Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2558: The origin of the fox

"Friend Xiao Dao, thank you, but you don't have to force it, no one will blame you." The seven-tailed white fox suddenly looked at Han Yu and said.

Han Yu was a little unsure: "What do you mean by this?"

The seven-tailed white fox looked empathetic and said: "The sword intent left in my body is very strong. If you force me to help me, you may be backlashed by the sword intent, which is not good for you."

Han Yu said, "I even want to kill Lin Chaoxuan, and I'm afraid of his sword intent in your body?"

Seven-tailed white fox said: "Friend Xiao Daoist is incomparable, but you...after all killed Lin Chaoxuan with a foreign object, and you healed me, but you can't rely on that sword!"

Han Yu smiled and said, "So, you are worried about me. It's okay. Just lie down and leave it to me!" Han Yu said, reaching out and grabbing one of the seven-tailed white fox's hind legs. Running, the power of horror swallowing burst out in the body. Then the seven-tailed white fox was surprised to find that its inexplicable sword aura, as if attracted by some kind of attraction, obediently rushed out of its body and entered Han Yu.

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However, after the seven-tailed white fox was shocked, he was more worried, and said anxiously: "Daoist Xiao, you stop quickly, this will harm you."

It is one thing to kill Lin Chaoxuan, it is one thing to actively introduce Lin Chaoxuan's sword intent into the body. In the eyes of the seven-tailed white fox, it is almost suicidal.

Han Yu didn't reply, and the seven-tailed white fox wanted to break free from Han Yu, but seemed unable to do so.

Soon, the seven-tailed white fox was shocked to discover that although Han Yu introduced sword energy into his body, the sword energy did not affect him in the slightest. It seemed that he had only been inhaled into the body, and he was refined.

"Could it be that he has some kind of powerful magic weapon hidden in his body?" Seven-tailed white fox guessed that it attributed the credit to the magic weapon, but hadn't realized the terrible physique of Han Yu.

The seven-tailed white fox gradually relaxed.

Within about a time of sticking incense, the sword energy that had tortured the seven-tailed white fox to the death was swallowed and refined by Han Yu. Without the suppression of the sword energy, the seven-tailed white fox's injury was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it didn't take long for the seven-tailed white fox to recover its mobility.

"Friend Xiao Dao, thank you!" Seven-tailed White Fox stood up, thanking him sincerely.

Han Yu stood up, smiled slightly and said, "Your body is still very weak, so please heal your injuries."

The seven-tailed white fox nodded, and the seven tails shook happily.

Han Yu turned and left without taking a few steps. Suddenly a shy voice of the seven-tailed white fox came from behind.

Han Yu turned his head to look, and the seven-tailed white fox was gone, and what appeared in his sight was a woman in white clothes.

This woman, in white clothes like snow, slender and spotless, tall and full, with a black hair cape and a foxtail headdress, entrusts her with an extremely enchanting charm.

"Are you a seven-tailed white fox?" Han Yu asked.

The woman nodded and said, "My name is Bai Qian, Brother Xiao, you can call my name."

The seven-tailed white fox Baiqian quietly changed her name to Han Yu, and two red clouds appeared on the rather fat cheeks of a baby.

Han Yu said: "Okay, Bai Qian, you can heal your injuries!"

Bai Qian nodded obediently, looking very charming and possessing the power to charm all beings. If it's charming, even Huo Ziwei can't compare with it. Any man who sees it, I'm afraid he can't help but feel hot in his lower abdomen.

Time passed quietly, and three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Han Yu and Bai Qian met again, but not in Bai Qian's boudoir, but in the living room.

Sitting on the main seat, Bai Qian looked rather lazy, demeaned and charming.

Marton saw a moment of contemplation, his eyes blurred.

"Fairy, this demon fox is seduce the boss, you have a competitor, and you are very powerful!" Marton reminded Fairy Tourmaline secretly.

Although she did not racially discriminate against the fox demon, she was a protoss, and he naturally supported the tourmaline fairy.

Fairy Tourmaline glanced at Marton without saying much, but in his heart, he was a little wary, and the look in Bai Qian's eyes was rather unkind.

Han Yu was not affected by Bai Qian's lazy and charming appearance. He knew that this was not Bai Qian's deliberate attempt to seduce him, but the unique temperament of the white fox clan. Their charming skills were natural, and there was no need to deliberately display them.

Hu Qiang and several masters of the Baihu clan also appeared in human form. Hu Qiang is a big five-and-three sturdy man, often grinning and looking silly.

"Baiqian, in the monster battlefield now, besides your white fox clan, can there be other races to survive?" Han Yu asked.

"Except for our family of white foxes, there are no other races." Bai Qian replied.

Han Yu frowned, and asked, "Is there any Feng Clan?"

Bai Qian said, "Brother Han, are you talking about the Qi Cai Fengdi race?"

Han Yu's eyes lit up and said, "Yes, you also know Qi Cai Fengdi?"

Bai Qian said with a look of admiration: "Naturally know that Emperor Qicai Feng and the ancestor of our white fox clan, Jiujue Tiandi, are both famous beings in the history of our demon clan. They are one of the most terrifying warriors under the seat of the demon ancestor. I admire everything they did in their lives."

Han Yu nodded, his face also showed a look of admiration. Bai Qian paused for a moment before continuing: "I heard that the Feng Clan can be reborn from Nirvana, immortal and immortal. But that battle destroyed the world, and countless masters of the demon clan fell. In the end, only our ancestor of the white fox clan Jiujue Tiandi, she Eight lives, leaving the last life to escape. But the darkness didn’t last long,

The Emperor Jiujue died, leaving only a ray of incense, and then passed on from generation to generation, with us. "

The nine-tailed fox, a divine beast, is rumored to have nine lives. It's no wonder that in that terrible battle, countless demon masters died in battle, and even the whereabouts of demon ancestors were unknown, and Jiujue Tiandi could escape.

"It seems that Bai Qian doesn't know much about the demon battlefield. Otherwise, she wouldn't know the existence of the sacred beast Phoenix." Han Yu said.

Han Yu thought for a while and asked, "Apart from you, are there anyone else in the white fox family?"

Bai Qian said: "I also have a mother-in-law who is currently in retreat. All I know is what the mother-in-law told me."

Han Yu said, "Where is your mother-in-law in retreat?"

Bai Qian said: "Tiandi Mountain in the core area."

Han Yu said, "Then let's go find your mother-in-law now."

Bai Qian was taken aback for a moment, wondering why Han Yu was so anxious and wanted to see someone he had never seen before.

Han Yu explained: "This place is not safe anymore, and sooner or later it will be discovered by more Protoss people. For the sake of safety, we'd better leave here first."

Hu Qiang nodded in agreement: "Big Brother Han is right. Let's go to the mother-in-law. There will be a mother-in-law. Those gods will definitely come back and forth." Bai Qian didn't think much, nodded and said, "Then you can pass the order now. Let everyone clean up as soon as possible and prepare to leave here and go to Tiandi Mountain."

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