Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2795: well

Han Yu sneered: "For you people, killing more is righteous!"

After speaking, Han Yu's expression sank, and a terrifying murderous intent burst into his eyes. When he moved, he appeared in front of the old man in an instant, and hit the old man with a punch.

"If you can't help yourself, you're the old man's opponent?" the old man said with disdain.


The old man raised his palm and met Han Yu's fist.

With a loud noise, there was a sound of broken bones.

"Huh? How is it possible?" the old man shouted.

His palm was actually shattered by Han Yu's punch.

"Nothing is impossible!"

Han Yu blasted another punch, blasting on the old man's chest.


The old man's breastbone was directly hit and sunken, and a mouthful of blood spurted out and flew away.

Before breaking through the realm of the late Emperor of Heaven, Han Yu was able to fight a strong man who stepped onto the peak of the Heavenly God. At this time, Han Yu, although he had just stepped into that step, his combat power was many times stronger than before. .

"Do you hide your cultivation base?"

The old man is still in shock.

He ambushed Han Yu here, thinking that he would be sure, but he didn't expect such a huge change to happen.


The answer to him was Han Yu's fist.

Before long, the old man fell into a pool of blood and died unwillingly.

Han Yu had no mercy, and received the Heaven Swallowing Demon Gourd, directly refining.

As the old man died, the dimensional space he built disappeared automatically, and Han Yu returned to the real world, assuming nothing had happened, and continued to fly towards Demon Mountain.

When boarding the Devil Mountain, two blasting sounds attracted Han Yu's attention.

Han Yu turned his head to look, but unexpectedly saw an acquaintance.

Jiang Ruoxi, in white clothes like snow, is unattainable. However, as I saw today, there was a sorrow between his eyebrows, which was very different from the usual incomparable appearance.

Han Yu saw her, she also saw Han Yu.

A complex color quietly appeared on the frosty face, but it quickly became extremely indifferent, like ten thousand years of ice.

The old man next to her was an old man wearing a white robe, white hair and white beard, and an immortal spirit, which Han Yu had never seen before.

But the looming aura on his body surprised Han Yu, secretly vigilant.

"Half-step supreme level powerhouse?" Han Yu was surprised.

Seeing Han Yu, the old man couldn't help but feel a touch of joy. He shook Jiang Ruoxi and went to Han Yu's front. He looked at Han Yu with a smile, and said, "Presumably this is Xiao Ping, right? It’s not as well known as meeting, Xiao Ping is really a dragon and phoenix!"

Han Yu asked suspiciously: "Are you?"

The old man arched his hands and said: "In the next river, the river is like the sea!"

Han Yu's eyes narrowed slightly. He thought that Jiang Mantian was the strongest person in the Jiang family. He didn't expect such a terrifying figure to exist, so he could not help but sigh secretly, he deserves to be one of the three big families.

"What did he bring Jiang Ruoxi here to do, do you still want to worship Jian Jiuling?" Han Yu was puzzled, but his face was calm, and asked, "I don't know why the senior came here?"

Jiang Ruhai couldn't help implying the color of appreciation. He deliberately released his breath to let Han Yu sense his cultivation level, and then sign up for the number. He didn't expect Han Yu to be calm.

Such a character is really rare.

Jiang Ruhai said, "I have an appointment with Lingshi, so you take me in."

Han Yu nodded, without saying much, leading Jiang Ruhai and Jiang Ruoxi through the mountain protection formation and into the Sword Spirit Palace.

To Han Yu's surprise, Jian Jiuling had already arrived at the entrance to greet him.

"Friend Jiang Dao, you are here, please inside!"

"Friends of the Nine Daoists, polite!

The two bowed their hands and walked forward side by side.

Jian Jiuling glanced at Han Yu with a dull look.

Jian Jiuling and Jiang Ruhai walked to meet, Han Yu and Jiang Ruoxi walked behind.

Jiang Ruoxi couldn't help but glance at Han Yu, but Han Yu didn't look directly.

After entering the main hall, the two parties divided the guest and the host to sit down.

Han Yu was standing by Jian Jiuling, and Jiang Ruoxi was standing by Jiang Ruhai.

"Xiao Ping, where have you been during this time?" Jian Jiuling asked, his tone of voice beyond doubt.

Han Yu said, "I am closed at the gate of time and space."

Jian Jiuling’s expression is slightly better. Han Yu has spent 27 years in the Gate of Time and Space, but less than eleven months have passed by the outside world. For practitioners of their level, eleven months have disappeared. No, it's really nothing.

Jian Jiuling asked, "Are there gains?"

Han Yu shook his head helplessly, and said, "I feel that it is still far away from the late Heavenly God."

Jian Jiuling was rather disappointed.

Jiang Ruhai said suddenly: "Little friend Xiao Ping has a peerless talent. It will be a matter of time to break through the late stage of the gods. Breaking through this kind of thing, pay attention to the success of the process, can't be anxious!"

Jian Jiuling said no more.

Jiang Ruoxi had just begun to show sarcasm. It seemed to be saying that he was still worrying about breaking through the late stage of the gods. It was really useless, but he felt ashamed to think that he was Han Yu's defeated general.

Although standing there motionless, my heart is like a horse crossing the mountain.

Jiang Ruhai didn't say anything any more, looking at Han Yu with a smile.

This made Han Yu a little surprised, what exactly did Jiang Ruhai come to do with Jian Jiuling?

Jian Jiuling paused for a moment, and suddenly asked Han Yu, "Xiao Ping, how do you think I treat you?"

Han Yu felt tired and crooked, but he said sincerely on his face: "Senior treats his disciples very well."

Jian Jiuling frowned slightly, this "very good" is very perfunctory!

Jiang Ruhai was very surprised, Han Yu called Jian Jiuling not a master but a senior, and this "very good" is also worth pondering!

However, a strong man like Jiang Ruhai has long since realized his anger and anger are invisible, and he can't find anything wrong.

Jian Jiuling said: "Do you think you are already my disciple, but I didn't teach you anything, so you have complaints against me?"

Han Yu said, "The disciple dare not."

Jian Jiuling nodded and said, "Forgive you for not dare!"

After speaking, he looked at Jiang Ruoxi and said, "What do you think of Jiang Ruoxi?"

Han Yu secretly asked, "Does she want to take Jiang Ruoxi as a disciple? Want me to make an evaluation?"

Han Yu glanced at Jiang Ruoxi, only to see that Jiang Ruoxi's face turned paler.

Han Yu didn't think much, and said, "Very good!"

Jian Jiuling and Jiang Ruhai were a little dumbfounded.

Jian Jiuling said: "That's good, I have already discussed with Jiang Daoyou, when you break through the late stage of the gods, it is not only when you formally worship me as a teacher, but also when you and Jiang Ruoxi get married."

Jiang Ruoxi's body trembled suddenly, and his face instantly became devoid of humanity, like a living dead.

And Han Yu was directly stunned.

It turned out that Jiang Ruoxi was not going to defeat Jian Nine Spirits as a teacher. However, Han Yu can be considered a person who has passed through strong winds and waves, and quickly calmed down, saying: "Senior's orders, juniors dare not violate. But Seniors should not know that I and Jiang Ruoxi have enemies!"

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