Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2362: Emperor Wu Peak

That Heavenly Departure Master led three people to kill, and one of them was a powerhouse in the middle of True God.

This time Hua Huan took a long look, even if he looked down on Jiuyang Continent, he would do his best.

The strong man who was dispatched in the middle of the True God stage felt helpless. From the heart, he didn't want to cross the boundary to take risks, but he didn't dare to violate the order.

After several people tore the void and entered the void barrier, the people here were nervously watching their soul cards. Expecting that they should cross the barrier and enter the Nine Suns Continent, their soul cards were not broken, and they could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

They were really afraid that Heaven's Punishment would be bombed to death when they crossed the void, but they wanted to cry without tears.

"Hey, this time, not only will the Heavenly Unloading Master descend, but also the strong in the middle of True God will help. No matter how tenacious the Nine Sun Continent, it will be removed from the world!" Shao Yuanwu said with a smile.

However, not long after his words fell, the soul cards of several Protoss were shattered one after another. Shao Yuanwu suddenly became as if he was pinched on his neck by an invisible big hand, his face flushed first, then turned pale again.

"How could it be possible that both a Heavenly Discharged Master and a True God mid-stage powerhouse have fallen? Even if Han Yu is a Heavenly Discharged Master, can his array be so powerful?" Countless people were shocked.

"The Nine Suns Continent not only has the formations arranged by Han Yu, but also the strong emperor!" Hua Huan said in a gloomy tone. It is now certain that in addition to Han Yu, there are also strong emperors in the Nine Sun Continent. It is still impossible to tell how many people there are and how strong they are.

The imperial realm powerhouse sits in town, coupled with the killing formation arranged by Han Yu, it is not easy to break through.

Suddenly, Hua Huan looked at Shao Yuanwu and said, "Go."

"Me?" Shao Yuanwu pointed at himself, looking at Hua Huan incredulously. He is a strong man in the late True God, is it necessary to send him?

Not to mention Shao Yuanwu, it was the accident of the rest of the people. I wondered if Hua Huan made a fuss.

Hua Huan spit out a faint word: "Go!"

Shao Yuanwu’s expression suddenly turned into a bitter expression. He was not afraid of the danger of the Nine Suns Continent. He was afraid of the heavenly punishment when he crossed the void barrier. Although he successfully passed the heavenly punishment when he became a god. It’s enough to provoke it once, but I really don’t want to provoke it a second time.

At this moment, he had no idea whether he could successfully resist Tianchao.

Shao Yuanwu wanted to refuse, he heard Hua Huan's cold voice: "Those who disobey orders, cut!"

Shao Yuanwu trembled slightly, he could only gritted his teeth, clasped his fists at Hua Huan, and rushed into the void barrier with a look of death.

The rest of the powerful late True Gods couldn't help but sweat soaked in their palms. They were both gloating for misfortune, but also a little afraid that Hua Chang would point them to them. Fortunately, Shao Yuanwu was the one taking advantage of them.

"Grandpa, what should we do? We are still a step late, and the Protoss is so frantic that it sends a powerful late-stage true **** to kill."

Among the Protoss crowd, Xuan Xuan turned into an ordinary-looking woman and merged into the Protoss without attracting any attention. Now the masters of the spirit race have arrived, all of them have turned into the gods and melted among the crowd watching the lively.

Xuan Xuan's heart jumped in a hurry when he just saw Shao Yuanwu tearing through the void barriers.

She heard from Han Yu that the Nine Suns Continent has a formation arranged by Han Yu, and there is a strong emperor who sits in town, and it is not a problem to resist the strong man in the middle stage of Emperor Wu, but if the strong man in the late stage of the true **** kills it, the hope is slim.

"First hold on, the Void Barrier is a big test, let's see if he can survive the Void Barrier." The old banyan tree came to Xuan Xuan and stabilized Xuan Xuan.

Time passed quietly. For five months, Shao Yuanwu’s soul cards were intact, making the powerhouses of the Protoss overjoyed. You don’t have to think about knowing that Shao Yuanwu successfully passed through the void barriers to the Nine Suns Continent. .

With the strength of the late True God powerhouse, who can resist the small Nine Sun Continent? Before long, the Nine Suns Continent will be trampled down by Shao Yuanwu and become the history of the cultivation world.

Xuan Xuan has been suppressed by the old Banyan Shu, and now it is too late to say anything, even if they make a move, they can't stop Shao Yuanwu.


In the Star Sea Fire Region, Han Yu finally swallowed all the Taiyi Profound True Qi in the fire spirit.

Then Huo Ling retreated to the side to recuperate secretly, Han Yu continued to sit cross-legged, adjusting his mentality, preparing to hit the peak of the Emperor Quasi.


When Han Yu adjusted his state to the best, it was a thought that swallowed the devil gourd to release its refined energy and rushed into Han Yu's Dantian.

The energy refined from Taiyi Profound True Qi is not only strong and terrifying, but also contains terrifying power of the Great Dao. The power of the Great Dao has now been refined by the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd into Heaven and Earth Dao Marks, which are surging out with the energy and refined by Han Yu.化absorbing.

It didn't take long before Han Yu touched the barrier that stood in front of Emperor Wu's peak and began to fight hard.

After more than three hundred attempts, Han Yu rushed through the barrier and broke through to the peak of Emperor Wu.

However, the energy and the traces of heaven and earth obtained from the Taiyi Profound True Qi are too strong. After Han Yu's breakthrough, he continued to gush out from the Heaven-swallowing Demon Gourd. Han Yu's cultivation base , Is still soaring rapidly.

Huo Ling was startled by Han Yu's breakthrough, and when he looked at Han Yu, his eyes were filled with consternation. At this time, Han Yu was spouting with dark purple arrogance, and the invisible demon nature made the fire spirit feel a kind of creepy. He was simply a peerless great demon, and the dark purple arrogance also exudes terrifying devouring power. It can simply swallow the sky. If it weren't for the fire spirit to hold on the first time

His cave house, I am afraid that everything in this cave house was swallowed up by Han Yu.

"It's worthy of the Sky Swallowing Devil Body, the imposing momentum of Emperor Wudi's peak is enough to be equal to me." Huo Ling sighed.

Before Han Yu proposed to join him, Huo Ling was still disdainful, but now he realizes how terrifying Han Yu is.

Han Yu's breath soared until there was a line of distance from the early days of the gods, and he stopped, and it seemed that he might break through at any time. However, Han Yu knew that breaking through the early stage of the gods was a breakthrough in the great realm, and the degree of difficulty was half a step higher than that of Emperor Wu's breakthrough in the early stage of Emperor Wu.

So even if it seems to be only one step away, Han Yu knows there is still a lot to go, and is not impatient.

This breakthrough also proved Han Yu's previous guess that his strong physique resisted the damage caused by the use of taboo magical arts, and did not leave him hurt. If there is an injury, Han Yu is absolutely impossible to break through.

The trace of doubt in Han Yu's heart finally disappeared completely, and this result made him more happy than a breakthrough. With a thought to Han Yu, the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd appeared, and the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd automatically absorbed the aura of heaven and earth and the marks of heaven and earth to temper itself, and was promoted from a high-level emperor to a top emperor.

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