Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2589: Shou Shenfeng


The mythical beast Phoenix tears through the energy storm and rushes towards Han Yu. Those claws, which are like dragon claws, gleam with horror and horror.

Han Yu took a deep breath, stabilized the boiling blood in his body, and swiped a sword on the paw of the beast Phoenix.

Suddenly sparks flew everywhere, and the sound of metal switching came one after another.

The claws of the divine beast Phoenix were much harder than feathers, and the colorful divine golden sword slashed on it without causing much damage.

However, Han Yu's heart was overjoyed, because the eyes of the sacred beast Phoenix actually appeared confused.

Started a little delirious!

This is Han Yu's opportunity!

Han Yu jumped up, and after fighting against the beast Phoenix several times, he jumped over the beast Phoenix.

Han Yu kept swinging his sword and cutting down, his sword vigorously slashed one after another hair of the beast Phoenix.

Suddenly, the sacred beast Phoenix couldn't hold on, and his body fell heavily and wailed.

However, this smash made it regain some sense of consciousness, and it rose to the sky to launch a more terrifying attack.

"Boy, don't think that this seat is incomplete, you can kill me!" The sacred beast Phoenix had a fierce look and murderous aura.

Han Yu stayed silent and tried his best to urge the colorful **** of gold sword to kill.

This battle lasted for three days and three nights, when the sacred beast Phoenix suddenly soared into the sky and escaped.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Han Yu sneered and cast Jinpeng Cracking Tianbu to catch up.

The phoenix body technique possesses extreme speed. However, Jinpeng's Heavenly Step is not bad, and Han Yu is also proficient in the power of the perverted void, the sacred beast Phoenix simply cannot get rid of Han Yu.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sacred beast Phoenix was repeatedly knocked to the ground by Han Yu, making his head dizzy.

After hitting the ground for the 43rd time, the sacred beast Phoenix lay on the ground and struggled for a while, but did not stand up.

Although it has suffered a lot of physical injuries, it is not fatal. The reason for this situation is that there is a problem with his intelligence.

Han Yu fell, the colorful **** golden sword against the neck of the beast Phoenix, the soul stepped out from the center of his eyebrows, and rushed into the palace of the beast Phoenix.

In the Niwan Palace of the sacred beast Phoenix, the holy palace is like pouring gold, and a translucent soul floats in the holy palace, looking at a loss.

The physical body regenerates spiritual wisdom, regenerates a soul, and has not yet turned into a soul.

Han Yu's soul enters the holy palace.

"Ah? Why did you come in?"

"Don't kill me, we are all enemies of the Protoss, we should unite the front!"

That soul panicked.

Its body is strong, but its soul is vulnerable.

"You shouldn't have appeared in the world!" Han Yu's primordial spirit opened his mouth and sucked the soul into his mouth and digested it directly.

The sacred beast Phoenix instantly turned into a shell.

Han Yu's primordial spirit returned, took out the Heaven-swallowing Demon Gourd, and put the body of the divine beast Phoenix into the Heaven-swallowing Demon Gourd.

The Heaven-swallowing Devil Gourd is now an intermediate-level Celestial Emperor soldier, and can take in the body of the Celestial Peak.

At this time, within the Sky Swallowing Demon Gourd, a huge amount of energy had already been transformed, which was exactly the physical body of Ge Yushan.

Han Yu put the Heaven-swallowing Demon Gourd into his body, and the energy in the Heaven-swallowing Demon Gourd was turned into a river and poured into Han Yu's body. Han Yu swiftly moved his mind to quickly refine that energy.

Before long, all the energy was absorbed by Han Yu.

Apart from recovering from his injuries, Han Yu's cultivation hasn't made much progress.

With the breakthrough, the energy-swallowing power of the Heaven-swallowing Dao body became even more terrifying.

Generally, the mid-term powerhouse of the gods absorbs the terrifying energy that will definitely explode. After Han Yu absorbed the refining, he didn't get any bubbles.

It is unimaginable how difficult Han Yu's next cultivation path will be.

Fortunately, Han Yu was used to it and didn't think much about it. Putting the golden sword of the colorful **** on his back, he restored Xiao Ping's appearance, changed his clothes, and hurried to the outside.

On the edge of the demon battlefield, the people of Ten Thousand Sword Sect had already arrived here one after another.

Although Wan Jianzong suffered a heavy loss this time, and returned with fanfare, it did not affect the entry test of the new students. The entry test for freshmen still has a beginning and an end, and now we are counting everyone's trophy and ranking. The spoils are naturally essence stones, nuclear alexandrites and monster cores. The monster core not only can participate in the rankings, but also can directly earn credit points. A monster core of the deity's early powerhouse can get 10,000 credit points. When Du Yuanju stated this rule, he cited

There was a boundless commotion. You know, the first place in the introductory competition for freshmen can get 10,000 credit points.

However, although the rewards are attractive, no one can get the core of the monster. This made the faces of the elders of the Wan Jianzong very ugly, and they couldn't help but feel a little disappointed in the many disciples they had originally liked.

"Meng Lifu, three hundred and ninety-two essence stones, seventeen nuclear alexandrites, with a total value of 766 low-grade emperor marrow!" An elder opened his mouth after counting the trophies of a disciple. , And the person next to him recorded what he had read.

The people taking part in the introductory test gathered around, and many people took a breath after hearing it.

"As expected to be the 33rd genius in the freshman list, he has obtained so many essence stones. At least he has to kill a hundred monsters, right? It seems that there is absolutely hope to compete for the top 20 rankings!"

"Yeah, people look up to me. I have only obtained fifty-seven essence stones. Compared with him, it is simply not the same!"

Many people looked at Meng Lifu and admired them with envy.

Meng Lifu's face was proud and triumphant. He dismissed many admiring gazes, and walked to the side with his head up and his chest up. A large group of people immediately gathered around and congratulated the flattery.

"The tail of the low-grade emperor's marrow is only worth 766 yuan, and the tail is up to the sky. I really don't know what to say. If you give him a trophy worth a thousand dollars of the low-level emperor's marrow, wouldn't you just look at anyone?" Marton was rather unhappy.

"It's worth seven hundred and sixty-six yuan inferior emperor's marrow, which is already a good result. People have the capital to be arrogant and arrogant." Fairy Tourmaline said lightly.

"In front of me, it's all scum!" Marton said proudly.

"Who do you think is the scum?" Next, a woman looked at Marton unkindly. She was one of Meng Lifu's suitors. She just wanted to get close to Meng Lifu, but she was blasted away by other suitors. She was angry and just heard Marton say that she looked down on Meng Lifu, how could she bear it.

"I said who wants you to control?" Marton rolled his eyes and said irritably.

"I heard, you look down on Brother Meng, what right do you have to dare to look down on Brother Meng!" the woman screamed.

Her voice instantly caught everyone's attention.

"Really, Meng Lifu has achieved such a good result, even if someone dares to look down on it, which great **** is so arrogant?"

"Marton? Nima, am I right? Marton's trash, did his head be kicked by a donkey? How dare you look down on Meng Lifu?" When everyone saw that it was Marton, all those who knew Marton's eyes widened. , Suddenly became like a fool.

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