Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2579: Ma'am

"The seven gods of the Protoss and the hundreds of gods have arranged a ten thousand gods formation, trapping all the masters of our Nine Suns Continent to participate in negotiations. However, even if the Protoss calculates first, the number of masters is far from We can only be compared. But what a heroic demon ancestor, Huangquan ancestor, and demon swallowing ancestor, hard

Survivingly rushed through the Ten Thousand Gods Formation, leading many masters to retreat. "

"However, this battle also suffered heavy losses, and the demon ancestor, Huangquan ancestor and the sky-swallowing demon were separated. Under the leadership of the demon ancestor, I was looking for the Huangquan ancestor and the sky-swallowing demon ancestor while fighting against the gods. III More than a hundred years later, we came here, surrounded by the Protoss." "At that time, we had no fewer than a hundred people left, while the other side had a thousand people, and there were three other gods and powerhouses. The other side asked us to surrender, the demon ancestor. Only one word in response-kill! An earth-shattering battle unfolded, and the masters on our side were outnumbered and killed one after another. Until now I

I can't forget the tragic scene, I wish I could break through the realm of the emperor and avenge the dead compatriots! "

"The most regrettable and self-blame thing in my life is that I watched the demon ancestor exile by himself, but I can only stay on my back and be helpless!"

The nine-tailed fox was talking, and suddenly burst into tears, blaming himself with guilt. Han Yu could feel his sadness and couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. After a while, the nine-tailed fox gradually calmed down. Han Yu asked in a low voice, "Senior, why did the demon ancestor exile himself?"

"This is the supreme method of the demon ancestor. With his lifelong skills, he sealed the life and death of reincarnation, and won a ray of life for the generals of the demon race. Banish..." Nine-tailed Fox choked.

Han Yu was shocked, it was like listening to the heavenly book.

But Han Yu still understood, and exclaimed, "Could it be that the Wanshan Peak Cluster is the place where the demon ancestor used his lifelong mana to seal?" Jiuweihu nodded and said: "Every life, after death, even Yuan Yuan When the **** is destroyed, the soul does not disappear immediately. It will exist between the heavens and the earth for a period of time before dispersing with the wind and truly die. The demon ancestor sealed the heaven and the earth where the main battlefield was at that time with great magic power, sealing

With the flesh and bones of the monsters and the souls scattered between the heavens and the earth, let them stay forever, waiting for their return in the day! "

The stormy sea turned up in Han Yu's heart.

The destruction of the soul of a creature is equal to death. Even as the nine-tailed fox said, the soul will exist between heaven and earth for a period of time before it completely disappears, but no one can find the remnant soul, and no one can keep that remnant soul.

Although the realm of the gods, even if the soul is destroyed, as long as the body is not destroyed, it will be reborn. But in the theory of existence, no one has actually realized it, because the time required for rebirth is too long.

As for the important generals of the monster race, some not only have their souls defeated, but their bodies have also been destroyed. Wanting to be resurrected is simply a dream.

However, the demon ancestor wanted them to be born again. If it were someone else, Han Yu would definitely think it was a lunatic.

But Yaozu, everything he does is possible!

Apart from other things, just the method of sealing the destroyed souls is unbelievable!

"If the demon ancestor hadn't been for us, even if the Protoss had three powerhouses at the level of gods, he would definitely not be able to kill him!" Nine-tailed Fox began to wipe his tears again.

"And now, the demon ancestor is in reincarnation, unable to break free, there is no demon ancestor in the world!" Speaking of this, the nine-tailed fox cried bitterly, distraught.

Han Yu felt a sorrow. Han Yu had already determined the final outcome of Huangquan Ancestor and Heaven Swallowing Demon Ancestor, and he still had a glimmer of hope for Demon Ancestor. He did not expect that Demon Ancestor would also...

"If you have a chance to make a comeback, listen to my words, kill until the demise of the Protoss, there is no moral justice to the Protoss!" Nine-tailed Fox gritted his teeth, his voice was extremely gloomy.

Han Yu was silent, even though he hated the Protoss very much, but he did not reach the point where the nine-tailed fox wanted to destroy his clan. It is conceivable that the battle that year left the nine-tailed fox with much sadness and greatness. shadow. It is completely impossible to express in words, and others cannot understand it at all.

"Senior, since the demon ancestor said that many masters of the demon race will be reborn in the future, how will they be reborn?" Han Yu asked.

Now that the demon ancestor has exiled himself, Han Yu is powerless in the fall of reincarnation. Han Yu would feel better if he could help the demon masters who were sealed under the tens of thousands of mountain peaks. The nine-tailed fox shook his head and said, "Things at that level have surpassed my cognition. I still don’t understand why the Demon Ancestor did it at the time. To be honest, sometimes I still complain about the Demon Ancestor. Had he not been too loyal and caring about our subordinates, he would never die

. The Protoss will tremble under his might! "

Han Yu disapproved.

The nine-tailed fox suddenly smiled miserably, and said, "If the demon ancestor knew that I was speaking badly about him behind his back, he would definitely kick me away!"

It can be seen that although the demon ancestor is the head of the demons and ruled the world, the relationship with the subordinates like Jiuweihu is very good.

Nine-tailed fox suppressed his grief and asked, "Are there any questions?"

Han Yu said, "Senior, besides you, were there other seniors in the Monster Race who survived?"

Nine-tailed fox said, "I only survived a catastrophe because I had nine lives. As far as I know, no one should have survived, and perhaps will be resurrected in the future. Unfortunately, I can't wait for the day they return.

Han Yu said: "I have met Emperor Qicai Feng. Did she participate in the battle on the battlefield of monsters?"

"Qicai Fengdi? Are you sure?" Nine-tailed Fox asked in surprise.

Han Yu nodded solemnly, and said, "I'm sure."

After a daze, the nine-tailed fox let out a long sigh and said, "Yeah, I can survive, how could sister Feng die! Okay, great! You met her, that means she has lived till now. She is the most beloved person of the Demon Ancestor in his life. She is alive, and the Demon Ancestor can look down if she knows it."

"Huh?" Han Yu's eyes widened.

There has always been a legend in the Feng clan that Qi Cai Feng Di once madly pursued the demon ancestor, but the demon ancestor did not like the Qi Cai Feng emperor at all. In the end, the Qi Cai Feng emperor was desperate and left the demon ancestor, married to others, and thrived in the Feng clan. .

Why did the nine-tailed fox say that Emperor Qicai Feng is the love of the monster clan in his life?

Han Yu said his doubts. After hearing this, the Nine-Tailed Fox shook his head and said: "The Feng clan of the Jiuyang Continent is not the descendant of Feng Sister Feng, but the blood descendant of Feng Sister Feng's brother. Feng Ruthless is definitely not as good as Feng Sister. , Said it is the offspring of Sister Feng."

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