Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2422: think too much

"It's done!"

In the underground world, Han Yu stood up, holding the Heaven-swallowing Demon Gourd in his right hand, with a smile on his face. After many days of hard work, he finally gave the Heaven Swallowing Devil Gourd a supernatural power.

"Look how powerful it is!"

With a move of Han Yu's heart, the Sky-Swallowing Demon Gourd flew to the top of his head, dumped it, and pointed his mouth forward.

"Huh!" Suddenly, from the swallowing devil gourd, a purple brilliance burst out, and it was a terrifying sword aura. The sword aura flew by, and the terrifying magma of the underground world was instantly shaken by the terrifying sword intent. Fly ash. The purple sword qi flew in the front for a circle and then flew back, flying into the heaven-swallowing magic gourd

within. "Yes, the thunder and lightning sword tactics displayed by the demon gourd are almost the same as the power that I have displayed with all my strength! Because the heaven swallowing Dao source energy can be turned into a steady stream of thunder and lightning power, when the demon gourds use thunder and lightning. There is no need to attract the power of nine days of thunder and lightning for your own use.

People display too much power. "

Han Yu looked at the Sky-Swallowing Demon Gourd with satisfaction. At this time, there was a sword-shaped seal above the Sky-Swallowing Demon Gourd. Although it was small, the sword spirit was compelling.

With a thought, Han Yu put away the Heaven Swallowing Demon Gourd. Then take out the Dao-patterned gold sword and prepare to forge the Dao-patterned gold sword.

The Daowen Golden Sword is not Han Yu's magic weapon, and his level will not increase as Han Yu's cultivation level increases.

The Daowen Golden Sword seemed to feel Han Yu's thoughts, and couldn't help but let out a cheerful sword cry. A few days later, the Daowen Golden Sword was successfully promoted to a low-level Celestial Soldier. At first glance, the style is almost the same as before, but the Dao pattern on the Dao-patterned golden sword has undergone subtle changes. After Han Yu’s transformation, the natural Dao pattern merges the heaven and earth Dao marks and the power of Han Yu’s avenue to become even more

Unpredictable and majestic.

At this time, the Daowen Golden Sword was in Han Yu's hand, and it did not emit any light. It looked like an ordinary golden sword, but the invisibly vast and majestic aura had the momentum to crush the eternal blue sky. .

It seems that with a single sword, it can break the ground and reshape the universe.

This is the power of the low-level Celestial Soldiers, which cannot be predicted.

Han Yu put away the Daowen Golden Sword, and with a wave of his sleeves, a whirlwind swept past, erasing the breath he had left here, and then disappeared without a trace when his back figure moved.


"The evil thief Xiao Ping is really faster than the rabbit. Brother Lin used the power of the Haohai Star Territory to hunt down, but he didn't even find him."

"That speed is indeed ridiculously fast, and the powerhouses in the realm of the gods can't catch up. It's really incredible."

"But if you can run, the monk can't run to the temple, he will go to Wan Jianzong to meet us after all."

Cen Hai, Wei Wenfeng and Yu Yanbin hurried forward while discussing. They had just left the Haohai Star Region and were about to return to Dongji Star.

This time they followed Lin Haochu to the Haohai Star Territory, and got the mid-level extreme supernatural powers they wanted. They were even more desperate for Lin Haochu.

Suddenly, a tall figure appeared in front of them, blocking their way.

"So courageous, dare to block our way, go away!"

"Don't go away, be careful to kill you!"

All three of them are the top ten in the Pole Star Tournament, the genius of the East Pole Star League. Compared to Tong Zhan, Lu Jingyu, and Lin Haochu, they are weaker, but in front of the others, they are still superior.

So much so that they saw a person of their age blocking the way, and slammed them unceremoniously.

"Three lackeys, do you have to learn to be human?" The other party sneered.

"Looking for death!" Cen Hai and Wei Wenfeng were furious. The two accelerated, preparing to slap the arrogant to death.

Yu Yanbin hurriedly grabbed the two of them, and asked suspiciously, "Who are you?"

The three of them did Lin Haochu's lackeys, and only a small part of the top ten and Dongjixing knew how the other party knew.

Upon hearing Yu Yanbin's questioning, Cen Hai and Wei Wenfeng could only hold back their anger and looked at each other fiercely.

I saw that the other's face was constantly changing, and his body became slightly shorter, and soon a familiar person appeared in the sight of the three of them.

"Xiao Ping, is it you?"

"It's no wonder that Haohaixingyu used so much power and didn't find you, so you can hide easily."

"It's really nowhere to look for it through the iron shoes. It takes no effort to come, we have been looking for you for a long time!"

As the three of them spoke, they stretched out their figure and formed a triangle to surround Han Yu, with a smirk on their faces.

"You want to kill me with the three rubbish, really overwhelming!" Han Yu held his hand and shook his head.

"Evil thief, don't be arrogant, you are indeed a bit capable, but we are three of us, even if we are the real powerhouses in the early days of the gods, we can also fight, let alone you!" Cen Hai's expression was gloomy and he shouted. .

"Tsk tusk tusk, what an idiot. Even if I am not the gods' early cultivation base, killing you is like killing a dog, let alone now." Han Yu sneered.

"What do you mean? Did you break through the realm of the gods?" The three of them were all startled and involuntarily stepped back a few steps.

When Han Yu was at the peak of the true god, he could climb the stairs that only the gods could climb in the early stage. If he broke through to the early stage of the gods, his combat power would be unimaginable. However, when the three of them sensed Han Yu's breath, they did not feel the strong breath of the gods in the early stage.

"Hmph, playing mystery. It's not easy to lie to us. Do you think the Celestial Realm is so easy to break through?" Wei Wenfeng calmed down, thinking that Han Yu deliberately frightened them and made them retreat.

"Two, stop talking nonsense with him, let's get rid of him together. Then Big Brother Lin will be very happy and rewarded." Cen Hai looked expectant. At this time, Han Yu looked like one in his eyes. Sweet pastry.

"Do it!" Wei Wenfeng and Yu Yanbin were also impatient.

"Boom boom boom!"

The three shot at the same time, and the shot was a terrifying killer move with low-level extreme magical powers. Three low-level extreme magical powers bombarded Han Yu from three directions. Soon the void where Han Yu was was compressed into a vacuum, and then the void was bombed.


The three extreme magical powers blasted Han Yu's body, and Han Yu's location instantly turned into a terrifying Jiuyou Purgatory.

The three of them were taken aback, thinking that there was a big battle, but they didn't expect to kill Han Yu so easily.

"Hahaha, I thought he was a person, but I didn't expect to be so vulnerable!" Cen Hai laughed.

"It's a pity, now it's directly turned into fly ash, how can we reward Big Brother Lin?" Wei Wenfeng said with a distressed expression, "I've known it earlier." "If you think too much, go there. Die!" At this moment, a cold voice came from the energy storm, and the terrifying energy quickly shrank and was swallowed by a black whirlpool.

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