Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2598: Fire of yin and yang

Within the dimension space created by Elder Dong, Han Yu and Ouyang Chun were fighting like a raging fire.

When the two were in the early stage of the gods, they were evenly matched, and now they have displayed the strongest combat power, and it is also the tip of the needle against the wheat.

After several confrontations, Ouyang Chun had no choice but to help Han Yu, his expression increasingly ugly.

The cruel reality was like invisible slaps, which made him unable to refute.


The terrifying air wave swept all directions, the entire dimensional space became shaky, and the "bubbles" actually appeared cracks.

This surprised both Elder Dong and Huo Siyan.

Elder Dong rushed to open up a wider dimensional space, stabilize the space barrier, and let the "bubble" avoid the end of collapse.


Han Yu and Ouyang Chun stretched out their bodies and passed by several times.

Regardless of their postures and moves, the two of them are terrifying. A little carelessness may lead to a dead end, but since the battle, no one has grasped each other's flaws.

Regardless of strength or combat experience, the two are equally divided.

After the two collided and separated again, they did not rush to each other for the first time. Ouyang Chun stood in the air, the vitality on his body wandering like a snake, suddenly shouted, and his hands quickly formed seals.

"Blade of Underworld, slash!"

As a series of printing techniques were played, the surrounding situation changed, and white clouds formed. The white clouds gathered into an array, forming countless blades, and pierced the air to kill Han Yu.

A knife blade, gleaming with a dazzling cold light, exuding a terrifying killing air, just like the evil spirit weapon of the Nine Nether Gods to harvest life.

Although the blade was white, the sky and the earth instantly became dim.

Like thousands of killing gods, Yin soldiers rushing across the sky, covering the light of the sky. Let there be only darkness and silence in this world.

"Xiao Ping, let's end it!"

Ouyang Chun smiled. At this time, he looked hideous and terrifying, as if he were dominating the world. "The Blade of the Underworld is a terrifying supernatural power created by a powerful late-stage **** of the Ouyang family 30,000 years ago. It exerts the strongest power and can kill the gods with a blade. It is extremely terrifying, and it is the heaviest and weirdest killer. One of the mid-level magical powers. Ouyang Chun can summon thousands of blades at will, with great distance

It's not far anymore! "Elder Dong said with burning eyes.

"I've also heard of this magical power. Ouyang Chun hasn't cultivated, otherwise it will be difficult for Xiao Ping to block it!" Huo Siyan sighed, faintly worried.

"Even if Ouyang Chun can't display the strongest Underworld Blade, with the current power, it is not easy for Xiao Ping to block it." Elder Dong said.

"Boom boom boom..."

Countless blades slammed Han Yu one after another, and they all exploded beyond Han Yu's hundred feet.

I saw Han Yu holding a killing sword in his hand, the power of thunder and lightning on the sword, killing all directions.

Slashing with a single sword would require dozens of blades to blow up. Even if the blades were thousands of them, they couldn't get close to Han Yu's body.

Han Yu held a killing sword in his hand, opening and closing, with boundless domineering.

"The first form of the Zhenwu Royal Thunder Jue, the Thunder and Lightning Sword Jue!" Elder Dong accurately stated the name of the magical power Han Yu had displayed.

"The level of Zhenwu Yulei Jue is higher than that of Underworld Blade. I didn't expect Xiao Ping to have achieved success in his cultivation." Elder Dong sighed.

Ouyang Chun constantly controlled the sword of the underworld to kill Han Yu, but no matter how horrible the attack was, he couldn't break the sword in Han Yu's hand, and couldn't hurt Han Yu even a bit.


Ouyang Chunzhong let out a cold snort, and the way of forming seals suddenly changed.

"Blade of the Underworld, slash it with one blade!"

With Ouyang Chun’s seal, the blade that was in the midst of a violent storm suddenly stopped, and then quickly gathered in the middle. It quickly turned into a long sword, standing upside down, and then slashing down. There is the momentum of pioneering the world.

Han Yu urged the Thunder and Lightning Sword Art to greet him.


The two supernatural powers handed over, making a loud noise like a metal handover. After a stalemate, they collapsed one after another.

The air wave swept through nine days, and both of them were shocked and flew backwards.

Suddenly, a long roar sounded, and Ouyang Chun's tearing energy storm leaped forward, holding a big seal in his left hand, and smashing Han Yu's head against him.

Start, fast and cruel!

In the process of flying, Da Yin rose up against the storm, crushing the void, with unparalleled momentum.

Han Yu snorted and quickly displayed the Xuan Tianzhen seal.

The two seals collided and bombed.

Ouyang Chun failed to make a sneak attack, and quickly backed away. With a thought, he took out his magic weapon Shuanglongding!

The Ssangyong Tripod quickly zoomed in in his hands and turned into several feet high. The two big dragons above, one black and the other white, are actually in form.

"Yin and Yang Shenlong, kill!" Ouyang Chun shouted.

Han Yu snorted coldly, both fists blasted out at the same time, and both fists hit the Yin-Yang Shenlong's head at the same time, and the two dragons wailed and flew back.

Ouyang Chun's face became gloomy, and she urged the Shuanglong Ding with all his strength. From the Shuanglong Ding, a flame suddenly burst out. The flame was black and white. The temperature of the white flame was extremely high, and the temperature of the black flame was extremely low. Alternate Yin and Yang.

"What kind of flame is this?" Han Yu was surprised, even he had never seen such a weird flame.

"This is the fire of yin and yang. It is made by me using the essence of the nine gods and the cold fire of the nine nether regions. It is the most terrifying flame in this world. Xiao Ping, let me see how you resist it!" Ouyang Chun proudly said .

Han Yu curled his lips in disdain, and the power of the sky thunder turned into a net of thunder to block the fire of yin and yang.


After the two parties contacted, the Thunder Net was quickly burned and corroded by the fire of Yin and Yang.

This scene made Han Yu and the people onlookers slightly discolored, the power of the sky thunder is known for its domineering, what can't the world be destroyed? It was even burned and corroded, the horror of the fire of Yin and Yang is evident.

"Thunder and Lightning Sword Art!"

Han Yu slashed his sword, and his sword gas sank into the flame, and was quickly burned out by the flame.

The fire of yin and yang surged toward Han Yu like a huge wave, and soon wrapped up the place where Han Yu was, to swallow Han Yu.

The hearts of the onlookers stunned. At this time, it seemed that the fire of yin and yang filled the world, and Han Yu was no longer visible.

"Hmph, my boss is about to die soon, and there is still no fluctuations, really a white-eyed wolf." Fang Xuan glanced at Marton sideways and said sarcastically.

"You know what a shit, I have confidence in the boss. It's weird that this mere fire of yin and yang can hurt my boss!" Marton said confidently.

"I don't know the so-called!" Fang Xuan sneered again and again.

At this moment, a dragon chant sounded from the battlefield, the sound was earth-shaking. Then everyone saw that the ubiquitous yin and yang fire was rapidly weakening. Not long after, a big purple dragon rushed out, opened his mouth and sucked, swallowing all the fire of Yin and Yang into his body.

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