Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2787: Have a problem

What surprised Han Yu the most was that the distinguished guests from all over the Jiang family had no complaints about the Jiang family's move. Even today, Tianhe and Li Diefeng, who had just arrived today, also put down their shelves and went outside to greet them.

And Han Yu also noticed a detail. This morning, Jiang Mantian kept Jiang Ruoxi with him.

This is very unfair to other candidates. As the leader of the family, Jiang Mantian should not be partial.

"Junior Brother Xiao, how did you agree to Jiang Woyun and become Jiang Ruoyu's helper?" Tianhe walked to Han Yu and said silently.

He also came here this morning and saw Han Yu, only to know.

It can be said that with Han Yu's status, this is a surrendering status to raise Jiang's family.

"Just come and play." Han Yu said lightly.

"Does Uncle Nine know?" Tianhe asked carefully.

Han Yu shook his head.

Tianhe was taken aback and said: "Junior Brother Xiao, if this matter is known to Uncle Nine, I'm afraid..."

Tianhe didn't say much, but Han Yu knew what it meant.

Said: "It's okay, her old man didn't care about these things leisurely."

Tianhe was speechless, but seeing that Han Yu was so calm, he couldn't say much.

Han Yu paused for a while and said, "What the **** is it that even you have to go out to greet you and call me?"

Tianhe said mysteriously: "You will know when you see it."

Tianhe paused for a while and thought about it, "Junior Brother Xiao, you may be in trouble today."

After speaking, Tianhe smiled a little gleefully.

Han Yu rolled his eyes.

However, he was very puzzled, Tianhe would never say anything, so it seemed that he had to be more careful.

A group of people came to the front door of Jiang's house, and they waited obediently like students. Jiang Mantian seemed a little cautious. As for Jiang Ruoxi next to Jiang Mantian, he was already sweating nervously.

After waiting for about half an hour, suddenly a voice of dissatisfaction sounded.

"Clan Chief Jiang, did you do this deliberately for me or for others to see?"

This is a woman's voice, still a very hearty voice.

"Come!" Han Yu was looking forward to it, and the waiting master finally came.

Judging from his tone, this person shouldn't like these red tapes and fancy styles.

Jiang Mantian laughed and said, "A certain piece of sincerity in Jiang, don't be offended by Seventeen Fellow Daoists!"

"Friend Seventeen?" Han Yu's eyes lit up.

Tianhe said: "Do you know who it is?"

Han Yu nodded, but still asked with some doubts: "Since I am Uncle Seventeen, what trouble will I have?"

Tianhe smiled without saying a word.

I saw a woman wearing a light red dress descending from the sky, as if a goddess descended to the earth, she was so beautiful.

Especially the demeanor and calmness of everyone in their gestures, Jiang Ruoxi, who is also a stunning beauty, appeared short in front of her.

This person is no one else, but the seventeenth disciple of Wan Jian Shen Zun Jian Shi 17, one of the two disciples of Wan Jian Shen Zun. Although she is tens of thousands of years old, she looks like a young woman, and her bright eyes still carry a bit of girlish innocence.

If she hadn't known her identity, who would have known that she was the famous disciple of the ten thousand sword **** Sword Seventeen?

Compared with Jian Jiuling, Sword Seventeen was a bit less superior and innocent, but it was a bit more free and easy and comfortable.

All of a sudden, except Jiang Mantian and Han Yu, they bowed their waists and saluted.

Han Yu saluted only when Tianhe reminded him.

It's not that Han Yu was stunned.

It's that he didn't regard himself as a disciple of Jian Jiuling at all, and he didn't regard Jian Seventeen as an elder.

Jian Shiqi and Jiang Mantian bowed their hands to each other, without any pretensions, they looked like very free and easy big girls.

"Ruo Xi, don't visit the Seventeen Daoists." Jiang Mantian saw Jiang Ruoxi's feeling a little nervous and disappointed, so he hurriedly said.

Jiang Ruoxi hurriedly saluted again.

Sword Seventeen nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Clan Chief Jiang teaches a good girl, and she will become a great weapon in the future."

Jiang Mantian laughed, and said, "Since the Seventeen Daoists have such a fancy to Ruoxi, if you don't take advantage of this good day and accept Ruoxi as a disciple by the way, it will be considered as Jiang's wish."

Han Yu now finally knew why Jiang Mantian wanted to bring Jiang Ruoxi by his side. He originally wanted to be a disciple of Jian Shiqi.

He was rejected by Jian Jiuling before, and now he turned his gaze on Jian Seventeen.

Sword Seventeen did not agree, nor did he refuse to agree. Instead, he glanced at the crowd, and finally locked Han Yu, and said, "Xiao Ping, come here."

Everyone was taken aback, how much does this have to do with Xiao Ping?

Tianhe casts a look at Han Yu that you take care of, which makes Han Yu's somewhat old monk confused.

Han Yu walked out of the crowd and came to the front of Jian Seventeen. Jian Seventeen nodded and said, "The disciple that Senior Sister liked is really extraordinary."

Then Jian Seventeen looked at Jiang Ruoxi and asked, "Jiang Ruoxi, how do you think you are better than Xiao Ping?"

Jiang Ruoxi was puzzled by the monk who had been asked Zhang Er.

Jiang Mantian's eyes lit up and Fuxu smiled and said: "Senior Nephew Xiao is a beloved disciple of the Nine Daoists. Ruo Xi is naturally inferior. Moreover, Ruo Xi and Senior Nephew Xiao had a match before and lost Nephew Xiao. However, if there is a real fight, Ruo Xi should be no weaker than Nephew Xiao."

Regarding the previous competition between Han Yu and Jiang Ruoxi, many people think that Han Yu is opportunistic and doesn't care at all.

Jian Shiqidao: "Then let Jiang Ruoxi and Xiao Ping compete. If Jiang Ruoxi wins, I will accept her as a disciple!"

Many people in the Jiang family were overjoyed, Jiang Ruoxi's face instantly flashed with a confident look, looking at Han Yu, full of fighting spirit. And that seems to be saying, Xiao Ping, you robbed me of so much limelight, and now you have finally become my stepping stone.

Han Yu now finally understands why Tianhe said he would be in trouble before.

It seems that Jian Shiqi and Jian Jiuling are at odds, and even the selection of disciples will step on Jian Jiulin's disciples.

Although Han Yu didn't recognize the cheap master, at this time, he couldn't weaken Jian Jiuling's momentum. Said: "Uncle Master, rest assured, I will never let you down."

With Han Yu's promise, Jiang Ruoxi seemed extremely relaxed.

This time, not only could she justly use Han Yu as a stepping stone, she could also teach Han Yu a lesson regardless of any external factors, which was simply killing two birds with one stone.

Han Yu felt a little helpless.

He must win this battle. If he doesn't win, Jian Jiuling will probably take his skin off; but if he wins, it would be equivalent to breaking Jiang Ruoxi's path to the Seventeen Sword Sect, and the Jiang family will surely form a bridge.

But after thinking about it, Han Yu has no scruples. Although the Jiang family is strong, what counts in his eyes at this time?

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