Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2183: Suppress Fengshenzi

Suddenly, a gossip map flew in front of Han Yu, and the tornado that Feng Shenzi turned into was hitting the gossip map. The gossip picture was shaken, and the tornado was bounced back.

Xuanwu displayed its ultimate magical powers to confine the sky.

The gossip chart revolved and flew out, and the whirring sound of breaking through the air, deafening, cut from the center of the tornado.


The tornado collapsed and Fengshenzi appeared. His face was extremely pale and quite embarrassed.

Before he could catch his breath, the Eight Diagrams map struck again and cut Fengshenzi in the middle. The terrible Qi machine shook the body of the Sun God Child and turned into a rain of blood.

At this time, the gossip picture is dissolved into the invisible.

In the distance, Han Yu's broken body began to fuse together quickly, but the terrifying breath of Fengshenzi attached to the wound, making the wound unable to heal for a while. At this time, Han Yu looked like countless pieces of flesh and blood spliced ​​together. Together.


An incomparable big seal, turned into a small hill, smashed heavily on the flesh and blood of Fengshenzi, and wiped out countless flesh and blood of Fengshenzi.

Immediately afterwards, a **** light flashed, sweeping towards Fengshenzi's flesh and blood, sweeping away all the remaining flesh and blood of Fengshenzi.

Baihu and Sun Godko attacked at the same time, killing Feng Godko.


Han Yu, Baihu, and Sun Shenzi gasped at the same time. All three of them were injured by Fengshenzi's supernatural powers and almost died.

Fortunately, Fengshenzi didn't have time to attack Xuanwu just now, so that Xuanwu had time to display his supernatural powers, otherwise Han Yu was in danger.


Suddenly, an invisible wind blew across, hitting Baihu, Sun Shenzi and Xuanwu one after another, knocking all three upside down and flying away, and then struck Han Yu forward.


Han Yu tentatively grabbed his hand and used Quasi-Emperor methods to freeze the void ahead.

"Boom boom boom..."

The wind drove straight in like a flying sword, smashing through and breaking the solidified void.


Han Yu snorted heavily and slashed with a sword. A sword gas whizzed past, splitting the wind in half.

The two halves of the wind crossed from both sides of Han Yu, and merged behind Han Yu, and turned into a Fengshenzi.

"Are you still dead?" Han Yu's pupils shrank.

The Xuanwu blow has already brought the Fengshenzi to the brink of collapse. Only Baihu and Sunshenzi have madly attacked and wiped out the Fengshenzi's flesh and blood. No one should be able to regenerate.

"Huh, just because you want to kill this **** son? Don't forget, this **** son is the son of the wind god, as long as there is wind, the **** son is immortal! Hahaha..."

Feng Shenzi laughed, very arrogant.

The body twisted, turning into a wind blade and slashing towards Han Yu.

"Hmph, even if you can regenerate, your injury is more serious than mine, what can you do with me?" Han Yu raised his sword and slashed. A sword slashed the wind blade, and after the wind blade collapsed, it scattered in all directions, and then turned into countless wind blades and shot towards Han Yu.

"You can withstand a blow from the **** child, how can you withstand the thousands of blows from the **** child?" The arrogant voice of the **** child rang from all directions.

At this moment, he reminded Han Yu of Yu Feiyang, who was definitely a difficult character.

However, when Han Yu was able to kill Yu Feiyang at the beginning, he would not be afraid.

"Give me in as much as you want!"

Han Yu urged the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd, and the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd suddenly exploded with terrible devouring power, and the rushing Wind Blade swarmed into the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd.

Feng Shenzi was shocked and wanted to retreat, but found that he couldn't resist the terrible swallowing power of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Gourd, and could only be inhaled by Han Yu in the Sky-Swallowing Devil Gourd in fear.

"Even if you don't die as long as there is wind, then I will refine all the wind!"

Inhaling all the wind blades transformed into the **** of wind into the sky swallowing demon gourd, Han Yu urged the sky swallowing demon gourd to refining frantically.

"It's not that easy to refine this **** child!" A huge whirlpool formed in the sky swallowing devil gourd. In the center of the whirlpool, a whirlwind hovered, and it was Feng **** child. Suddenly, this whirlwind transformed into the main body of Fengshenzi, and then I saw him, with a hideous face, and fully urged the sword in his hand to explode his own destiny.


If the Fengshenzi's natural magic weapon is to explode, or from within the Sky-Swallowing Devil Gourd, even with the degree of hardness of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Gourd, it is absolutely unbearable.

But Han Yu was not afraid at all. Within the Sky Swallowing Devil Gourd, he was the master, and he could do whatever he wanted.


A killing cut fell down, directly cutting off Fengshenzi's hands, and then a terrifying force swept the Fengshenzi sword and flew away quickly. The Baodao lost the control of Fengshenzi, and its power quickly weakened, unable to explode.

"Ah!" Fengshen son yelled in panic, "Han Yu, if you dare to kill this son, my father and goddess will smash through the border city and kill your whole family."

Han Yu was shocked, what did Feng Shenzi mean, is Feng Shen still alive? Feng Shenzi seemed to have guessed Han Yu's mind, and roared: "Nine Suns Continent is suppressed by the great array of heaven and earth, no one can become an emperor, but our God Realm not only does not have the great array of heaven and earth suppressed, but also because the great array of heaven and earth deprives the Jiuyang continent of luck. , Let the God Realm prosper like never before. My Father God is the world’s

God! "

If the God of Wind really comes, who can resist the Nine Sun Continent?


Han Yu snorted heavily and continued to refine Fengshenzi.

"Han, are you crazy? If the son of God dies, my father will know for the first time that you, your family, and your human race will be buried with the son of God!" The son of wind growled.

In the end, Fengshenzi collapsed into a coma. Han Yu didn't continue to refine him, Han Yu suppressed him, and then sat cross-legged in the void and began to heal his injuries.

"It's a pity, this Fengshen child can't be killed for the time being, otherwise, the invisible dragon can swallow his blood origin qi and become a new Fengshen child." Sun Shenzi sighed.

Time passed quietly, and Han Yu recovered from his injuries before returning to Zhongtian Continent.

At this time, the rudder of Shenting was already occupied by Tang Hongyuan and Zhang Daojun, and both of them heaved a sigh of relief when they saw Han Yu's safe return.

"Brother Han, how about Fengshenzi?" Zhang Daojun asked.

"I have suppressed it." Han Yu said.

Both Tang Hongyuan and Zhang Daojun were overjoyed, and Fengshenzi had unlimited potential. If he let him run away, it would definitely be a big trouble.

Tang Hongyuan said: "Brother Han, the Shifang World Array is under my control. Shenting is truly removed from the Nine Suns Continent. After tens of thousands of years of accumulation, the horror of the background is beyond imagination. This time the attack on Shenting, Brother Han First of all, you can distribute the belongings left by the gods." Zhang Daojun sighed: "Yes, the background of the gods is too terrible, far surpassing our emperor league. It can be considered that the seniors of the gods have been killed and injured long ago, otherwise it will be temporary Let the Shifang World Array stop operating, once the Protoss master urges the rudder, it will be difficult for us to break through."

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