Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2566: Genius collision

"The humble alien creatures are really vulnerable. Let's end it!"

"Black Flame Hell, sink!"

Luo Mo quickly swung the black big knife in his hand, and the black sword air rushed out one after another, hitting below Bai Qian, instantly turning into a black flame, the flame soaring, turning into an endless sea of ​​black fire.

The sea of ​​flames is raging, but it exudes a bitter chill, with terrible power to swallow everything and destroy everything.

In an instant, Bai Qian felt the terrible sinking power, as if walking into a quagmire, her body sank involuntarily.

Bai Qian snorted heavily, and the seven tails stood up high, and then quickly spun, turning into a top to protect her, quickly resisting the sinking trend and starting to rise.

Luo Mo sneered. Under his control, the flames of the Black Flame Hell began to skyrocket and shrouded in Bai Qian.

"Sink, swallow, extinct!"

Bai Qian's body began to sink quickly again, and at the same time, a terrifying swallowing power spread from the sea of ​​fire, trying to swallow every strand of essence from her body.

"Ice Crystal Snow Dance, Ning!"

Bai Qian yelled, and a dazzling white light flashed from her body, and then the surrounding flames began to freeze quickly. In a blink of an eye, within tens of thousands of feet around Bai Qian, all turned into black mysterious ice, and white Qian was within Xuanbing, but came and went freely, unscathed.


With Bai Qian's soft drink, the surrounding Xuan Bing shattered, and Bai Qian rose to the sky.

"The self-righteous Protoss is nothing more than that!" Bai Qian said sarcastically.

Luo Mo was not only not angry, but the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a treacherous smile.


Suddenly, with a roar that shook the sky and the earth, from within the black flame hell, a terrifying behemoth rushed out, like a dog that magnified countless times, and bite at Bai Qian.


Bai Qian's discoloration, this unexpected killer move, made her unexpected.

"Hell Tengu, this is the ultimate move of Black Flame Hell!" Luo Mo sneered again and again.

Bai Qian played a magical power and was bitten to pieces by Hell Tengu, and then Bai Qian was directly swallowed by Hell Tengu.


In the distance on the battlefield, Granny White was shocked.

"Your opponent is me." Huang Yu stopped Granny Bai, not giving her a chance to save Bai Qian.

The supernatural power level Shi Tianshi, the golden array pattern can evolve various supernatural powers at will, it is terrifying. Since the battle, Granny Bai has been injured in many places.

"Little friend, please help Qianqian!" Granny Bai couldn't get away, so she could only ask for help from Han Yu.


At this moment, a loud noise came out. The **** dog collapsed and a seven-tailed white fox rushed out.

At this time, the slender hair became dull and there was a smear of blood on the corner of his mouth.

Although Bai Qian defeated the Hell Tengu, he also paid a great price.

"Even if you kill the **** tengu, you will not escape death!" Luo Mo had a cold face and he slashed the big knife in his hand without hesitation.

The broadsword broke the world and slashed at Bai Qianli.

Bai Qian's eyes were gloomy, and when she had no time to breathe, how could she resist this smashing knife?

"This person's combat power is no weaker than Big Brother Xiao!" Bai Qian sighed secretly, closing his eyes as if accepting his fate.

Bai Qian thought that he would definitely die this time, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't see the black big knife slashed down, and hurriedly opened his eyes. When he saw the scene in front of him, he was instantly stunned.

In front of her, someone appeared at some point, raised his arm high, and clamped Luo Mo's big knife with two fingers.

"How is it possible?" Bai Qian was shocked instantly.

Luo Mo even wanted to suppress him, a strong man in the middle of the gods, and the person in front of him used **** to clamp Luo Mo's **** of the world. It was like a dream.

"Is it Big Brother Xiao?" Bai Qian longed to be Han Yu, but even Han Yu couldn't accomplish this kind of feat, right?

Bai Qian took a closer look at this person. Although this person was facing her back, she was certain that this person was not Han Yu.

This person is a little shorter than Han Yu, and a little fatter than Han Yu. However, that kind of upright and uplifting aura is very similar to Han Yu.

And when he sensed that the other party was just a **** of pre-cultivation, Bai Qian was even more shocked to speak.

"Heaven's early cultivation base, is he more genius and terrifying than Big Brother Xiao?" Bai Qian was stunned.

She thought that Han Yu was the most heaven-defying genius she had ever seen in her life, but compared to the person in front of her, she was probably not as good as that.

"Who are you?" Luo Mo asked lowly.

The shock in his heart was no weaker than Bai Qian.

He saw this person appear with his own eyes, and then clamped his black knife with two fingers.

With this simple behavior alone, the man's physical strength is undoubtedly revealed, and it is definitely not comparable to him.

"Come to kill you!" the man said lightly.

"Huh, arrogant, looking for death!" Luo Mo's face sank, his eyes popped out.


From Luo Mo's body, a terrible dark green light burst out, transforming into a giant python, and plunged into the black broadsword. The black broadsword was instantly activated, awakening quickly like a wild beast.

The original simple knife turned into a horror like a majestic mountain and a big mountain, and it was unparalleled and unbreakable.

At this moment, a dark purple vitality burst out of the man's body. The devilish energy was overwhelming, and he also had unparalleled devouring power. In an instant, Luo Mo's domineering aura was overwhelmed. .

"This... Brother Xiao?" Bai Qian was taken aback for three times.

At this time, the man's breath was undoubtedly revealed, so she could be sure that this person was Han Yu.

For a while, Bai Qian's heart was even more chaotic.

She thought that Han Yu's previous strength was already strong enough, but she didn't expect to have a stronger side.


There was an explosion between the two, and both of them flew backwards.

Han Yu picked up Bai Qian, floated and retreated. Bai Qian's head suddenly rang, feeling the warmth from Han Yu's body, and her soul flew into the sky for a while, confused and fascinated, her body couldn't help but weaken.

The two sides flew a similar distance before stopping. Luo Mo's face was so gloomy that it dripped water.

"I didn't expect that the humble aliens still have talents like you. However, you still have to die in the end!"

"Black Flame Hell, sink!"


Below Han Yu, a terrible black flame burned instantly, trying to sink him and swallow him.

Bai Qian returned to her senses and couldn't help but shudder, the black flame **** was terrible, she really didn't want to try a second time.

Han Yu's complexion was indifferent and he didn't resist, letting his body sink and go. Soon, Han Yu fell into the black flame **** and was swallowed by the black flame.

Upon seeing this, Luo Mo's face couldn't help showing a touch of joy and a touch of sarcasm. At this moment, within the black flame hell, there was a loud shout, and the following scene made Luo Mo unbelievable.

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