Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2237: Accept inheritance

Han Yu didn't expect it to be so simple, but at the same time he felt weird. He knew the situation in the bronze coffin. It was covered with green hairs, and let him lie in the green hairs. Thinking about it, he got goose bumps. Honghu explained: "Although the method is simple, it is life-threatening. Needless to say, the pressure and ominousness of the curse is definitely a catastrophe. Moreover, while depriving the other Qitian masters of their energy, those Qitian masters also begin to deprive you of yours. Energy, can it resist so many Qitians with its own strength

Teachers are also a big problem. If you can't resist it, you will be sucked up quickly. "

Han Yu nodded cautiously, and said, "I see."

Duguyi kendo: "If you are ready, then go. We can't help you, everything can only be up to you. Remember, if you can't hold on, come out, there is no need to fight for your life."

Han Yu nodded cautiously, and flew towards the top of the altar.

The expressions of Honghu and Dugu Yijian were solemn, looking at Han Yu quietly.

Han Yu flew to the top of the altar and looked at the bronze coffin. The green hair inside was soaring, still wriggling constantly, and seeing it made his scalp numb for a while. This way of inheritance is indeed a bit creepy.

Han Yu paused for a moment, took a deep breath, and flew into the bronze coffin.


In an instant, those green hairs swept over to Han Yu madly, Han Yu instinctively resisted, the green hairs came into contact with Han Yu, and the power of sky thunder emerged. Those green hairs instantly resembled the tide, frightening Got crazy.

"Don't resist."

Honghu's voice sounded.

Without allowing Green Hair to join him, Han Yu would not be able to deprive thousands of Qi Tian masters of the energy, and he could not take that step. Han Yu quickly calmed down the power of the sky thunder and the devilish energy of the sky swallowing, lying flat in the coffin. Without the threat of the power of the sky thunder, those green hairs began to swept towards Han Yu frantically. Soon Han Yu was covered with layers of green hairs, and he became a person who could no longer see him.


Those green hairs were still unwilling to wrap Han Yu, their tips pierced Han Yu's skin, and then drilled into Han Yu's flesh and blood along Han Yu's pores.


Countless green hairs have penetrated into the flesh and blood, and how painful it is that it is impossible to describe in words. What was even more frightening was that Han Yu felt an unprecedented horror and ominous power enveloped.

Not only did the outside green hair penetrate deep into the body, but also the green hair began to grow inside the body, growing from the depths of the bone marrow. Gradually, Han Yu's consciousness began to blur.

"What a terrible power!" Han Yu was agitated.

"Swallow, deprive!"

Han Yu ran the "Sutra of Supreme Supreme Being", and the Heaven-swallowing Devil Qi rolled rapidly in his body, and his body suddenly exploded with terrible devouring power.


Outside, the green hairs became colorful, and countless energy rushed out of the coffin along the green hairs and poured into the bronze coffin. Upon seeing this, Honghu and Dugu Yijian both secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"It affects all the coffins in an instant, so terrible swallowing power, only the Devouring Devil Body." Honghu sighed.

"This is simply for Han Yu." Dugu Yijian also sighed.

At this time, his words became more and his emotions became richer. So Honghu would have difficulty adapting to it for a while, often thinking that it is not Dugu Yijian standing beside him, but a stranger.

Countless energy enters Han Yu's body along the green hair. This is not pure energy. It contains countless array patterns. These array patterns enter Han Yu's body, spontaneously connect together, and begin to suppress the green hair growing in Han Yu's body. Defend against ominous.

With more and more lines, Han Yu gradually recovered. However, this situation did not last long. Suddenly the whole altar began to tremble, and the frequency of the tremors became stronger and stronger, so that the coffins seemed to jump up. It seems that the Qi Tian masters inside were all alive and wanted to break through the coffin cover to kill Han Yu, depriving them of energy. of


The energy coming from the green hair quickly diminished, and then gradually came the power of swallowing, which actually began to **** out the energy in Han Yu's body.

"Dare to compete with the devouring power of the Sky-Swallowing Devil, and you can't help it!"

Han Yu was not only not surprised, but aroused fighting spirit. The mind was madly running, and the body's devouring power reached an unprecedented terrifying level, and at the same time, the heaven swallowing magic gourd in the body also exploded with unparalleled devouring power.


The energy that Han Yu had been sucked back came back like lightning, and began to madly deprive those Qitian masters of energy.

"Boom boom..."

The shock became more and more terrifying, and a terrible breath broke out among thousands of coffins, but no matter how irritable they became, they couldn't compete with Han Yu's devouring power. The terrible nature of the Devouring Demon was vividly manifested.

If he were to be an ordinary person, he would have been sucked into mummy by the corpses in the coffins.

However, the danger has just come.

Although Han Yu defeated thousands of Qitian Masters in the process of devouring and depriving him, as the altar riots, the ominousness became more and more terrifying. The energy that Han Yu breathed into his body was a vague ominous sign that he could not suppress it.

This is a very dangerous signal. Once the ominous erodes, Han Yu will lose himself, and will eventually be sucked into a corpse by thousands of Qitian masters.


Suddenly, Honghu yelled, rushing towards the altar like madness, and bombarding the bronze coffin with a punch.


The terrible fist marks, heavy bombardment on the bronze coffin, made the bronze coffin shake.

Han Yu in the coffin was already struggling to support him. By this sudden change, his face turned pale, and he was instantly suppressed by ominousness. His body began to swell with green hairs, and his consciousness was quickly dissipating.

Dugu Yijian was taken aback. At this time, the Honghu was too terrible, with green hair all over his body, like crazy, so he could not wait to eat Han Yu raw.

After one punch, he didn't stop, he was brewing even more terrifying killer moves.

"Brother Hong stop!"

Dugu Yijian burst out and rushed over quickly.

Honghu turned around, shot out terrifying green hairs in his eyes, and roared at Dugu Yijian, like a beast.


Honghu didn't give Dugu a sword any chance, and blasted out with one punch. The terrible fist prints, overwhelmingly blasted towards Dugu Yijian.


Dugu a sword and pointed it as a sword, cut off with one finger, easily cut Honghu's fist marks, rushed to Honghu's body, grabbed Honghu's shoulder, the terrible vitality surged out like a tide, suppressing Honghu.

With the invasion of Dugu Yijian's vitality, the ominousness on Honghu's body gradually disappeared, the green hair on Honghu's body slowly receded, and the green light in his pupils gradually weakened.

"Brother Dugu, what did I do?" Honghu's body trembled, and his whole body seemed to be lost in an instant. "Brother Hong doesn't need to blame himself, Han Yu will be fine." Dugu Yijian glanced at the bronze coffin and didn't know what happened to Han Yu. But no matter what Han Yu was doing, he couldn't help. He sighed secretly, and quickly left the ominous place with Honghu.

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