other.

Wang Miao was rather arrogant, raised his hand slightly, put it down, and sat back.

Fang Yang bowed his hand with Han Yu very politely.

Han Yu didn't care, walked to the last seat and sat down.

Han Yu's arrival was an episode for them, and the few people continued to chat.

"By the way, you must have heard about Yin Yang Sect and Wan Jian Sect, right?" Wang Miao said suddenly.

"Naturally I heard that Yin Yang Sect and Wan Jianzong made a war agreement. Eight years later, Tu Tianwei and Xiao Ping had their grievances in a battle." Xu Huahui, the man who had just made a mockery of Han Yu, said rather uncomfortably.

In the past in a different dimension, Wan Jianzong and Liudaozong also forged an enemy.

Wang Miao said, "Who do you think has a higher winning rate in this battle?" Xu Huahui rushed, "It goes without saying that it is naturally Tu Tianwei. When he was in a different dimension, Xiao Ping was almost killed by Tu Tianwei. After returning from a different dimension, Tu Tianwei’s cultivation base has skyrocketed. It is said that he is currently in retreat and is attacking the peak of the gods. Compared with Xiao Ping, he is actually

It is too weak! "

Many people nodded in deep thought.

"Brother Wang, what do you think?" Yun Songyu looked at Wang Miao. Wang Miao was not as frivolous as Xu Huahui, but he pondered for a moment before saying: "The day of Tu Tianwei's birth, he descended with the punishment of heaven. He has the name of the mortal birth of the immortal fetus, and the immortal thunder is born in his body. Looking at the nine major sects, Tu Tianwei is one of the few in terms of aptitude. Xiao Ping is also extraordinary. Judging from his performance in a different dimension, he should also be a rare genius. On aptitude, Tu Tianwei should be ignored. Even better, Xiao Ping may still be entangled for a while in the same realm, but Tu Tianwei’s cultivation should be higher than Xiao Ping’s.

It was a battle without suspense. "

Yun Songyu did not expect that the confident Wang Miao would praise Tu Tianwei so highly. Asked: "If Brother Wang and Tu Tianwei are allowed to fight, Brother Wang has a certain degree of victory."

Wang Miao asked, "Where are you, Brother Yun?"

Yun Songyu thought for a while and said: "If you fight with the realm, I am 40% sure."


Several disciples of the Six Dao Sects all stared with surprise.

In their hearts, Yun Songyu had an aptitude comparable to the supreme being, and he even sighed that he was inferior when facing Tu Tianwei.

Wang Miao also said: "I am almost 40% too!"

The members of the Six Dao Sects were all very shocked.

From the meeting to the present, Wang Miao has shown extreme self-confidence. He did not expect to be willing to go down when talking about Tu Tianwei. For a while, everyone became more and more curious about the famous Tu Tianwei.

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