Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2778: Routine

It didn't take long for the smell of the house to be full, which made people salivate, and the index finger moved.

Even if Han Yu had eaten countless delicacies, he was drooling at this moment. Not to mention the five little guys and the little corner foodie.

If it weren't for Han Yu's guard, I'm afraid they would have thrown the pot before they knew it.

Su Zhouzhou was called in by Han Yu, and when he smelled the refreshing scent, his eyes widened in surprise, and he sighed, "What the **** is this and how can it be so scented?"

The aroma has been intoxicating, and the meat of the dragon claw golden loach is even more intoxicating.

Whether it's grilled meat, fried meat, or boiled meat, they are all world-famous, and you can't stop.

As Han Yu said that he could start, Xiao Jiao and the five little guys flew out and gobbled them up.

The little horn is holding three meat skewers with one claw and a bowl of soup with one claw. While eating the meat skewers, while drinking the soup, there is also a halazi.

The three of Han Fengwu, Han Sisi, and Han Xiaoxiao also didn't care about the image of a lady at all, and ate something special.

Han Huangsheng and Han Jiuyang were even more rude, and directly competed with Xiaojiao.

At the beginning, Su Zhouzhou was still a little cautious, but after eating a piece of fried meat, he couldn't take care of other things anymore, and he joined the frenzied battle.

In contrast, Han Yu is more civilized.

Looking at Xiaojiao and the five children with a smile while eating, his heart is also sweet.

After eating almost, there was only a little soup in the casserole when a visitor came.

Han Yu went out and saw that it was Huo Ziwei.

Huo Ziwei was extremely excited and excited to see Han Yu.

She heard that Han Yu had created a miracle in an alien space, and she felt complicated for a while, so she returned to Fengyun Manor. One wanted to be quiet, and the other was to see things and think about people.

Unexpectedly, Han Yu came back here again.

"You came by coincidence, come in!" Han Yu said.

Huo Ziwei did not expect that Han Yu would take the initiative to invite her, very excited.

After entering the room, she saw a table full of mess, her eyes widened, but the fragrance remaining in the air also made her mouth water for a while, and she couldn't help being surprised at what it was and how it was so fragrant.

Han Yu brought a bowl of soup to Huo Ziwei. It's not that Han Yu is stingy, because now there is only soup.

Huo Ziwei couldn't help but frowned slightly, Han Yu actually gave her a bowl of remnant soup, what did she consider her?

However, after finally Han Yu took the initiative to ask her to eat, she endured it.

However, what surprised her was that everyone's eyes were looking at the soup in her bowl, and each of them was shining, especially the three girls, who were actually hostile and unhappy.

This made Huo Ziwei a little uncomfortable.

It's nothing more than a bowl of residual soup, why doesn't it seem to be happy.

Originally wanted to take a sip, which was not considered to refute Han Yu's face, but now Huo Ziwei really can't drink it anymore.

"Sister, if you don't drink, give it to me!" Han Fengwu said.

Huo Ziwei suddenly felt sick and nodded.

Han Fengwu's eyes were shining, and he grabbed the bowl in front of her, as if someone was going to grab it from her. After taking it, he drank it gruntingly.

Huo Ziwei furrowed her brows deeper, thinking that this woman looks so pretty, why is she so innocent?

What made her even more stunned was that the other two women were fighting with the little monster beast, grabbing the last bit of soup in the pot.

And Su Zhouzhou beside him kept swallowing.

"Brother Su, what are you doing?" Huo Ziwei couldn't help but ask Su Zhouzhou through voice transmission.

"Sister Huo, you, hey..." Su Zhouzhou looked at Huo Ziwei and sighed very regretfully. It seemed that he had missed some great things.

This made Huo Ziwei even more confused.

Although it can be guessed from the aroma that what they eat should be extraordinary, everyone is an outstanding disciple of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect. What hasn't been eaten?

Seeing Huo Ziwei's puzzled face, Su Zhouzhou said: "Do you know what this is? This is one of the ten treasures of the dragon claw golden loach. Now it is good, there is a bowl of soup in front of you, you don't want to cherish it. You regret it."

"One of the ten treasures?" Huo Ziwei's eyes widened, but it's not too regretful, and said: "Isn't it the dragon claw golden loach?"

I was quite disdainful of Su Zhouzhou, thinking that you are also an inner disciple, right?

Several people scrambled for the remaining soup in the casserole and made a big fight. Han Yu couldn't stand it and grabbed the pot. Each of them divided a little, and finally there was a little left and poured it to Huo Ziwei.

No matter what, people are also guests.

Huo Ziwei realized Han Yu's kindness this time, and did not hesitate, she picked it up and drank it. The drink was pretty good, and she regretted death.

"Look, regret it!" Su Zhouzhou said somewhat gloating.

Huo Ziwei blushed.

Suddenly, Han Fengwu walked to Huo Ziwei and sat down, took Huo Ziwei's hand, and said: "Sister, how can you look so beautiful? You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen."

Huo Ziwei was a little shy at once, but also a little proud. She was very confident about her appearance.

Han Fengwu said, "Sister, if you don't dislike it, how about we become sisters?" Han Fengwu's sudden gesture of favor made Huo Ziwei a little unpredictable. However, Huo Ziwei has also seen the world, thinking that this woman can sit with Han Yu and share the dragon claw golden loach, and she has no scruples about quarreling and fighting. She should have an unusual relationship with Han Yu and establish a good relationship with this woman.

Relationship is also a good choice.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Okay, my name is Huo Ziwei, a disciple of Wan Jianzong, how do I call my sister?"

Han Fengwu said, "My name is Han Fengwu. You just call me Fengwu. By the way, I am his daughter."

Han Fengwu pointed to Han Yu.

Huo Ziwei's face instantly turned red and then turned purple.

When Han Fengwu's big eyes were gleaming slyly, she blocked her chest in one breath, unable to breathe.

She only realized now that she was being routine.

Han Fengwu was very happy and looked at Han Yu somewhat threateningly: "Daddy, I have a sister with a different surname, are you happy?"

Han Yu smiled bitterly.

From she ran to Huo Ziwei, Han Yu knew that Han Fengwu must have routines.

Han Fengwu took Huo Ziwei's hand and said enthusiastically: "You are now my sister of a different surname, and that's my dad's daughter. Sister, you can worship my dad by the way as godfather."

Huo Ziwei's face flushed red again, stood up and fled.

Han Fengwu snorted looking at Huo Ziwei's back, and then handed Han Yu a warning look, which made Han Yu laugh. Su Zhouzhou was stunned, this Han Fengwu was really amazing, Huo Ziwei was defeated in a few words, and she was dumb and couldn't tell.

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