Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2785: Slap to death

Today's Jiang family is full of friends and crowds.

The Jiang family not only issued invitations widely and invited many celebrities from all over the world to watch the ceremony, but also opened the door to allow the surrounding people to enter the battle.

So even the Jiang family's largest martial arts venue was overcrowded at this time. On many buildings in the distance, densely crowded people gathered.

"It's the Jiang family. Look at the people sitting on their VIP seats. Anyone who is a prestigious senior man, who can make a field tremble with a stomping, is actually affected. I came here at the invitation of the Jiang family." "Of course, you don’t look at the strength of the Jiang family. Not only is it one of the three major families, but most of the children in the clan hold high-level positions in the Wanjian Sect, and the contemporary Yangtze River has already He is a master of the Great Perfection at the peak of the gods, only one step away can become a half-step horror existence at the supreme level.

Give them face, let alone ordinary people. "

Countless people were shocked by the prosperity of the Jiang family.

As the candidates for the successors of the Jiang family, Jiang Ruoxi, Jiang Ruoyu, Jiang Ruokun, Jiang Ruolin and Jiang Ruoming naturally attracted the attention of people in the world.

Today, they are the focus of the scene. After everyone talked about the Jiang family, they naturally talked about them. "That woman who is world-independent, like a goddess, is Jiang Ruoxi? She is truly a peerless talent. There will be no rivals in this successor's competition. From now on, the Jiang family will fall into the hands of such a girl. It's really touching, she should be the first female patriarch of the Jiang family

Right? "An elder sighed.

"It's too early to say this." A young man retorted.

The elder was taken aback and looked at the young man and said: "Jiang Ruoxi is the strongest among the five major contenders, with the most supporters behind him, and the lineup of helpers invited is also the strongest. Who can compete with her?"

The young man said: "If you talk about your own strength and the supporters behind it, no one can match Jiang Ruoxi, but if you talk about the lineup of helpers, Jiang Ruoyu's helper lineup is no worse than Jiang Ruoxi's."

The elder said: "You are talking about Xiao Ping, right? With Xiao Ping's status and reputation, no one can match him, but Xiao Ping did not come."

The young man said: "It hasn't started yet, maybe he will come?"

This young man, but Xiao Ping's most loyal fan, came here today to see Xiao Ping from a distance.

The people of the Jiang family are divided into five camps and sit in five different areas. They are distributed by the most powerful five lines. They are followed by other lines that support them.

In contrast, among the five camps, the weakest is the one represented by Jiang Ruoyu.

At this moment, the others are happily, they are sitting silent, looking ugly, and looking helpless.

Suddenly, someone walked out of the line represented by Jiang Ruoxi, and walked straight to Jiang Ruoyu, looking down at Jiang Ruoyu in a condescending manner, and said: "Jiang Ruoxi, didn't you say you want to challenge the position of sister Ruoxi? Why? No fighting spirit at all, looks so bad?"

Jiang Ruoyu's face was flushed, and he couldn't say a word.

He never said that he wanted to challenge Jiang Ruoxi's position. Those words were because outsiders said after Xiao Ping's name appeared.

Some elders of Jiang Woyun didn't say anything.

Jiang's family has a big business, and although they are very united with the outside world, there are also strong competition and contradictions inside, and they will not interfere with the tongue between the juniors.

Many people saw this scene in their eyes and couldn't help shaking their heads secretly.

I thought that Jiang Ruoyu was still a strong contender for the successor, without any arrogance.

At the same time, he secretly sighed the decline of this vein.

"Is it because Xiao Ping didn't come? I'll tell you, Xiao Ping must have been scared by Ruoxi's helper lineup, so don't expect anything." The man arrogantly said.

Jiang Ruoyu stood up suddenly and yelled at the man, "Jiangxi Liu, you are presumptuous. My uncle master did not come because something has been delayed. You dare to humiliate him, and be careful that I'm not polite to you."

Jiang Xiliu sneered and said: "Ooo, return to the uncle of the master, so kindly called, he is your uncle of the master, not my uncle of the master."

Jiang Ruoxi's camp, Wang Jianchao, Fan Xi, and You Yue's three big helpers have already arrived. Fan Xi and You Yue held their hands and looked very proud, closing their eyes and resting. Only Wang Jianchao's eyes, occasionally glanced in the crowd, his face was disappointed.

Jiang Ruoxi saw it in his eyes and couldn't help but smile: "Brother Wang, Xiao Ping must have heard that you are here. He was so scared that he didn't dare to show up and disappointed you."

Wang Jianchao smiled bitterly: "It's okay, Wang feels honored to be able to help Junior Sister Jiang."

Jiang Ruoxi smiled slightly, turning around, a sorrow quietly appeared in the depths of his eyes, and said: "Xiao Ping, this time let you escape, but we will be a long time!"


At this moment, a loud slap in the face suddenly sounded, instantly quieting the noisy martial arts field.

Everyone's eyes followed the sound from the place for the first time and saw Jiangxi Liu smashed to the ground, bleeding from his mouth, and his left cheek was swollen into a bun.

Jiang Ruoyu actually hit Jiangxi Liu?

Or on this important occasion?

Many of the people on Jiang Ruoxi's face quickly became gloomy. Jiang Ruoyu did this? Isn't this to make the Jiang family fool?

But when they saw Jiang Ruoyu's expression, many people were stunned.

Jiang Ruoyu's face was shocked and innocent, as if Jiangxi Liu was not what he had beaten.

At this moment, a black-clothed man suddenly appeared beside Jiang Ruoyu, his body straight, like a long spear standing upright, his hands on his back looked calm as water.

"I slap you, will you convince me?"

The man looked down Jiangxi Liu condescendingly and asked faintly.

Although the voice was very low, there was a kind of imperial air that people could not ignore.

Jiang Xiliu had already recognized this person and was taken aback, but after another thought, this is the Jiang family, what can the other party do to him, spit out blood, and asked angrily: "I'm not convinced, why did you hit me? ?"


The man raised his palm and patted it.

Then the whole martial arts field trembled three times.

When the man lifted his hand, there was only a pool of blood and mud on the ground. Jiangxi Liu was already dead and could not die again.

He actually slapped Jiangxi Liu to death in the Jiang family's territory?

The people present were all stunned.

Whether it was the people who came to see the excitement, the people from the Jiang family, or the VIPs they had invited, all of them had their eyes widened, and they couldn't believe everything in front of them. At the Jiang family's clan assembly, they killed the Jiang family when they didn't agree with each other. How many people were there with such courage?

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