Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2399: Easy win

After an elder stepped forward to explain the rules and rewards of the Pole Star Competition, the participants began to draw lots.

The East Pole Star Alliance has a total of 27 star domains, and each star domain can send three people to participate in the competition in each Pole Star competition, but this time it created the lowest record for participants, with only 72 people participating.

Among them, like the East Pole Star Territory, there are not enough three people; among them, like the Chaotian Star Territory and the Profound Star Territory, the contestants are injured or killed.

After the draw, everyone directly boarded the ring according to the number of the ring, and the first round of the competition was all conducted at the same time.

What Han Yu drew was the seventh ring, and his opponent was actually an old acquaintance, Wang Hongfang of the profound star domain.

Wang Hongfang saw that the first opponent was Han Yu, he couldn't help but exclaimed, "Xiao Ping, the first opponent met me. I swear I will kill you to avenge Brother Yu, come and die. ."

In the past few days, under the full assistance of Yu Boda, Wang Hong's strength has skyrocketed, and he is even better than Yu Han in the past. He is confident to kill Han Yu.


Wang Hongfang took the lead in flying to the ring, his feet heavily stepped on the ring, the ring shook and the ring shook the sky.

So that the rest of the contestants were attracted by the movement here, and couldn't help but cast their eyes curiously.

"Xiao Ping's luck is really not good. The first opponent met Wang Hongfang, and he had to peel off if he didn't die in this battle."

"Dongyang Star Territory wants to rise, it is undoubtedly a foolish dream!"

Many contestants sneered again and again, seeming to have seen Han Yu's tragic end, and saw the fall of Dongyang Star Territory.

On the viewing platform, Yu Boda had a cold look on his face, glanced at Huo Ling, and said in a gloomy voice: "No one can still jump alive after killing the people in our profound Star Territory!"

Yu Boda was ignored by the fire spirit. Yu Boda snorted heavily and cast his eyes on the ring.

"Senior, I apply for a life-and-death battle!" As soon as Han Yu stepped onto the ring, Wang Hongfang held his fist at the man presiding over the competition.

There are regulations in the Pole Star Tournament. If you want to fight between life and death, if you want to fight between life and death, you must apply for a life and death battle in advance and sign a life and death contract.

The man looked at Han Yu blankly and said, "What do you say?"

For many years as a referee in the ring, he is not surprised that he is used to this kind of battle.

Han Yu said lightly: "As he wishes."

Han Yuzheng couldn't find a reason to kill him, but he didn't expect him to take the initiative to send it to the door.

After the two signed a life and death contract, they immediately fought each other.


Wang Hong's release is the strongest killer move, and the low-level extreme magical powers are scorching the sun.

The terrifying ball of light, like a sun about to explode, exploded with terrifying heat, smashing the void and hitting Han Yu.

If it weren't for this place was developed by a strong god, Wang Hongfang could easily destroy tens of millions of miles of galaxy.

Han Yu didn't change his face, displayed the Xuanyun Heavenly Sword, the terrifying sword aura went into the sky and cut the scorching sun in half.

Wang Hongfang let out a muffled snort, patted his hands together, and displayed another low-level supernatural power, five elements palm.

Han Yu blasted with his palms and displayed the Taiyi Huafan palm.

"Boom boom boom..."

One by one, palm prints bombarded, collided, and exploded, alarming the four fields. The two sides fought equally and inextricably.

"Unexpectedly, Dongyang Star Territory is actually such a genius, just breaking through the realm of the true **** peak, it will be comparable to Wang Hongfang!"

"This time Dongyang Star Territory's ranking should surprise us."

Many elders began to talk.

Although Han Yu had shown extraordinary things before, it was only at this moment that they really saw Han Yu's talent.

Han Yu just broke through the peak of the true god, this is something everyone present knows, and Wang Hongfang has broken through the peak of true **** for seven or eight years. In the past few days, Yu Boda has tried his best to cultivate, half of his foot has entered the realm of the early days of the gods. .

"Hmph, Hongfang hasn't performed any tricks yet. Once the tricks are released, they will surely be destroyed. This little thief will soon die!" Wang Hongfang sneered again and again.

However, his smile froze in an instant. Han Yu and Wang Hongfang fired several blows, and both were shocked and flew upside down. In the process of flying upside down, Han Yu actually used the Xuanyun Heavenly Sword and shot Wang Hong with a single blow. His left shoulder was chopped off.

"The exchange of supernatural powers is so fast!"

"It can be seen that he has cultivated these two supernatural powers to the extreme."

Not to mention Yu Boda, even some of the magnates and elders of the Star Territory were shocked.

Han Yu and Wang Hongfang were evenly matched. Both sides were shocked by terror and flew away. Wang Hongfang only had time to breathe, but Han Yu displayed another magical power at a lightning speed. What is it that he has not cultivated magical powers to the extreme? Feel free to switch, come at your fingertips.

But the surprise is still behind. After Han Yu's successful strike, he immediately turned the Xuanyun Heavenly Sword to transform Taiyi's palm, and countless palm prints swarmed towards Wang Hongfang.


A scream sounded, and Wang Hongfang was bombarded by palm prints one after another, and was finally directly bombarded by Han Yu into pieces, and died on the spot!

"Huh?" Yu Boda shouted, but he couldn't change back to this tragic enchantment.

"Wang Hongfang and Xiao Ping are of equal strength, but Xiao Pingsheng is in control of supernatural powers!"

"Yes, there is no gap between the two great magical powers. Wang Hongfang has no chance to breathe. It is reasonable to be killed."

Several star domain masters and elders were self-righteous and commented.

Huo Ling thought it was funny. With Han Yu's strength, he could kill Wang Hongfang in seconds. If he didn't want to expose his strength, he wouldn't have been entangled with Wang Hongfang for so long.

Yu Boda looked at Han Yu with hatred, wishing to kill Han Yu with his eyes. But in the Pole Star Tournament, he did not dare to make a second, so he could only drop blood in his heart and curse in his heart. Some people who were waiting to see Han Yu make a fool of himself were naturally extremely disappointed. Some of the Star Territory masters who wanted to replace the position of the Yuanbo Star Territory were secret joy. The two most powerful contestants of the Yuanbo Star Territory were killed by Han Yu, and it was a foregone conclusion to fall out of the top ten. This is great for competitors


In less than an hour, the first round of the competition was over, the top 36 were out, and the top 36 were drawn again for the second round of competition.

Han Yu's opponent in the second round was an old acquaintance, Wei Xiaoting from the Chaotian Star Territory.

Before coming to East Pole Star, Wei Xiaoting didn't pay much attention to Han Yu, but facing Han Yu at this moment, Wei Xiaoting was under tremendous pressure, and he had no confidence in defeating Han Yu.

"I said, you are the last to the stars to participate in the Pole Star Tournament, and you are also the last to the bottom if you do not participate in the Pole Star Tournament." Han Yu said lightly.

"What do you mean?" Wei Xiaoting's face changed drastically.

"Boom!" The response to Wei Xiaoting was Han Yu's hand in the world. After the three moves, Wei Xiaoting fell to the ground severely injured and unconscious.

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