Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2367: Do your best

Suddenly, the dim light of the old banyan tree became vigorous again, a powerful breath surging out of its body like a volcanic eruption, directly shattering the surrounding void. A cyan gas rushed out of its body, turned into a sword, and hit Hua Huan’s sword gas heavily.



Hua Huan's sword that opened up the world was easily shattered. Hua Huan was stunned by the shock, and flew backwards.


The many masters of the Protoss were stunned, the old banyan tree at the end of the crossbow, how did it suddenly become so powerful?


The old banyan tree not only increased in strength, but new branches and new leaves continued to grow on the trunk, and soon a banyan tree that was about to be destroyed became a lush, vigorous and towering giant tree.

"Secret method, he used a secret method!" Dong Qinglei exclaimed.

"Huh, strong action uses secret methods, time is limited, even if we don't kill him, he will be consumed to death." Hua Huan sneered again and again after a start.

The old banyan tree was seriously injured and dying, and he used secret methods to forcibly increase his strength and consume his body's potential, even if he survived by chance, it would be useless. Moreover, Hua Huan will not let the old banyan tree survive.


With a loud roar, a big blue dragon rushed out of the old banyan tree, and the dragon swam around in the sky, shaking the earth.

This was an attack launched by the old Banyan Tree. One blow knocked back all true **** powerhouses such as Hua Huan and Dong Qinglei, and everyone was shocked.

The old banyan tree smashed into the void and rushed to the battlefield of Stone Mountain.


A branch turned into a spear, piercing through the void. Ma Zhi was so frightened that he hurriedly raised his sword to slash. The sword collided with the branch and made a terrifying noise. Ma Zhi's palm was cracked, blood flowed across, and he flew away.

The branches of the old banyan tree curled up the stone sky for shelter. The stone mountain at this time is close to fall.


The branches and leaves of the old banyan tree were killed in all directions, to the battlefield of Xuan Xuan, Rose and others.

Xuan Xuan's three opponents, one was pierced by leaves like a ten thousand sword and died, the other was pierced through the back of his head, and the other was blown off and his body was cut in two. Finally, the branches of the old banyan tree were rolled and Xuan was Xuan rolled to her side.

Xuan Xuan's stems are dry and withered, the flowers are zeroed, and they are about to fall.

Afterwards, Rose, Jade Zhongzi, Mu Li and others were also swept around by the old banyan tree. Everyone's condition was extremely bad. If the old banyan tree arrived ten minutes late, I am afraid they would all die in the hands of the gods.


Emerald green light scattered from the old banyan tree. The light contained terrifying vitality. The eight people who had been seriously injured and dying, as the light rain fell on their bodies, were absorbed by the body, and the injuries were healed quickly.

"Grandpa, don't waste your energy to heal us anymore." Xuan Xuan shouted.

The old banyan tree used secret methods to forcibly increase his combat power. The situation was not good, and he also spent energy to heal their injuries, with disastrous consequences.

"Grandpa, stop!"

Shishan, Rose, Yuzhongzi and others also shouted anxiously.

However, the old banyan tree thought he had not heard it, and quickly broke through the air with a few people, and continued to heal a few people. At the same time, the old banyan tree had to withstand the attacks of many powerful people.

The old Banyan tree tried to get rid of the strong protoss several times, but was chased by the strong protoss. In a blink of an eye, half a day passed, and the old banyan tree was a little desperate.

Even if he used the secret method to explode the strongest combat power, but the Protoss was so powerful that he couldn't break a blood path, and as time passed, the time limit of the secret method gradually approached.


The old banyan tree sighed secretly, and the branches shook, throwing out Shishan, Xuanxuan, Rose, etc., and his body instantly burst into light with terrifying energy.

"He is going to blew himself up?"

Hua Huan, Ma Zhi, Dong Qinglei and others who came after him were all shocked and moved. The old banyan tree exploded and could definitely blow them up easily. Hastily stopped his figure and retreated madly.

"Don't come back again, remember, before you have the ability to compete with the gods, do not come out!"

The voice of the old banyan tree rang in the ears of Shi Shan, Xuan Xuan, Rose and others. Only by exploding across the void and blocking the Protoss master can Shi Shan and Xuan Xuan retreat.

Shi Shan, Xuan Xuan and others already had tears in their eyes, shouting no.

"Protoss, you are deceiving too much!" At this moment, a roar sounded up and down the world.

Shi Shan, Xuan Xuan and others were all taken aback, and this voice was no stranger to them. After Xuan Xuan froze, she couldn't help but ecstatic.

The soaring breath of the old banyan tree stopped for an instant, and forcibly stopped the explosion.


Suddenly, in front of the old banyan tree, a man in black appeared, facing the old banyan tree, he exuded a murderous intent that made his soul tremble. The figure is as tall as a sword, and the temples are white, swaying in the wind.

The man raised his right hand and pointed his finger towards the old banyan tree. A dark purple gas rushed into the old banyan tree. From the dark purple gas, a monstrous magical power was emitted. Just like a peerless great demon, so that the powerhouses of the Protoss come from the tremors in the depths of the soul.

The dark purple gas entered the body of the old banyan tree, and quickly walked through the body of the old banyan tree, swallowing all the terrifying aura that the Protoss master had left in his body.

Before long, the old banyan tree transformed into an old man with wrinkled skin. The strong action and secret method cost him a heavy price. The whole person looked listless and seemed to have come to the end of life.

The man frowned slightly when he saw the old banyan tree. The secret method used by the old banyan tree is far less terrible than the taboo magic, but the old banyan tree does not have his terrible body, so that it leaves a terrible after-effect.

However, it is not the time to think about this problem. The man suppressed the fluctuations in his heart and said: "Grandpa Rong, you can rest well. Then just leave it to me."

Rong Aotian nodded, secretly transmitting to the man: "Be careful, Xiao Taiyi!"

The corners of the man's mouth moved slightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The man appeared too abruptly, and the killing intent on his body and the terrifying magical nature made the masters of the Protoss a little jealous, so that everyone looked at his back and frowned, and for a while, no one did it.

"Who are you? Are you Han Yu?" Hua Huan asked in a low voice.

Although he couldn't see the man's cultivation level, he felt a dangerous breath in the man's body.

At this moment, the man slowly turned around, and a well-defined, frost-covered face appeared in the sight of many Protoss masters. Those eyes, exuding a cold and stern light, swept over everyone. , It made them feel uncomfortable as if the blade had been scratched. All the protoss involuntarily stepped back a few steps, watching the man vigilantly. Because this person is not someone else, it is Han Yu.

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