Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2810: Show great power

"Overlord Fist!"

Han Yu's heart was moving, thunder and lightning rushed out, and in an instant he covered his fist with a solid shield, and then blasted Zou Zhanpeng with a punch.

"Are you low-level extreme magical powers?" Zou Zhanpeng curled his lips. Han Yu put all the books of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect’s Divine Scripture Pavilion into his mind, and he understood countless low-level extreme magical powers. Bawang Quan is one of them. The method of cultivation emerges from the mind, and you can instantly understand its main points and display them.


Moreover, it is the strongest power once it is displayed.

Of course, with Han Yu's strength, even if he suppressed his cultivation, he could blow Zou Zhanpeng with a single punch with his physical strength, but Han Yu had to pretend to be more authentic.

Zou Zhanpeng's palm hand is opposite to Han Yu's fist. It is also a low-level extreme magical power. Although it does not seem to be overbearing with Han Yu's Overlord Fist, it is more elegant and unpredictable.

As soon as the two men's supernatural powers were displayed, many people had already reached a verdict and felt that Han Yu would lose.

However, this is not the case.

Han Yu's fist hits Zou Zhanpeng's palm, shook Zou Zhanpeng's arm away, and then hit Huanglong with his fist, hitting Zou Zhanpeng's chest.


With a loud noise, Zou Zhanpeng screamed, his body flew upside down and hit the ground heavily, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

Han Yu was calm and calm, and slowly put away his fists, arched his hands at Zou Zhanpeng, and said, "Brother Zou, let's take it!"

Zou Zhanpeng's expression became very ugly, but in the end he had to be willing to bet.

Everyone was taken aback.

Although Zou Zhanpeng suppressed the cultivation base, the power of the physical body, the understanding of supernatural powers, and the understanding of Tao are not comparable to those of the pinnacle of true gods.

Han Yu defeated Zou Zhanpeng with one move, which is enough to explain Han Yu's greatness.

After a while, another man stood up and said, "We are flying in the mountains under the ghost road! Please enlighten me from Brother Liu!"


Han Yu didn't say much, but he punched directly, or Bawang.

Qi Feiyang had put away his underestimation and dealt with it with all his might, but after one move, Qi Feiyang vomited blood and retreated.

Everyone was shocked. If Zou Zhanpeng played against Zou Zhanpeng for the first time, then this time, it was a complete demonstration of strength.

"Tiandao Mountain Xiangcheng teacher came to ask for advice!"


Under Han Yu's punch, Xiang Chengjiao was defeated!

"Shinto Santo Jinxin asks for advice!"


One punch, defeat!

"Sendor Mountain Jinpuze asks for advice!"


One punch, defeat!

The scene instantly became silent, and the five masters challenged one after another, but no one could resist Han Yu's punch.

From beginning to end, Han Yu only displayed one kind of supernatural power, but one move suppressed the heroes.

With the defeat of Jinpuze, no one came out to challenge.

A group of people came eagerly, surprised and lost.

With their departure, the events of today's competition spread like a whirlwind at the inner gate of the Six Dao Sect, causing more people to be surprised and incredible.

Wu Mozi saw all this in his eyes and felt very satisfied, secretly saying that he did not misunderstand the person.

Han Yu's strength did not deter everyone, and more people were eager to try.

The next day, twice as many people came, and among them were the powerhouses in the middle of the gods.

But no matter who it is, Han Yu will not refuse as long as he suppresses his cultivation and fights with Han Yu in the same realm.

On this day, thirteen matches were held, but no matter who it was, they were all defeated by Han Yu.

Whether it is a strong player who has just broken through the middle of the Celestial God, or a master of the Great Perfection of the Middle Celestial God, it is not Han Yu's opponent.

With the end of the competition, the news of Liu Yitong's invincible realm exploded at the inner gate of Liudaozong.

"Unexpectedly, that kid would be so perverted!" Taoist Crow trembled violently when he heard the news.

In the evening, another explosive news ignited everyone's emotions to the extreme.

Tao Shaojun, a late genius of Tiandao Mountain, announced that there will be a battle between Modao Mountain and "Liu Yi" tomorrow.

Suddenly, stormy waves were set off.

Tao Shaojun is a genius on the list of the inner sect of the Six Dao Sect, and he is a famous existence in the Six Dao Sect.

Everyone is looking forward to this battle.

So much so that the news came out, and countless people immediately boarded Modao Mountain in order to find a perfect location to watch tomorrow's big match.

Soon, the sun rises and the moon sets!

Surrounded by countless people, Tao Shaojun ascended Modao Mountain.

"Tao Shaojun is really here, it really makes me look forward to it!" The people who came to Modao Mountain early saw Tao Shaojun become extremely excited and excited.

In the inner door, Tao Shaojun is an idol in many people's minds.

"Liu Yineng and Tao Shaojun fight, even if they lose, they are worthy of pride!"

"What does it mean to be defeated, it is an absolute defeat!"

"Tao Shaojun is a strong man in the late stage of the gods. You can press the weak chicken of the true **** peak with one finger! Even if Liu Yi is almost invincible in the same realm!"

Many people are not optimistic about Han Yu at all, they come to watch the game entirely to see Tao Shaojun.

After Tao Shaojun ascended the Tianmo Mountain, Han Yu also appeared.

Facing the famous genius of Six Dao Zongs, Han Yu's face was as calm as water, and he said faintly: "Do you know my rules?"

Tao Shaojun was a little surprised at Han Yu's calmness, saying: "Fight against the realm."

Han Yu nodded without saying anything.

Tao Shaojun said, "Even if I suppress the cultivation base, it is not fair to you!"

This is a fact. Although the cultivation base is suppressed, the strength of the physical body, the understanding of Tao's magical powers, etc., cannot be suppressed.

Tao Shaojun paused for a while and then said, "This way, I only use one finger, and with the strength of my physical body, if you can block my finger, you win!"

Everyone was taken aback, and then exclaimed.

"As expected of Tao Shaojun, this is the atmosphere!"

"Liu Yi is in his eyes, no matter how strong he is, he is also an ant, he can be killed with one finger!"

Han Yu sneered and blasted out with a punch.

It's still Overlord Fist.

Tao Shaojun's left hand is on his back, with a relaxed look, raising his right hand, extending his right index finger, and pointing to Han Yu's fist.

As he said, he did not use his vitality, only the power of his body.


When the finger touched the fist, there was a terrible loud noise, like two stars colliding.

Tao Shaojun's unhurried face instantly became distorted, and his feet quickly retreated.

As for Han Yu, he had already retracted his fist and stood still in honour and disgrace.

"Liu Yi actually blocked Tao Shaojun's finger?"

"Not only did it block it, but also broke Tao Shaojun's finger!"

Everyone's gaze swept towards Tao Shaojun's finger, Tao Shaojun's finger was actually broken! "Hey, how good is the physical body of the strong man in the late stage of the gods, he actually knocked Tao Shaojun's finger off with a punch?" Many people took a breath.

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