Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2443: Outer Door Elder

Han Yu frowned, unexpectedly meeting Fairy Ziwei here.

He hasn't changed the appearance of his deity, now Fairy Ziwei has seen Caifeng's changes, which is not a good thing.

Han Yu calmly watched.

Captain Lin frowned and asked, "When did you become a disciple of the sect?"

Fairy Ziwei said: "I just came here and will soon become a disciple of the sect."

Hearing that, the charterer and the chartered woman breathed a sigh of relief. If the beautiful woman in front of her is really a disciple of Wan Jianzong, she intercedes, and Captain Lin may not be able to give face, but she is not yet a disciple of Wan Jianzong. That's different.

Captain Lin said: "Even if they are your friends, they have to act in accordance with the law. They can't buy and sell here. They want to hurt the seller and must go back with us to accept punishment."

Fairy Ziwei thought for a while and said: "There must be some misunderstandings here. Why not ask Captain Lin here before making a decision?"

Captain Lin snorted: "How your Captain decides is still beyond your control. Don't intervene in this matter, or you will be convicted of obstructing law enforcement, which will have a lot of impact on your future prospects."

Captain Lin this is an obvious threat. Fairy Ziwei quietly turned his head and glanced at Han Yu, only to see Han Yu holding his hands in front of his chest, his expression indifferent, as if it had nothing to do with him. Fairy Ziwei's eyes flashed with sadness and sorrow in her heart. After thinking about it, she still resolutely said: "I really don't have the right to be in charge of Captain Lin.

Enforcement, but today Captain Lin arrests people indiscriminately. I really regard the word "Fadu" as a trifling matter. I will definitely report it to the sect in the future. If the high level blames Captain Lin, he will not feel good, so he asked Captain Lin to think twice. "

Captain Lin said angrily: "You dare to threaten me before you become a sect disciple. Who do you think you are? Even if you become a sect disciple, what qualifications do you have to accuse me?"

Fairy Ziwei's body shook, and the pressure of the gods was released. The three looming rays of light were very beautiful, and most of the people present changed their faces.

The tri-color Shenguang coercion, this is a genius level existence in Wan Jianzong.

Don't think about it, once Fairy Ziwei becomes a disciple of Wan Jianzong, he will inevitably be intensively cultivated by the high-level, and maybe an elder will immediately accept him as a disciple.

Fairy Ziwei said quite proudly: "Captain Lin, what do you think now?" Captain Lin's face became difficult to look. If Fairy Ziwei is an ordinary person, even if he becomes a disciple of Ten Thousand Sword Sect, he wants to report him because of his years of management. Personal connections can also be quickly suppressed. But the genius who cultivates the tri-color divine light and coercive is different. This can directly talk to the elders.

Genius, it's too easy to report him.

But if Captain Lin wanted to show weakness in front of so many people, wouldn't it be slapped in the face?

Suddenly, a vicious thought came out of Captain Lin's heart.

"What about the coercion of the tricolor divine light? You are not a disciple of the sect right now. I will give you another warning. Don't let it go and take it down with you." Captain Lin stared his eyes and said majesticly. .

Fairy Ziwei did not retreat, staring at Captain Lin with straight eyes.

Captain Lin shouted: "Take it together."

But I sneered in my heart, and thought: "You are not a disciple of the sect, and you have no backers. Even if you are a genius who cultivates the tricolor divine light, I will abolish you. If you lose your value, who will Are you early?"

"Junhao Lin, your courage is getting bigger and bigger. You dare to arrest even the geniuses of the sect. Is it because the elders of the sect are here and you want to arrest them too?" A cold voice came.

"Zongmen genius? This fellow Daoist condemned so badly. She is not yet a sect disciple. Where is the genius of the sect..." Junhao Lin stopped abruptly in the middle of his words, and the smile on his face instantly solidified.

I saw a white figure descend from the sky and land in the courtyard. This is a beautiful woman in a palace costume wearing a white robe. The clothes are unique to Wan Jianzong's outer door elders. There is a sword-shaped sign on her chest.

This woman is very beautiful, with a mature charm, her eyes leaking domineeringly.

It is somewhat similar to Fairy Ziwei.

"Elder Huo...Elder Huo..." Captain Lin trot toward the beautiful palace-dressed lady, ran to the palace-dressed lady, and hurriedly knelt down on one knee: "Lin Junhao pays respects to Elder Huo. Please forgive me."

The disciples of the law enforcement team around him also hurriedly knelt down to meet him.

"Aunt." Ziwei fairy Huo Ziwei was overjoyed, and hurriedly went over to hold Elder Huo's arm, with a coquettish look, even more beautiful than ever.

Han Yu's heart is no wonder it's a bit similar, it turned out to be a nephew.

Jun Hao Lin shook his heart suddenly when he heard the words, and he almost fainted.

Nima, this woman who has not yet worshipped the Ten Thousand Sword Sect has such a large mountain. If he knew, he would never say nonsense and immediately let go.

"Come here, take Lin Junhao for me." Elder Huo put his left hand on his back and said domineeringly.

The two law enforcement team members stood up immediately and came over to grab Junhao Lin's arms.

Junhao Lin yelled in fright and said, "Elder Huo, the subordinates don't know what's wrong, Elder Huo wants to arrest me?"

Elder Huo snorted heavily, and said: "Don't think that I don't know what you did. If you have any injustices, you should return to the law enforcement team to argue."

Junhao Lin exclaimed: "Elder Huo was wronged, Elder Huo, you must have heard the villain's slander, and your subordinates will explain to you..."

Elder Huo didn't bother to listen to Junhao Lin's nonsense. With a wave of his arm, Lin Junhao's strange meridians were sealed in an instant. The members of the law enforcement team did not dare to delay, and hurriedly grabbed Lin Junhao and flew away. The rest of the law enforcement team members were also dismissed by Elder Huo.

The charterer, the charterer's wife, and the old woman stood there blankly. All this turned so fast that it would be difficult for them to react for a while.

Their hearts almost hated them, and if they were given another chance, they would definitely not provoke these "hillies".

"Your family of three relied on Junhao Lin to back up, sitting on the ground and raising prices countless times, embarrassing visitors, and killing innocents many times. Today I will walk the way for the sky to wipe out such worms!" Elder Huo said in a deep voice.

The charterer and the charterer were so frightened that they almost fainted.


The old woman suddenly yelled and patted her palms. A wave of air carried the charterer and his wife to leave. She urged her crutches and slammed the crutches at Elder Huo.

"The mayfly shakes the tree, you can't do it yourself!" Elder Huo said with disdain, his sleeves rolled, and a wave of anger swept out. The leading cane was caught by the air wave, and it bounced back instantly, hitting the old woman hard, the old woman screamed and vomited blood, and flew away.

Elder Huo rolled his sleeves, and another wave of anger hit.


The old woman's body was swept by the air wave, collapsed in an instant, and died. As for the charterer and the charterer, Elder Huo only took a look. The void around them was solidified, and their bodies were squeezed out by the powerful void force, and they died on the spot.

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