Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2801: Each has a mission

"Xiaoyu, don't get together with Xian'er and the others, what do you want me to do?" Han Zhan asked.

A few days after Han Yu came back, he called him mysteriously, making him a little curious.

Han Yu took out a box and put it on the table, saying, "Father, this box was given to me by Emperor Tongtian entrusted him to Jiujuetian!"

"Oh?" Han Zhan's eyes lit up and said, "Since the emperor gave it to you, you can keep it for yourself."

Han Yu said: "When Jiujue Tiandi gave it to me, he told me that only I can open this box when I reach the late stage of Tiandi. I asked you to take into account the things in this box that might help my father."

Han Zhan nodded and said, "You are now in the realm of the Great Perfection of the Emperor, you can open this box, let's do it!"

Han Yu nodded, stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the box, his mind revolved, luck turned into a river and rushed out into the box.

The box suddenly turned into a bottomless pit, and no matter how much vitality came, it was swallowed in one go.

This made Han Yu very surprised, and even the Korean War on the side showed a stunned look.

After a while, there was a light click on the box, as if a secret mechanism had been opened. Then, what was originally like a whole box, cracks appeared, and a terrifying brilliance burst out of it.

Han Yu then retracted his right hand and sighed: "It's also a shame that I am already the cultivation base of the Heavenly Emperor Great Perfection Realm. If I just broke through the Heavenly Emperor Realm, I might not be able to open this box."

Han Zhan nodded deeply thinking it was. Although he was already the cultivation base of the late Emperor of Heaven, if he was asked to fight, he might not be able to fight.

"Father, hurry up!" Suddenly, Han Yu shot a terrifying brilliance in his eyes.

From inside the box, a terrible power of time and space was suddenly exploded. That power made Han Yu feel a little palpitating.

Sure enough, as Han Yu expected, this box was a huge help to the Korean War.

The look of the Korean War became more cautious, and his mind was madly running, and he began to absorb that powerful time and space power.

At that time, the power of space was very strong, but it was very docile to the Korean War. The Korean War took all the power of time and space into the body for refining without any hindrance.

The power of time and space burst out for a short time, but the Korean War benefited a lot.

Han Zhan told Han Yu that the power of time and space absorbed in this short period of time was comparable to his refining 30 or 40 pieces of essence.

This is absolutely incredible.

It should be known that the consumption of spiritual energy in the Korean War is not comparable to Han Yu, and the speed of refining the soul is not comparable to Han Yu.

Thirty or forty pieces of essence were nothing to Han Yu, but it was a huge amount for the Korean War.

It is equivalent to his absorption and refining in this moment, which is worthy of his usual years of cultivation.

This is definitely a huge help for him.

After the power of time and space was over, the light also disappeared, the box was completely opened, and the contents inside came into Han Yu's eyes.

That thing gave Han Yu a very familiar feeling. Han Yu took it out and saw that it was a broken map.

"Unexpectedly, it was this kind of map!" Han Yu was a little surprised, and hurriedly took out the two maps from him, which happened to be spliced ​​with this incomplete map to form a complete map.

"This is a coincidence?" Looking at the perfect stitching of several maps, the Korean War felt very surprised.

Han Yu didn't think it was a coincidence. He thought it was likely that Emperor Tongtian had arranged it a long time ago, but he didn't express his thoughts.

Said: "The Emperor Jiujue told me that Emperor Tongtian confessed to him that this thing is related to the whereabouts of the Demon Ancestor."

"What?" Han Zhan's eyes widened.

I didn't expect a small map to be so big.

The father and son looked at the map with scorching eyes.

This map has only a simple route, no background, no direction, and it is completely useless.

It's as if a child drew and played, meaningless.


Han Yu tried a variety of methods, but didn't find any mystery in this map.

This is completely a waste map.

"Since the Great Emperor Tongtian was transferred to you, it is definitely not a mortal thing, maybe the time is not here!" Han Zhan said.

Han Yu nodded, he didn't think that Emperor Tongtian would leave him a fake map.

Han Yu folded the map, and treasured it away.

Han Zhan suddenly said, "Xiaoyu, is there something you are coming back this time?"

As the so-called Zhizi Mo Ruofu, although Han Yu had told everyone before that he wanted everyone to come back and have a look, the Korean War still saw some clues.

Han Yu said, "I have encountered a bottleneck in my practice, so I will come back and take a look."

Han Zhan said: "What else?"

Han Yu was stunned, and could not help but smiled bitterly: "I can't hide anything from you. In ten years, I will have a battle with Tu Tianwei of Yin Yang Sect."

Han Zhan nodded and said, "If you don't tell me, I also know that Tu Tianwei should be very strong, but I believe you, no one can beat you."

Han Yu said confidently: "I won't lose!"


Han Yu continued to stay in Dongyang Tianxing with his family. One day Xiaojiao brought a horned dragon to visit Han Yu.

"When did you become so formal?" Han Yu asked curiously.

Which time Xiaojiao came to see Han Yu was not a fascinating one. It was the first time that Xiaojiao came to visit him officially.

"I am not here to visit you, but your apprentice." Xiao Jiao explained in a jerky voice.

The horned dragon respectfully saluted Han Yu, and Han Yu helped it up before looking at Xiao Jiao: "Are you father and son leaving?"

Han Yu and Xiaojiao have already cherished each other in their hearts, and Han Yu can see some clues from its every move.

Xiao Jiao said: "I'm going to the monster battlefield and lead the monster tribe to return."

Although Xiaojiao's voice is very immature, it gives people a very domineering feeling.

Xiao Jiao is a descendant of the demon ancestor, it has this responsibility, and Han Yu is very supportive.

Han Yu said, "Go, that's your mission. Besides your father and son, who else is going to go?"

Xiao Jiao said: "We are a few of us, Little Mink, Big Monkey, Golden Wing Roc, White Granny."

Han Yu thought for a while and said, "Take that girl Feng Wu!"

Han Fengwu has half of the human lineage and half of the monster lineage. The most important thing is that she completely inherited the Phoenix line. It is also her responsibility to go to the monster battlefield to rescue the monster lineage.

Xiaojiao nodded.

After a few days, Xiaojiao led several people on the journey, and Han Yu sent them a long way before returning.

When I came back, I just met Huo Ling, who had returned from the meeting, with an angry face and cursing.

"What's wrong?" Han Yu asked curiously. "The **** of the Milky Way Star Territory, the Chaotian Star Territory, and the Kongyun Star Territory want to blackmail our Dongyang Star Territory. I am really angry!" Huo Ling cursed.

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