Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2198: Let's go together




Han Fengwu, Horned Dragon, and Sun Dahou all yelled in excitement, looking at the thin figure from their back, all their worries instantly disappeared, full of expectation.

"Is he the Sky Swallowing Demon Han Yu? He is strong enough!" Honghu narrowed his eyes slightly, and a dense light appeared.

"He is here, we will win this round!" Li Weibai smiled.

Although they are far away in the border city and have never seen Han Yu before, they have been paying attention to Han Yu for a long time, and Han Yu's deeds can not be described too much.

"Who is he? Is it better than the Hongmeng Saint Beast?" Jin Wing Dapeng asked, quite suspicious.

"Heaven-swallowing demonic body Han Yu, who killed Fengshenzi, this time the God Realm is invading on a large scale, it can be said that it has a direct relationship with him." Honghu said.

"Really? Then I have to take a good look." The Golden Wing Roc suddenly became interested.


At this moment, the void shook, and a mysterious and mysterious voice sounded. This voice shook the sky and made everyone present feel jealous.

"The Voice of the Avenue?"

Honghu, Li Weibai, and Golden Wing Dapeng all opened their eyes, and saw Han Yu's hand, a golden broad sword suddenly appeared, exuding the sound of the mysterious road, shocking the heroes from the depths of their souls.

"The sword made of gold with the gods and Taoist patterns, tsk tsk, such a treasure, even if the Emperor Wu sees it, it will be greedy." A shock flashed in the eyes of the Golden Wing Dapeng, and his eyes were greedy.

"He already has the invincible posture of the same realm, and he has such a treasure as the Taoist gold sword in his hand. Who can reach the same realm?" Honghu said with joy.

Han Yu's appearance was like a pinned sea needle, making them completely relieved.

Han Yu slowly raised his arm, and the Dao-printed golden sword pointed at the gods and heroes. Although he didn't say a word, the provocative meaning really made the many masters in Baidi City breathe out a bad breath.

"Despicable, you attacked me!" Jin Lun slowly stood up and looked at Han Yu angrily.

Han Yu's heaven-swallowing devilish energy and the power of heavenly thunder raged on his wounds, so that for a while, the injury of the golden wheel was difficult to heal.

Han Yu severely injured him with a punch, and the remaining combat power at this time was less than 50%.

"You can kill a tired little beast, so dare I say despicable? Don't talk nonsense, there is a kind of come to fight, if there is no kind, let me go!" Han Yu said in a low voice.

Jinlun was so angry that the three corpse gods violently jumped, and there was smoke in the seven orifices, but he did not dare to step forward. Suddenly, the heroes on Baidi City burst into laughter.

He scolded the Protoss master like a dog, but the opponent didn't dare to move. Besides Han Yu, who else? The expressions of Bian Yang Yan, Jin Buhuai and others have become extremely ugly. Judging from Han Yu's punch just now, it is definitely not weaker than the little beast just now. They could not imagine how the broken world of Nine Suns Continent, the world suppressed by the great array of heaven and earth, two such things appeared in the same period.

Terrible genius.

"The devilish energy is overwhelming, is it the legendary Sky-Swallowing Demon?" Jin Buwei said in a low voice. Heaven-swallowing demons are indeed feared and hated by the gods. In the last years of ancient times, the ancestors of the sky-swallowing demons single-handedly killed the core area of ​​the gods, cut off a huge mountain where the gods were born, and brought them back to the Jiuyang continent. Body is also the body that the gods don’t want to see most

quality. "If it is the terrible devil energy alone, it can almost be judged that it is the Heaven-swallowing Demon Body, but it also carries the destructive power of the Sky Thunder. That day, the power of the Thunder is not like the Thunder Spirit Body that summons the Nine Heavens Thunder for itself. Use, but the body itself. This makes it impossible for me to speculate what physique it is

, Will there be two such terrifying forces in the body? "Bian Yang Yan said.

The seven quasi-emperor peak powerhouses of the Protoss racked their brains and displayed all-round solutions, but they couldn't understand Han Yu's physique.

"This person's strength is by no means under the little beast just now. Although this is difficult to accept, I have to admit that no one on our side can fight him." The powerhouse of Quasi Emperor Peak said Xiong Chenghua.

"Could it be that Jiuyang Continent wins this round? It's really unwilling." Di Jun, another pinnacle powerhouse.

"It's not just one round, so how about letting them win, there will be two more rounds later!" Jin Buhui said confidently.

The seven powerhouses at the peak of the quasi emperor reached a consensus, and this round will no longer fight.

In Baidi City, the heroes were overjoyed to see that no one from the Protoss was dispatched, and they finally won.

However, Han Yu frowned and shouted: "A group of false gods who are deceiving, self-righteous, and vain, come on, fight!"

Honghu was thinking of speaking, and when he heard Han Yu's shout, he shut up and said nothing. Not only was he not surprised, but he showed a smile.

"Hmph, just didn't want us to win, now my brother comes, even if we win, he won't accept it!" Sun Dahou sneered again and again.

"Daddy, kill those bastards, vent your anger for Uncle Horn, and vent your anger for the spirits of our Nine Sun Continent." Han Fengwu clenched his fists and flushed excitedly.

However, the proud Protoss was scolded by Han Yu, and no one came out to challenge. It really made many masters in Baidi City fall through their eyes.

"Shit protoss, I think you are a nuisance race, just because you want to capture our Nine Suns Continent, all go back and brag, don't come out ashamed." Sun Dahou roared with his neck. He knew Han Yu too well, how could he easily retreat without the sword bloody.

Admit defeat? It's too simple!

"Fuck race, get out!"

"get out!"

In Baidi City, countless people yelled and cursed, suffocating for more than half a year, and then they really breathed out a bad breath.

"Ah, humble creatures, don't be rampant!"

The people of the Protoss are going crazy.

"Boom!" Jinlun jumped up, blasted with a punch with his left hand, pierced the sky with one punch, and wiped out the common people with one punch.

The shot is a high-level supernatural power.

As soon as this punch was blown, countless quasi-emperor mid-term masters were shocked. How many of them could take it in the field?

Han Yu didn't take it seriously, and simply raised his sword and cut it down!

The sound of the avenue was earth-shaking, and the horror sword light rushed into the bullfight. Even the strong man in the late quasi-emperor could not help being shocked.

This sword, even the late quasi-emperor, is difficult to take.


The terrible sword slashed down with strength, smashing the fist of the golden wheel, and then smashed down, splitting the golden wheel in half.

It's as simple and domineering as if Xiaojiao split eleven before! In terms of momentum, it was more terrifying than the small corner just now. The Protoss was suddenly silent, and Xiaojiao had already killed them with fear. The appearance of Han Yu at this time undoubtedly made their self-confidence worse. Even if everyone was furious, they wanted to kill Han Yu to express his anger, but the fear of death, Let them prefer to trample on pride and blood

Underfoot. With a sword smashing the golden wheel, Han Yu didn't pant and his face was not red. The long sword pointed at the Protoss master, and said lightly: "Since one person doesn't dare, let's join the mid-term quasi-emperor!"

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