Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2569: Bad feeling

"If you dare to use evil ways to confuse him, I'm not polite to you!"

Fairy tourmaline walked out of the cave, looking at Bai Qian with gloomy eyes, with murderous intent surging deep in his eyes.

She had seen everything that happened just now. If Han Yu hadn't been sober, Fairy Tourmaline would rush out and kill Bai Qian.

"Huh, why do you care about me?" Bai Qian's face instantly became difficult to look at, and his whole person instantly became aloof, unable to stand up.

In front of Han Yu, she is an obedient little fan. But in front of others, she is a strong man in the middle of the gods, she is the heir of the white fox clan patriarch.

Fairy Tourmaline took a few steps forward, staring at Bai Qian, and said forcefully: "I just want to take care of it."

Bai Qian snorted coldly and said, "You have neither the right nor the strength!"

The mid-stage aura of the Bai Qiantian **** quietly released, like a mountain topped on Fairy Tourmaline, Fairy Tourmaline tried his best to stop him, and his face turned pale.

Fairy Tourmaline was not afraid, and said coldly: "Do you believe me, I will let him go with me now."

Bai Qian's face changed slightly.

Fairy Tourmaline is a protoss, and Han Yu can still make good friends with it, which is enough to show how close the two people are.

Now if Bai Qian is in conflict with Fairy Tourmaline, I'm afraid Han Yu will eventually stand on Fairy Tourmaline's side.

It's not that Bai Qian has no confidence in herself, but the time she and Han Yu have known each other is really short.

"Huh, it's just a Protoss. Brother Xiao can bring you by his side. It's a great grace to you. Don't think about it anymore." Bai Qian said, taking back the powerful breath and glancing at it with his eyes. He glanced at the tourmaline fairy and wiped away with the tourmaline fairy.

Fairy Tourmaline made a pair of jade fists and couldn't help but squeeze it quietly, and his mouth pursed. This is an emotion that the tourmaline fairy who has always been indifferent to confidence will not have.

"Although he accepts my friend now, we have racial hatred after all. And she, even though she is a fox demon, is far superior to me...Huh, isn't she a fox demon? I even fight against Jiang Zitong. Fear of a fox demon..."

Fairy Tourmaline's face returned to normal, and she became confident again.

Han Yu naturally didn't know the battle between Baiqian and the fairy tourmaline. Back in the stone room, Han Yu sat cross-legged, thinking about it, and continued Huo Ziwei.

"Why do you think of contacting me?" Huo Ziwei sent a message with a bit of resentment.

"Is the entry test going well?" Han Yu asked.

"It's ok..." Huo Ziwei answered with hesitation.

"What's wrong?" Han Yu asked. "The monster clan appeared on the battlefield, killing many of our Wanjian Sect disciples. We are now in a more dangerous situation, but instead of letting us retreat, the sect has also increased the time for the entry assessment indefinitely, and the content of the entry assessment is also looking for The nuclear stone and the essence stone have become the killing monster." Huo

Ziwei said, faintly worried.

"Other than that?" Han Yu asked.

"Why are you interested in the monster battlefield?" Huo Ziwei asked. She didn't know that Han Yu and Xiao Ping were the same person.

"Say or not?" Han Yu said.

For Huo Ziwei, Han Yu also had no choice. Although she has signed a soul contract with Han Yu, she is not controlled by Han Yu at all.

"Are you worried about me?" Huo Ziwei asked.

Han Yu was silent.

Huo Ziwei paused and said: "You don't have to worry about me. Now I am with aunt and I am very safe. The sect sent many masters to the monster battlefield. I heard my aunt said that there will be strong men from the late gods. , It should not be long before the Demon Race will be wiped out and returned to the Sword Tide God Star."

Han Yu's face changed slightly. The powerhouse in the late stage of the gods was definitely an invincible enemy.

Asked: "When will the reinforcements of Wan Jianzong arrive at the monster battlefield?"

Huo Ziwei asked in surprise: "Why are you so interested in this matter? You won't be on the battlefield of monsters, right?"

Huo Ziwei became a little excited.

Han Yu did not answer.

Huo Ziwei snorted softly: "I don't know when it will be, I heard it should be soon. Is there anything else?"

Han Yu said, "No more!"

Huo Ziwei was anxious: "Hey... just to ask this? What do you mean..."

Han Yu decisively cut off contact with Huo Ziwei.

"Huh, damn, I really want to hammer you to death!" Somewhere in the core area, Huo Ziwei suddenly waved her small fist in anger. The more she wanted to behave fiercely, the more lovely she appeared.

"Ziwei, what's the matter? Who offended you?" Huo Siyan walked over and asked with a smile.

"No...nothing..." Huo Ziwei's pretty face was covered with red clouds quietly, realizing that she was a little excited, and hurriedly buried her head to the side.

"Oh, I'm still shy, is it Han Yu?" Huo Siyan had an ambiguous smile on her face.

"Auntie, what are you talking about, you hate it!" Huo Ziwei was even more ashamed to wait to find a place to sew it down.

Huo Siyan glanced at the others and saw that everyone was sitting cross-legged and no one paid attention. Huo Siyan thought for a while, took Huo Ziwei's hand, walked to the side, and secretly asked: "Ziwei, now, don't you talk to me about Han Yu?"

That day, Huo Siyan was repulsed by Han Yu, and she was already very curious about Han Yu's identity. If it hadn't been delayed by the entry test of the new students, she would have talked to Huo Ziwei alone.

"Aunt, what do you mean?" Huo Ziwei asked with a silly look.

"Don't pretend, who can't tell?" Huo Siyan nodded Huo Ziwei's smooth forehead with her finger, and said indulgingly.

Huo Ziwei thought for a while, and finally gave a brief account of her encounter with Han Yu. Seventy percent were close to the truth, and thirty percent of them were slightly changed by her.

For example, Caifeng's identity, such as her signing of a soul contract with Han Yu.

Especially the latter matter, that absolutely cannot be said, otherwise Huo Siyan will definitely go to Han Yu desperately.

Huo Siyan couldn't help but frowned. Judging from Huo Ziwei's narration, Huo Ziwei didn't know Han Yu's true origin. Moreover, Huo Ziwei and Han Yu have nothing to do with each other. It can be said that it is Huo Ziwei's unrequited love. "If Han Yu is a genius in the territory of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect, he shouldn't be undiscovered and sent to the Ten Thousand Sword Sect to practice and study. Is it a genius who came here from other places? Han Yu, I have to say, you really Aroused my great curiosity. If you don’t investigate your identity, I’m afraid

Can't sleep anymore! "Huo Siyan thought.

In the distance, under the Tiandi Mountain, Han Yu suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. "What's the matter? Are the people of Wan Jianzong going to attack again? Or is their helper here?" Han Yu frowned.

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