Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2636: High-level extreme magical powers

"Can't you take it anymore? Then how do you fight with me?" He Gaoshan sneered, and after steadying his figure, he threw a punch again, or Mahayana Daoquan.

"Boom boom boom..."

The two kept banging.

For a while, He Gaoshan couldn't help Han Yu, and Han Yu couldn't congratulate Gao Shan.

But Han Yu was very aggrieved.

"I think you should hand over the sword obediently!" He Gaoshan shook his head and sneered, his eyes suddenly exploded with horror.

"Four elephants reverse wheel seal! It's over!"

He Gaoshan screamed, his hands quickly formed a mysterious and mysterious seal.

With the appearance of its seal tactics, the long roar of the Azure Dragon, the roar of the White Tiger, the roar of the Suzaku, and the low roar of the Xuanwu suddenly spread out of the void.

In the void, four colors of gas, green, white, red, and black, were formed. The four gases flew in front of He Gaoshan, condensing the four phantoms of the four gods: Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu.

Qinglong is in the east, Baihu is in the west, Suzaku is in the south, and Xuanwu is in the north. The four phantom beasts, as He Gaoshan's hands slid, began to rotate counterclockwise, forming a roulette shape.

"go with!"

He Gao Shan pushed out with both hands, and the Four Elephant Reverse Wheel Seal pushed through the void, shattered the sky, and hit Han Yu.

And Han Yu has already urged a terrifying sword aura.

The Nine Ways of Sword Qi, with the formation of Jiugongge, smashed towards the Four Elephants.


The two collided, shaking the world, and after the terrifying loud noise, there was an unparalleled explosion.


Suddenly, the four ghosts broke through the energy storm and hit Han Yu's body.

"Boom bang bang..."

Han Yu's body was dented in four places one after another, blood spurted out, and his body flew upside down.

The colorful **** Jin Baojian almost broke out, and was held tightly by Han Yu at the last moment.

"Little thief, even if you present the sword obediently now, I won't let you leave alive." He Gaoshan walked over slowly, completely grasping Han Yu's life and death posture.

"Bah!" Han Yu spit out blood, put away the colorful **** golden sword, looked at He Gaoshan's gaze, instantly became extremely cold.

"Fist breaks the nine heavens, turns the palm of the sky, breaks the sky with one finger, sweeps the horizon, swords roar the sky... the nine stars change, the universe moves!"

Han Yu instantly became extremely mad, as if there was a wild monster hiding in his body about to rush out.

Soon, one Han Yu turned into nine, simultaneously performing terrifying kills.

He Gaoshan's eyes couldn't help but narrowed slightly, and said: "Awesome magical powers, but your strength is a bit worse after all!"


The nine major moves are combined into one, turning into a terrorist killer attack to He Gaoshan.

He Gao Shan rolled his sleeves and punched him up.


Jiuxing becomes burst!

Han Yu snorted and flew away, flying tens of thousands of feet away to stabilize his figure. Hold the right hand to the void, and cast the real martial thunder sword!

Thunder and lightning entangled Han Yu's body, as if Thor came to the world. The thunder sword in his hand pointed to the sky far away, and the sword intent hit the sky, and above the nine heavens, lightning flashed and thunder, God responded.


Han Yu's eyes widened, and lightning shot out from his eyes.

The sword in his hand was cut down, but it was an endless sea of ​​thunder with the power to destroy everything!

He Gaoshan was instantly submerged by Lei Hai.

However, Han Yu's expression did not relax at all.


Suddenly, Lei Hai exploded, and He Gao Shan rushed out of Lei Hai. Although a little embarrassed, he was unscathed.

"Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that you, a kid in the middle stage of the gods, are not only surprisingly fast, but your combat power is also abnormal!" He Gaoshan exclaimed, shocked by Han Yu from the bottom of his heart.

If he hadn't been a strong man who had half-footed into the peak of the Celestial God, any strong man in the late Celestial God stage would have hated Han Yu. This is really incredible, no wonder that he was able to break through the rudder of the Pluto Alliance single-handedly at the exchange meeting.

"I definitely can't stay here!" He Gaoshan was surprised.

At this moment, a dangerous breath came, making He Gao Shan's soul throb.

"This..." He Gaoshan looked at Han Yu, dumbfounded.

At this time, Han Yu's thunder and lightning had disappeared, replaced by a boiling black energy, which exuded monstrous magic, as if a peerless demon suddenly awakened.

"What a terrible demon, this breath... is he not a protoss?" He Gaoshan suddenly exclaimed.

"A foreign race, who actually got into Wan Jianzong, became a disciple of Wan Jianzong, and represented Wan Jianzong to participate in the exchange meeting... There is such a terrible potential..." He Gaoshan became more and more frightened when he thought about it, and he didn't dare to continue thinking Go down.

One hundred and eight seal tactics, Han Yu settled slowly.

After the last seal was played, the heaven and the earth resonated, and countless golden lines appeared in the void, which was a terrible phenomenon of the resonance between heaven and earth.

The one hundred and eight seal tactics merged and turned into a shining golden monument, nine feet high, which seemed to suppress nine heavens and ten earth.

Simple lines are outlined on the monument, but it gives people a sense of simplicity.


Above the nine heavens, thunder and lightning flashed. The terrifying scene, like a strongest person crossing the robbery.

"The magical powers attract the punishment?" He Gaoshan couldn't help swallowing. However, what made him even more shocked was still behind, the Heavenly Punishment landed and struck the monument, which was actually suppressed by the monument.

That's right, Tianchao was suppressed!

"High-level extreme magical powers rarely have this kind of power, right?"

"A kid in the middle stage of the gods, who has displayed high-level supernatural powers?"

What Han Yu displayed was the high-level supernatural powers, the Heavenly Monument of Zhenshen.

With the rapid increase in Han Yuxiu's base, the power of the Heavenly Monument to the God of Peace on display has also undergone earth-shaking changes. After coming to the God Realm, Han Yu hadn't used the Heavenly Zhentian Monument before. At this time, when it was displayed, Han Yu was shocked by the weather and momentum.

At some point, Han Yu suspected that this magical power was not displayed by him.

However, what made Han Yu quite helpless was that even if he was already a strong man in the mid-term of the gods, it was very difficult to display the heavenly monument of the gods. At this time, the vitality remaining in the body is almost negligible.

In other words, if this blow can kill He Gaoshan, it would be a great joy. If he can't lose He Gaoshan, Han Yu is in danger.

In the face of Han Yu's ultimate move, He Gaoshan did not dare to be careless anymore, especially the terrifying aura of suppressing the heavens and the earth and everything in the Heavenly Suppressing Monument, which seemed to be aimed specifically at the Protoss, making him very uncomfortable. Don't dare to have any reservations, fully display the four-image reverse wheel seal.

"Zhenshentian monument, suppress!"

"The four elephants are printed against the wheel, crushed!"

The two screamed out loud and displayed terrifying killer moves.

After displaying the Zhenshen Tianbei, Han Yu's face instantly turned pale, as if his whole body was drained instantly.

In contrast, He Gaoshan is much more relaxed. But his look is very ugly. At this moment, as strong as him, he did not have the confidence to block Han Yu's exhausting blow!

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