Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2610: Fairy Drunk

After a long journey, the people of Wan Jianzong finally came to Xuan Yun Xing.

In addition to the ten disciples, there are three elders, and Fan Xiangtai is the leader this time.

Guo Jia, Luo Kuo, Wu Chen and others are very excited. This will be an important moment for them to show themselves and win glory for the sect. They are all suffocating their energy and preparing to show their fists in the discussion meeting.

Only Yun Xiaohan was unhappy along the way.

Because Han Yu is also here.

She really couldn't imagine what would happen to Han Yu after the discussion meeting was over.

As the host of the Five Elements Sect, the person who had sent people to wait for the Ten Thousand Sword Sect outside Xuanyun Star was an elder with five people. One of the old men is said to be the helm of Xuan Yun Xing, Zheng Hui, the head of the Zheng family.

Han Yu couldn't help but think of Xi Yuyao, who he had met in the battlefield of monsters in the past. The Xi family was one of the two big families of Xuan Yunxing, and was comparable to the Zheng family. This time Wan Jianzong unexpectedly let the Zheng family come forward, letting the Zheng family undertake this time discussing the Taoism conference, it can be imagined that the Xi family's situation is not good.

However, Han Yu and Xi Yuyao didn't have much deep feelings. In the past, being able to help her get rid of the Zheng family's team and let her leave safely was the ultimate goal, so Han Yu didn't care at all.

The Five Elements Sect and the Wan Jianzong were both old rivals and old friends, so the people of both sides were very polite when they met, and they flew into Xuanyun Star with a smile and talked all the way, and entered the palace where the Zheng family had prepared for a long time.

The living conditions are very good, everyone has a palace.

Elder Yin Haocang of the Five Elements Sect let the people of Wan Jianzong rest first, and will arrange a banquet in the evening to catch everyone from the wind.

Fan Xiangtai explained to everyone and asked everyone to go back to their house to rest.

Han Yu went to the palace arranged for him, and after a careful inspection, he did not find any surveillance or the like. Han Yu casually arranged a formation, sat cross-legged, and took out the essence of refinement.

These spirits were won by Mardun from Meng Lifu in the battlefield of monsters, totaling twenty yuan. When Han Yu returned to Wan Jianzong, he had been plagued with all sorts of troubles, and had no time to refining.

A piece of quintessence, others need to refining for ten days and a half, Han Yu only spent one stick of incense to refine it.

The horrible energy of the soul and the powerful power of the Great Dao were absorbed by Han Yu's body. However, Han Yu's growth rate was slower than that of a snail crawling, making Han Yu want to cry without tears.

When Han Yu was about to refine the second piece, someone came to visit.

Han Yu had just arrived here and had no acquaintances, and he and the disciples of Wan Jianzong had become enemies again, only Yun Xiaohan would come to him.

The fact is also true.

Han Yu thought for a while and let Yun Xiaohan in.

"What are you looking for me for?" Han Yu asked coldly.

"Xiao Ping, are you not in a hurry?" Yun Xiaohan asked in an angry tone.

Han Yu didn't answer, but sat on the chair and looked at Yun Xiaohan faintly. "It's really funny, you don't worry, I'm going to die in a hurry." Yun Xiaohan laughed at himself, and then became extremely serious, and said: "Xiao Ping, I know that your strength is abnormal. Many inner disciples can't compare to you. , But you can’t win everyone on your own, and the consequence is that

It's the weight you can't bear. Now you still have a chance, leave quickly and never come back. "

"You want me to be a deserter?" Han Yu asked.

"A deserter is better than waiting to die here." Yun Xiaohan said very solemnly.

"Thank you for your kindness, but it's not your turn to take care of my business, and you'd better leave it alone!" Han Yu unceremoniously issued an order to evict the guest.

"Xiao Ping, you... I'm really mad at me, well, just wait here to die, when you are slaughtered, I won't sympathize with you..." Yun Xiaohan angrily left.

Han Yu continued to practice.

It didn't take long for Han Yu to refine all the essence of his body and increase his cultivation level, but he did not achieve the desired effect of Han Yu. But Han Yu didn't care. Everything in the world could become his cultivation material. He didn't worry that his cultivation path would be blocked because of the horrible energy consumption.

Then Han Yu began to close his eyes and rest his mind.

The day is dwindling, and Han Yu, Yun Xiaohan and others meet in Fan Xiangtai’s palace. After they arrive, Fan Xiangtai leads everyone to the place where they meet tonight-Dragon Tiger Manor.

When they arrived, the Five Elements Sect had been waiting for a long time.

There are more than twice as many people in the Five Elements Sect than in the Wanjian Sect. As the true host of the Zheng family this time, many people have naturally come to participate. In addition, many local celebrities have also come. The scene is very lively.

After a brief exchange, everyone spread out for fun.

The meeting place is divided into the inner hall and the outer hall. The elders enter the inner hall and the young people stay in the outer hall. Everyone talked about cultivating Taoism and talked about Fengyue.

The disciples of Wan Jianzong and the Five Elements Sect, although they are the objects of direct competition this time, they are more friendly and can talk together.

Han Yu was more boring, so he randomly found a corner to sit down and tasted the fruit wine on the table.

"Everyone, please listen to my brother!"

Suddenly, a laughing voice sounded, and everyone couldn't help but cast their eyes on the stage in the center of the pool in the outer hall.

A wretched-looking but gorgeously dressed man was smiling and bowing his hands around him.

"Zheng Shaoyou? Hasn't he been promoted to the Young Master of the Zheng Family? Why is he still so humble!"

"Be quiet, don't look at the guests tonight, let alone the young master of the Zheng family, even if it is the master of the Zheng family, you have to bow down!"

The two playboys not far away from Han Yu whispered, and Han Yu heard everything they said. "The senior brothers and sisters of the Five Elements Sect, the senior brothers and sisters of Wan Jianzong, being able to come to Xuanyun Xing and hold a grand exchange meeting in the Dragon Tiger Manor is the blessing of my Zheng family's eight lifetime cultivation. Our Zheng family feels the supreme glory. Thank you brothers and sisters, today the little brother specially prepared a special

Show, for everyone! "

Although Zheng Shaoyou looks trivial, but what he said is very pleasing. So that the disciples of the Five Elements Sect were all in front of him. As for the rest of the people, it is naturally very face-saving.

Seeing that the disciples of the Five Elements Sect were curious, Zheng Shaoyou was very proud of his heart, and smiled on his face: "Next, please enjoy the dance that my fiancee brings to the distinguished guests-fairy drunkenness! "

After Zheng Shao finished lobbying, he quietly exited the stage. Suddenly there was a sound of beautiful music, and a hundred meters of water rushed around the stage. I saw a group of women in long skirts, slowly falling from the void. The scene fell silent for an instant, and everyone's eyes were cast on the figure that looked like a flying fairy from the sky.

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