Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2436: Fulfilled

Han Yu gave a cold snort, turned his head and left.

"Boy, don't you think it's a pity to leave like this?" Taoist Crow caught up with Han Yu.

"What a pity?" Taoist Crow's small eyes rolled, exuding a shrewd light, and said: "Did you hear the noise just now? It must be the Nine Nether Gods who did it. No one is guarding the old nest, we can kill it now, just to take advantage of the void and wash its treasures

Robbed. "

Han Yu said: "Not interested."

Taoist Crow reluctantly said: "Do you know how much wealth the Nine Nether Gods have? The holy medicines are piled up into mountains, and there are countless souls. Just get a little bit, but it will be enough for you to cultivate for a lifetime."

Han Yu was unmoved.

Crow Taoist said: "If you miss this village, there will be no store. Don't regret it!"

After the Taoist Crow said "Ah", Han Yu was nowhere to be seen.

"Hmph, brat, you will regret it, so you don't give face to Master Dao, Master Dao wishes you to take a breath and choke to death!" Daoist Crow cursed and turned away.

"This old Taoist priest is quite fun." On Han Yu's back, the little girl said curiously.

Han Yu ignored her. She was curious about everything, but it was not a comfortable thing for Han Yu to run away with a heavy person on her back.

"You can't breathe in from now on!" The little girl said solemnly.

"Why?" Han Yu asked.

"That old Taoist wishes you to take a breath and choke to death, didn't you hear?" the little girl said.

Han Yu couldn't help rolling his eyes and took a few deep breaths on purpose.

"Hey, why didn't you get choked to death?" the little girl asked suspiciously.

Han Yu almost choked to death by her words.

At the entrance of the Jiuyou Secret Realm, there are corpses everywhere, blood is flowing into a river, the battle has ended, and the Jiuyou Secret Realm and the Protoss have suffered heavy losses.

At this time, the entrance was again controlled by the masters of the Nine Nether Realm, and the experts of the Protoss raced in some, died some, and retreated some.

Han Yu didn't want to know about the little girl, so he hid his figure and left quietly.

Away from the Jiuyou Secret Realm, Han Yu stopped when he entered the Purple Star Alliance, fell on a star, put the little girl down, looked at the little girl with a serious face and said, "What's your name?"

The little girl shook her head and said naturally: "I don't know, you tell me, what is my name?"

Han Yu continued to ask, "Don't you have any memory left?"

The little girl ignorantly said: "What do you mean?"

Han Yu said: "It's what happened before your Nirvana, you don't remember at all?"

The little girl asked in confusion: "What is Nirvana?"

There is no need to ask Han Yu, she must not remember at all.

Said: "Then what do you remember?"

The little girl said: "I only remember that the big bird guarded me when I woke up, and then there were a lot of monsters, and they fought. It's so exciting. I can still fight with that big bird. Those monsters have nothing to do, they are much better than you..."

Han Yu said with a sullen face: "Well, don't say anything, I know. From today, you will follow me and I will protect you."

The little girl said as expected: "If you don't protect me, who will protect me?"

Han Yu was speechless, touched his chin, thought for a while and said, "I'll give you a name, Caifeng. Do you like this name? It doesn't matter if you don't like it, it's the name."

The little girl cocked her mouth and looked unhappy, but in the end she could only nod her head.

Originally, Han Yu wanted to call her Emperor Feng, but the word "di" was too sensitive in the God Realm, so he could only use the down-to-earth name "Caifeng".

Han Yu took out the blood of the Phoenix and said, "Do you know what she is?"

Caifeng beamed her eyes and said, "Can you eat it?"

With that, he snatched the Phoenix blood from Han Yu's hand and swallowed it directly.

At that speed, Han Yu didn't even react.

Then, a magical scene happened. Caifeng, a four- or five-year-old porcelain doll, suddenly burst into red light. It didn't take long before she grew up into a beautiful little girl of seven or eight years old, with her big eyes gurgling around, with a strange charm in her innocence.

The small belly was broken, and the whole body was white as jade, exuding gentle fluorescence. It was simply the most perfect artwork in heaven.

Han Yu used the power of the sky thunder and the golden pattern for her to weave a purple-golden skirt for her to wear. After putting on the skirt, Caifeng happily turned in circles, her hair and skirt floating like a little Like an angel.

This skirt not only has a strong defensive effect, but it was also engraved by Han Yu with a large formation of deception and transfiguration runes, etc. It is difficult to see at a glance that Caifeng is not a "Protoss" even if it is a master of supernatural power. Safe around.

After that, Han Yu refined and refined this harvest. This time, he killed a master in the middle of the gods, more than a dozen monsters in the early stage of the gods, and dozens of monsters in the realm of true gods. The energy contained in their corpses was terrifying.

However, what surprised Han Yu was that after he refined all the masters, he had not yet reached the peak of the early days of the Emperor of Heaven.

The consumption of spiritual energy by the swallowing heaven body is really terrible.

After Han Yu left the customs, he took Caifeng to a crowded star and stayed for a day. Caifeng was full of curiosity about everything, especially for some small objects, children's play and favorite foods, and he simply entered fan.

Han Yu took her around the market for most of the day, bought countless gadgets, and ate a lot of snacks, and she was satisfied. Recently, the Purple Star Alliance has been quite unstable. One is because the attack on the Jiuyou Secret Realm is known to everyone. At this time, on any manned star in the East Pole Star League, people can hear talking about the Jiuyou Secret Realm and mysterious treasures. All kinds of speculations make Han Yu. This person who knows the truth can't help but slap his tongue

, Lamenting the imagination of the Protoss.

Second, because of the East Pole Star League, the East Pole Star League was killed by four top ten geniuses in the Pole Star Game in one day, and the entire East Pole Star League was shaken. The leader of the East Pole Star Alliance who hadn't shown up for a long time all personally came forward and ordered the arrest of the murderer.

As the biggest competitor of the East Pole Star Alliance, the Purple Star Alliance has naturally become the main target. Recently, the two major star alliances have had a very unpleasant quarrel. The high-level officials have fought against each other many times, causing mutual damage.

As for Zhang Ben and other followers of Ziwei Fairy and the death of the old man surnamed Zhao, it has not caused much commotion in the Eastern Star Alliance.

After all, it happened in the Jiuyou Secret Realm. The only witness, Fairy Ziwei, did not say, and the rest of the people naturally did not know the truth. The senior officials of the Ziwei Star Alliance thought it was killed by a master of the Jiuyou Secret Realm.

After three days passed, Han Yu was rushing with Caifeng, and suddenly he coughed violently, and his bile was almost dripping out, tears streaming out.

"That stinky Taoist's words are fulfilled, you really have to take a breath and choke to death!" Caifeng said, not surprised at all, she looked at Han Yu like a curious baby, as if she was going to see when Han Yu coughed to death .

Han Yu coughed for a while before stopping, his face instantly became cold. "Damn Taoist, what is your origin?"

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