Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2226: Qi Tianshi inheritance

What happened in the border city quickly spread to all parts of the world on the Jiuyang Continent, causing the world to boil.

The protoss army was once again annihilated, and this made the human race and the monster race in the world exhale again. And this time, Han Yu, who had turned the tide and saved the Nine Suns Continent from fire and water, has undoubtedly become an idol worshipped by the world.

Many heroes spontaneously advance and retreat in frontier cities with the human and monster sages who guard the border cities.

Honghu, Li Weibai, the old madman, the Golden Winged Dapeng, and Dugu Yijian were all healing, and Han Yu sat alone on the wall of the Dragon God City, waiting for the protoss army to come again.

Several peak powers had predicted that the Protoss army would be wiped out once again, and either it would launch a third assault soon, or it would take a long time. Therefore, Han Yu could only temporarily postpone the rescue of Liu Xuanyue, and personally sit in the border city.

After more than three months in a blink, one day Han Yu was concentrating on training the cursed circle, a loud bang came from the border, and the gods were madly bombarding the void barrier.

"Sure enough, it came fast!" Han Yu sneered and stood up. With a thought, all the incarnations appeared. Six days passed quietly, and suddenly, the void barrier collapsed, a huge black hole appeared, and the boundary was pierced.

Han Yu asked Sun Godzi to directly use the setting sun to kill with a sword, and a blood-red light penetrated into the black hole. There was a scream from there, and then there was no movement. After another two days, the black hole healed, and the Protoss gave up this attack.

Obviously, the other party is just a test. Han Yu continued to sit cross-legged to exercise cursing circle.

One day, Honghu landed, looking at Han Yu with a complicated expression.

"Senior, is your injury healed?" Han Yu asked.

Honghu did not answer, but said faintly: "Come with me." After speaking, he flew down to Dragon God City.

Han Yu let several avatars sit here and follow Honghu.

It didn't take long for the two of them to fly out of Dragon God City and flew towards Golden Crow City.

"Senior, what's the matter?" Han Yu asked suspiciously.

Honghu slowed down, flew side by side with Han Yu, and said, "Han Yu, you killed my disciple. We were never going to die, but you saved me again. We will never owe each other again."

Han Yu was silent. Although he felt sorry for Honghu, he didn't regret killing Yu Yeyu. He will not leave a person who might threaten his relatives and friends at any time.

Honghu sighed faintly, and said: "Now you are in the pinnacle of the Emperor Zhun, or a ten-yuan earth-unloader, it is time for you to know our plan."

Han Yu asked curiously: "What plan?"

Honghu looked at Han Yu, a strong expression of excitement suddenly appeared in those calm eyes, and said, "Go against the sky and create a master of Xietian."

"Hiss!" Han Yu couldn't help taking a breath.

Because of the existence of the ominous old age, the Qitian Master of the Nine Suns Continent has not broken through to the realm of the Xietian Master since ancient times. Honghu's short sentence can be said to be shocking forever.

Honghu said: "You should already know the existence of the ominous places in the temples of the gods."

Han Yu said: "It's in the temples of the gods, within the Nine Palaces, where countless Qitian Masters' coffins are located, is it an ominous place?" Honghu nodded and said: "Yes. That ominous place was built by the gods and made it. Qi Tianshi’s ominous old age made it impossible for Qi Tianshi on the Nine Suns Continent to break through the realm of Shi Tianshi. Our sages on the Nine Yangs Continent, after more than ten years of hard work, changed the ominous place into a

A place against the sky, a place of inheritance. You can use that place to go against the sky, and artificially bring up the master of the heaven. "

Han Yu couldn't help but boiled for a while, and asked expectantly: "Senior told me this, do you want me to be the lucky person?" Honghu did not answer directly, but said: "The Protoss army has attacked both times. The annihilation of the army may have attracted the attention of the Protoss high-level. We guess that the Protoss is likely to have a true **** descend on the Nine Suns Continent in the near future. Once the true God descends, who can resist? The Nine Suns Continent is by the sky.

Suppressed by the great earth formation, unable to become an emperor. The only hope is to create a Master of Heaven. Master Xietian can fight against the powerful emperor Wu, and Master Xietian can also crack the heaven and earth formation, allowing the Jiuyang Continent to reappear. Today, this matter is imminent. "

Han Yu said: "The border city can withstand the coming of the true god, so there should be no danger for the time being."

Honghu shook his head, and said: "Once the Protoss senses that our Nine Suns Continent is threatening, they will certainly suppress it at all costs. The border city can block one, two, and three true gods, and can block five, Six, even more true gods?"

Han Yu was silent. Although the border city was a city made of the blood and bones of nine powerful emperors, it was a dead thing after all. Even if the nine imperial realm powerhouses are still alive, they can resist at most nine true gods. Now, if they can specifically block the combined bombardment of several true gods, Han Yu has no idea.

The Protoss attacked the entire army twice, and if the time when Shenyuan Mountain landed was added, it would have been annihilated three times. Can the Protoss be regarded as a threat? Han Yu didn't know.

In normal times, the true **** of the Protoss did not do anything. One was the shock of the border city, and the other was that the Nine Sun Continent had no right to let the true **** do it. But now?

"There is no doubt that the Protoss will send more powerful characters to attack, but for the time being, the true **** will not be allowed to do it, but for the sake of safety, don't take a fluke, you have to improve your strength as soon as possible." Suddenly, Feng Shenzi's voice sounded.

He knows the Protoss very well. Although the Protoss was annihilated three times, it was not enough for the true **** to do it himself, and it was still a joint action. To know the existence of true gods, but to treat sentient beings like ants. Although after several battles, Nine Sun Continent killed thousands of quasi-emperor powerhouses of the Protoss. This is placed in Jiuyang University

In Lu's eyes, it was incredible. But in the eyes of those true gods, it is no different from being crushed to death by a thousand ants.

Of course, the wind **** will be the exception, because among these ants, one is his most beloved child. However, the power of the **** of wind alone is not enough to break the border city.

Honghu paused and said, "Yu Yeyu was cultivated by me with great pains, ready to accept the inheritance of the ominous land, and shoulder the burden of the rise of the Nine Suns Continent, what a pity!"

Although Honghu had forgiven Han Yu, he still couldn't let it go.

Han Yu said: "Senior is not more suitable for accepting the inheritance there. Which step is taken to become the only Heavenly Destroyer after ancient times?"

Honghu is not only the peak cultivation base of the Emperor Zhun, but also the ten cursed circles are all perfected, which is much more suitable than the current Han Yu. Honghu shook his head and said: "The ominous land has been transformed by the sages of the past. Although great changes have taken place, it is still unknown whether it will be able to bring up the Master of Destroying Heaven. When accepting inheritance, people who are not physically strong enough, It is unbearable to withstand the pressure of the curse and ominous erosion. In the ancient years, I tried several times, but in the end not only failed, the selected person also died tragically there, leaving no bones left."

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