Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2555: trust

Now that the two are facing each other, their voices are not loud, and there are formations surrounding them, and people outside cannot hear them.

"Boy, you have a big tone, believe it or not, I will smash you into ten thousand pieces now?" Hu Qiang glared angrily.

The rest of the fox monsters are also about to split their eyes, and they may do anything at any time.

Han Yu ignored Hu Qiang and looked at the seven-tailed white fox quietly.

The seven-tailed white fox looked gloomy and slightly angry, and said, "What do you have to rely on now, how dare you talk to me like this?"

Han Yu smiled and said, "I am relying on myself!"

The fox was very angry: "Damn, it's too arrogant, kid, believe it or not, I will blow your head with a hammer?"


Han Yu turned around with a punch, banging on Hu Qiang's magic weapon.

The giant hammer was directly squashed by Han Yu, and flew out, leaving Hu Qiang's claws torn apart.

"Huh?" Hu Qiang called.

The rest of the fox demon took a deep breath.

You know, Huqiang's giant hammer is a low-level Celestial soldier, and its hardness is far greater than the physical body of a Celestial master's early stage. However, Han Yu collapsed the giant hammer with a fist and didn't use the slightest vitality. The flesh, even if it is a strong man in the middle of the gods, is inferior to it?

Not to mention that the fox demon was stunned, even Marton and Fairy Tourmaline were stunned.

The seven-tailed white fox also widened its eyes, even if it was not using its vitality, it would be difficult for it to deflate the powerful hammer with one blow.

Looking at Han Yu, his gaze became more solemn.

From the strength that Han Yu has shown now, even in its heyday, it is difficult to deal with.

Hu Qiang's face was blue, cold sweat was already flowing out of his forehead.

Unable to imagine, if Han Yu hit its head with that punch just now, what would happen to it, and he wouldn't dare to shout again.

"You are a protoss, why do you want to help us?" Seven-tailed white fox forced to endure the shock in his heart and asked.

It doesn't think that a Protoss will kindly help them.

"As long as you obey me from now on, I can let you through this disaster." Han Yu said, his eyes sharpened instantly.

The seven-tailed white fox actually didn't dare to look at Han Yu directly, and involuntarily stepped back a few steps, shook his head decisively, and said, "It is absolutely impossible for us to let the white fox clan obey you as a god."

"Zhan! What if you are strong, we will never be your lackey!" Hu Qiang reacted and said very stubbornly.

Han Yu didn't change his face and said, "If this is the case, then you are in danger of extermination!"

Seven-tailed white fox said: "We, the white fox clan, have fought against the gods for more than 100,000 years, and life and death have long been ignored. Let me see how capable you are."

The breath of the seven-tailed white fox began to explode.

Not only was Han Yu not disappointed, but admired, and said, "Okay, very good, you deserve to be the descendant of the nine-tailed fox!"

The seven-tailed white fox was taken aback, wondering what Han Yu meant?

Han Yu said: "I am not your enemy, your enemy is outside."

The fox demon was even taken aback, including Marton and didn't know what Han Yu meant by this.

Han Yu no longer concealed, his vitality revolved, overflowing his body surface.

This time it was no longer the overbearing power of the sky thunder, but the mysterious and magical source energy of the heaven swallowing path.

Swallowing Heaven Dao Origin Qi contained Han Yu's human aura.

"This is his original spirit!" Fairy Tourmaline sighed.

Han Yu's sky thunder power is already overbearing enough, but in front of Tian Swallowing Dao Origin Qi, it is almost impossible to see.

"You are not a protoss?" The seven-tailed white fox widened his eyes, surprised and happy.

Han Yu nodded and said, "I am a human race, from the Jiuyang Continent."

Seven-tailed white fox muttered: "Human, Jiuyang Continent?"

Gradually, the eyes of the seven-tailed white fox became brighter and brighter, and he said in surprise: "The Nine Suns Continent, our ancestor, came from the Nine Suns Continent!"

At this time, the gaze looking at Han Yu was so cordial.

The other fox demons were also very excited.

A master like Han Yu is not an enemy, but an ally. For them, this is simply great news.

"Lao Lao Lao... Boss... yes yes... everyone... Terran..." Marton opened his mouth wide in surprise, stammering, incoherent.

"Why, can't it?" Han Yu turned to look at Marton and asked.

"Cocoa... Yes... No matter the boss, you, you..." Marton was sweating for a while, and his calves trembled.

"Speak well." Han Yu's eyes widened and said sternly.

"No matter what race you are the boss, you will always be the boss I admire and admire. I will do my best to help you go up and down the pan for you!" Marton healed his stutter in an instant, and said in one breath.

Han Yu nodded in satisfaction, and turned to look at the seven-tailed white fox.

At this moment, Han Yu had already collected the Heaven-Swallowing Path Origin Qi, letting everyone present breathe a sigh of relief.

Han Yu's monstrous magical nature is almost suffocating.

"Fairy, did you know that the boss is not a god, but a human?" Marton asked Fairy Tourmaline secretly.

When Han Yu revealed his true identity, Fairy Tourmaline was not surprised. Combining what the Fairy Tourmaline had said with him before, Marton could judge that Fairy Tourmaline knew Han Yu's details.

"If I hadn't caught his pigtail, do you think he would listen to me honestly?" Fairy Tourmaline was a little proud.

Marton sighed in his heart, and said: "The boss must listen to her? It seems to be true. She asked the boss to come here, and the boss is here non-stop. Don't offend her in the future..."

Marton looked at Fairy Tourmaline's gaze, instantly becoming a little afraid and flattering.

"Trust me now, right?" Han Yu looked at the seven-tailed white fox and asked faintly.

"Since you are a human race, why do you pretend to be a protoss and still associate with the protoss?" Seven-tailed white fox asked.

Han Yu sighed and said: "With our current strength, we can't fight the Protoss head-on. We can only temporarily compromise, recuperate, and wait for opportunities."

A look of sadness flashed in the seven-tailed white fox's eyes, and he nodded, no longer doubting Han Yu. Looking at Marton and Fairy Tourmaline, he said, "These two people are Protoss, how to deal with them?"

Han Yu did not answer, but looked at Fairy Tourmaline.

Marton hurriedly raised his hand and said, "I swear to follow the boss to the death. No matter what status the boss is, I will always be the younger brother of the boss and the boss's follower."

The seven-tailed white fox looked at the tourmaline fairy.

Fairy Tourmaline looked at Han Yu and said meaningfully: "In your heart, what kind of person am I? Will you expose your identity?"

Han Yu smiled faintly and looked at the seven-tailed white fox and said, "Although the two of them are Protoss, they can be trusted."

Seven-tailed White Fox nodded, no longer doubting.

There was a touch of joy on Fairy Tourmaline's face. Han Yu's trust is more precious to her than anything else.

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