Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2631: Expediency


Han Yu slammed through Wang Zhong's defenses, and then his fist pierced Wang Zhong's chest. Wang Zhong's body exploded in a horrible fist and turned into flying ash.

The holy palace fell out and exploded. Immediately after that, the soul was strangled by the fist wind.

Jia Yunfeng, Fairy Hanxiang, and even Qin Yin were all dumbfounded.

Wang Zhong in the middle stage of the gods was killed by a punch, it was like a dream!


Han Yu's gaze swept towards Jia Yunfeng, even if Jia Yunfeng held the incomplete high-level Celestial Soldier in his hand, he could not help sweating on his palms and began to tremble.

"Who are you? Why do you want to kill Brother Wang?" Jia Yunfeng asked frightenedly.

"Humph, this fellow Taoist can't understand your shameless deeds!" Fairy Hanxiang cursed.

She was so excited and intolerable, she didn't expect that she was so lucky that she would meet a hero like Han Yu casually. Such a hero will not hesitate to make her promise her.

Han Yu raised his arm and blasted Jia Yunfeng with a punch.

"Looking for death!" Jia Yunfeng was furious, urging the broken senior Celestial Soldier to be cut down.


Han Yu's fist banged on the sword without hesitation, and a deafening sound rang, shaking the earth.

A scene that shocked several people happened.

Han Yu's fist collided with the senior Celestial Soldier, and he was unscathed. But the opponent's broadsword, instead, broke into two pieces directly from the cracked place!

"What?" Jia Yunfeng was shocked.

When Han Yu fisted Wang Zhong to kill Wang Zhong, he already knew how powerful Han Yu was, but he didn't realize how powerful Han Yu was.


Han Yu blasted out with another punch, a terrifying fist that shook the world.

In a panic, Jia Yunfeng hurriedly raised the broken knife to block. Han Yu slammed his fist on the surface of the knife, the broken knife hit Jia Yunfeng's body, and then broke every inch.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Jia Yun's breath instantly wilted.

Han Yu didn't give him the slightest chance to breathe, and hurried to catch up.

"Boom boom boom..."

Han Yu moved his fists in turns, and Jia Yunfeng was seriously injured with every blow.

Before long, all Jia Yunfeng's body was shattered by Han Yu, leaving only a soul, which was trembling in Han Yu's hand.

Qin Yin couldn't help showing a "still so abnormal" expression.

Fairy Hanxiang was shocked and ecstatic. She was already dreaming about the scene of surging Han Yu and couldn't help coveting.

"Brother Dao is forgiving, I don't know that you and Fairy Hanxiang are friends, otherwise, give me ten courage, and I don't dare to make the idea of ​​Hanxiang Gumu!" Jia Yunfeng pityed for mercy. Now that the soul is held by Han Yu, as long as Han Yu thinks, he will be wiped out.

Even now, even he and Fairy Hanxiang think that Han Yu did it because of Fairy Hanxiang.

Han Yu said coldly: "Unlock her soul contract, I will spare you not to die!"

"What?" Jia Yunfeng and Fairy Hanxiang were both taken aback, and they dared to love them, not for Fairy Hanxiang!

Jia Yunfeng regretted immediately. He knew that Han Yu was for Qin Yin, he could threaten Qin Yin's life early, and he would not fall to his current end.

However, Han Yu is so powerful that it is difficult for Jia Yunfeng to breathe with his constant killer moves. How can Jia Yunfeng think about other things.

Fairy Hanxiang suddenly felt resentment, and her gaze at Qin Yin became gloomy.

Qin Yin not only injured her, but also robbed her of the person she liked, which is really unreasonable.


At this moment, Han Yu slapped his backhand on Fairy Hanxiang's head. Fairy Hanxiang's head was made of tofu residue, instantly turning into fly ash and dying.

Killing a strong man in the middle of the gods is as simple as killing a chicken.

Jia Yunfeng was so frightened that he swallowed, but his eyes soon became resentful again, and said: "This fellow Taoist, she is a human race, why do you want to save her, are you also a human race?"

Han Yu looked at Jia Yunfeng murderously, and might kill Jia Yunfeng at any time. Jia Yunfeng suddenly became heartbroken, raised his head, and said: "She signed a soul contract with me, and if I die, she will die too. I don’t know what you have to do with her, but if you want to save her, you’d better Now let me go, the more you force me, the less I will break my soul contract with her

relationship! "

Han Yu hummed: "Really? Then I will kill you now!"

The power in Han Yu's hand began to increase sharply, and Jia Yunfeng suddenly felt that he might burst and die at any time.

However, Jia Yunfeng is also a person, preferring to die.

In the end, Han Yu had no choice but to forcefully sign a soul contract with Jia Yunfeng. In this way, Jia Yunfeng controlled Qin Yin's life, and Han Yu controlled Jia Yunfeng's life.

"That's good, you control me, I control her; I don't dare to kill her, and you don't dare to kill me. We can live in peace!" Jia Yunfeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said lightly.

Although he put on a posture not afraid of death, in fact, he was really afraid of Han Yu and Qin Yin's relationship, so he desperately killed him in anger.

Although he was controlled by Han Yu Yongsheng, his life was still saved.

"get out!"

Han Yu let go of Jia Yunfeng's soul, and brought a drop of blood to Jia Yunfeng from a distance. The drop of blood fell from Jia Yunfeng's body just now, allowing Jia Yunfeng to reshape his body.

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Jia Yunfeng smiled, turned around and left.

"Your methods have always been unexpected!" Qin Yin sighed.

She thought that because she was controlled by Jia Yunfeng, Han Yu would be restrained. Unexpectedly, not only did Han Yu not be restrained, he also controlled Jia Yunfeng with a thunderous speed, which indirectly liberated the sound of the piano.

"This is also a helpless move. Don't worry, I will find a way to cut off the relationship between you and Jia Yunfeng." Han Yu said seriously.

Qin Yin seemed very relaxed and said, "It doesn't matter, you control him now, and he dare not do anything to me."

Han Yu said: "Being controlled by others is not a long-term solution."

Qin Yin knew Han Yu's character and what Han Yu wanted to do, no one could stop him, no longer entangled in this topic, and asked: "When did you come to the God Realm?"

Han Yu rolled up Fairy Hanxiang's body and said, "Let's talk while walking!"

On the way, Han Yu told Qin Yin something about his arrival in the God Realm. After Qin Yin heard it, he sighed.

After that, Qin Yin asked Qin Yue about the situation.

She was tortured to death by the strings of the Da Lei Yin Tian Mo Qin, and the piano seat of the Da Lei Yin Tian Mo Qin was in the body, and life was hard to imagine. Han Yu told Qinyin about Qinle's experience. Qinyin was very happy to learn that Qinle not only got rid of the control of the Da Leiyin Tianmo Qin Seat, but also had a good relationship with Han Yu.

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