Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2587: Dawn of reason

The eyes of the divine beast Phoenix instantly became fierce, as if it could penetrate the human body and see the human heart.

Ordinary people standing here cannot bear even its gaze.

Han Yu calmly said, "I'm here to help you all."

"Help us?"

"Haha, I heard you right? This kid said to help us?"

Several monsters laughed, scornful of Han Yu's words.

The sacred beast Phoenix was also full of sarcasm, and asked meaningfully: "What are you going to help us? What ability do you have to help us?"

Han Yu said: "Wan Jianzong is about to launch a second attack on you. It is not appropriate to stay here for a long time. You should think about how to leave here."

A Demon King looked at Han Yu and asked, "How do you know that Wan Jianzong is about to launch a second attack on us?"

Han Yu said: "Will the Ten Thousand Sword Sect die so many people, how can they give up?"

"Hahaha..." A demon king suddenly laughed, with a deep sarcasm in his laughter, and said: "Boy, you probably don't know, the people of Ten Thousand Swords Sect have been driven away by us. How can they have the guts to attack a second time? If they dare, I don't know how to unscrew their heads."

"Just rely on those wine and rice bags, what they want, we will accompany them."

The demon kings are so arrogant that they don't care at all.

Han Yu said: "With your strength, you are naturally not afraid of those people before. The second attack I said is not those people, but Wan Jianzong will send another master."

The sacred beast Phoenix said disdainfully: "If you send it, we are afraid that they will not succeed?"

Han Yu said: "What if the Ten Thousand Sword Sect sends a strong man at the peak of the gods?"

Both the sacred beast Phoenix and the Seven Great Demon Kings were suffocated. After a while, a demon king snorted: "The Ten Thousand Sword Sect has only killed a few insignificant people. How can it be possible to send a strong man from the peak of the gods to fight with us? Boy, you are alarmist. I ate you!"

Han Yu calmly said: "If it's just some ordinary orders, Ten Thousand Sword Sect will naturally not fight, but what if it is the powerhouse of the late Celestial God that died?"

"We didn't kill the powerhouses in the late stage of the gods, so you don't need to be nosy at all." A demon king said unhappy.

"But I killed it!" Han Yu said lightly.

"What? Did you kill the master of the late Celestial God? Or a member of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect?" The beast Phoenix and the Seven Demon Kings looked at Han Yu in surprise. After a moment, a demon king reacted and sneered: " The joke, it depends on you?"

"Boy, I think you are here to get us to have fun!"

"Throwing him out, this kid is really disgusting."

Faced with the accusations and threats of several big monster kings, Han Yu didn’t change his face, and continued: “I’m telling the truth. Now Wan Jianzong has suspended the freshman entrance examination, and Wan Jianzong has sent experts to come to support. If you don’t even level the battlefield of the monster, you will never let it go."

A Demon King sneered and said: "Really? Let me see if you really have the strength to kill the late stage power of the gods!"

After speaking, the demon king suddenly rushed out. This is a demon king in the shape of an ape, and he blasted towards Han Yu's door with a punch.

"Boy, there is a price to pay for lying. Only the powerhouse of the late Celestial God can catch my punch!" The eyes of the monkey demon king were cold.

If Han Yu doesn't have the strength of the late gods, then his punch is enough to kill Han Yu.

Instead of being afraid, Han Yu raised his arm and threw a punch, fist-to-fist.

"The worm shakes the tree, and you can't help it!" The monkey demon king mocked.

The others are also disdainful.


Two fists collided, like two stars collided.

The two snorted, and flew backwards.

The distance of the inverted flight is quite!

"You..." The monkey demon king widened his eyes and looked at Han Yu incredulously.

It couldn't imagine that not only did it not kill Han Yu with one punch, it didn't even hurt a single hair of Han Yu.

The divine beast Phoenix and the other monster kings also opened their eyes wide.

Han Yu's powerful combat power shocked them.

"Although your combat power is not weak, with this strength, you can't kill the strong man in the late stage of the gods." After a brief shock, the monkey demon king said coldly.

"What about it?" Han Yu took out the golden sword of the colorful gods, and the colorful brilliance suddenly illuminated the dim hall.

The sacred beast Phoenix and the Seven Great Demon Kings were so startled that their eyes widened, and their eyes turned bright. Especially the sacred beast Phoenix, in shock, with a touch of envy and greed.

"Let me learn your great tricks!" The other demon king threw out. This is a demon king who looks like an octopus, with hundreds of tentacles, and looks terrifying and terrifying.


More than a dozen tentacles, like a javelin, shot towards Han Yu. Once Han Yu is hit, he will inevitably be broken to pieces, and there will be no place to bury him.

Han Yu's expression was indifferent, urging the colorful **** of gold sword, and cutting it down.

Sword Qi broke through the sky, invincible, more than a dozen tentacles, instantly cut off.

The octopus demon king screamed in surprise, and flew backwards, not daring to startle.

The rest were shocked, no one expected that Han Yu's sword would be so powerful.

"Believe it now?" Han Yu put away the colorful **** gold sword, his gaze swept over several people, and all of them were silent.

The strength that Han Yu showed was enough to kill a strong man in the late stage of the god, making them all awed. It was the sacred beast Phoenix, which showed a dignified color. If the people present were fighting alone, I am afraid that only it could fight Han Yu.

"Even if you have the ability to kill the late masters of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect Heavenly God, they will come to you for revenge instead of looking for us." The Monkey Demon King said unhappy.

"The reason is the truth, but no one in Wan Jianzong saw that I killed the master. Who do you think they will account for?" Han Yu asked.

The sacred beast Phoenix and the Seven Great Demon Kings both showed dignified colors. Looking at the entire demon battlefield, apart from Han Yu, only they have the ability to kill the strong man in the late stage of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect. The people of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect don’t know the murderer. The bills will naturally be counted on them.

"Let's catch you and hand it to Wan Jianzong to resolve the misunderstanding?" A demon king said in a deep voice.

"Don't you say that with your grievances and the Ten Thousand Sword Sect, with your arrogance, you wouldn't do this. Even if you did, the people of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect would believe what you said? At that time, it would increase the aspirations of others and destroy their own prestige. I was laughed at by Wan Jianzong." Han Yu said confidently. "Boy, I can see that you are deliberately harming us. No matter what the Wan Jianzong is in the end, today I will remove your evil to vent my hatred!" A demon king was furious.

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