Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2173: One punch

Han Yu walked into the air alone with his hands behind his back, with long hair rising in the wind, looking very chic.

Fengshenzi, Kou Xing, etc. were furious, Han Yu was too arrogant. Kou Xing couldn't help taking a step forward, and said angrily: "The surname Han, did you expect you to be so arrogant and want to fight all of us alone?"

Han Yu asked calmly, "Otherwise?"

"You..." Kou Xing's face flushed with anger, and he yelled, "I'm looking for death."

"Boom!" Kou Xing shook his body, directly shook the surrounding void to pieces, and then shot Han Yu like a cannonball.

"Let me see, what arrogant capital do you have!"

Kou Xing shook hands into a fist and blasted Han Yu with a punch.

The shot is the high-level supernatural power of the heavens, the fist breaks the sky, and the momentum is terrifying. Even Zhang Daojun, who was far behind, his face instantly became difficult to look. This Kou Xing is even more terrifying than the former Di Xiuxian by three points, and it is impossible for him to take this punch.

But for Han Yu, he didn't worry at all. Although Han Yu never made a move after breaking through the mid-term of the Zhun Emperor, Nangongxue once mentioned to him that it was a high mountain for Han Yu.

Daojun Zhang knows Nangongxue's ability, and even Nangongxue said so, Han Yu is definitely very strong. He just didn't know how strong it was.

Without changing his face, Han Yu greeted him with a punch. The shot is Tianlei Baquan.

Heaven-swallowing devil energy has the power to swallow the sky and the earth, and the power of the sky thunder destroys everything. The two powers are brought together, and they are blessed by boxing. There is no doubt about its terrifying degree.

However, Han Yu's boxing method is far from the majestic and majestic of Kou Xing's boxing method.

This is the form of Tianlei Baquan that Han Yu once again improved after breaking through the mid-term of Zhun Emperor. Let the devil energy of the swallowing sky and the power of the sky thunder perfectly blend, and learn from each other's strengths to make up for the weaknesses, making the sky thunder tyrant fist close to a perfect state, a truly invincible boxing technique under the extreme path.


The two fists slammed together, Kou Xing's arm trembled suddenly, and then the fist mark on his fist collapsed. With an incomparable force, it rushed like a ten thousand horse. Kou Xing's arm.

Kou Xing's fist burst instantly and turned into a rain of blood floating, and then his entire arm, under Han Yu's fist, was smashed and ragged, making it seem vulnerable.

"Huh?" Kou Xing was shocked, and hurriedly drew back.

However, Han Yu's fist hit his chest in an instant.

Terrible power poured into Kou Xing's body, rushed to the limbs and corpses, and then exploded.


Kou Xing's physical body was torn apart and exploded to pieces, and then under the terrible fist strength, it was stirred into fly ash.

A strong man in the mid-term of the quasi-emperor was beaten by Han Yu and died.

The scene was suddenly silent.

In the rear, Phoenix jumped up excitedly, this is the Han Yu she is most familiar with.

Zhang Daojun and Jiang Ling were stunned, surprised and delighted. I no longer worry about Han Yu in an instant, even if the other party still has seven quasi-di masters, what about it? The powerhouses in the quasi-emperor's mid-terms all beat them with one punch.

The master of the Protoss was horrified. Apart from Fengshenzi, the others involuntarily stepped back a few steps and looked at Han Yu in horror. They had heard of the legend of the Sky Swallowing Demon, but they didn't see it at all, thinking that the invincible system of the human race was no more than a general, but Han Yu's punch made them truly see the terrible invincible system. Let them finally realize why the demon ancestor of the sky swallowing

, Will be taboo by the Protoss.

"The Devouring Demon Body, I really didn't disappoint this god!" Fengshen's eyes gushed out, and compared with the panic of others, he was more excited.

"Let me see, you and Hongmeng Saint Beast, who is more suitable to be my opponent!" Before Feng Shenzi's words fell, the man had already come to Han Yu's face and hit Han Yu's chest with a punch. Come.

The speed is so fast that the mid-term powerhouses such as swords such as rainbow and gold ink are all shocked and amazed.

The father of Fengshenzi is the **** of wind of the Protoss. His lifelong stunt is Shenfa, known as the world's fastest speed. The wind **** child got the true biography of the wind god, and its speed can be imagined.

Even if Han Yu had achieved the second level of Jinpeng Splitting Heavenly Step, he couldn't compare with the speed of Feng Shenzi.

Ordinary people, when they reacted, they might have been beaten by Fengshenzi.

However, when Fengshenzi was punching, Han Yu also punched, and even the speed of punching was three points faster than Fengshenzi.

Fengshenzi's speed is very fast, but Han Yu's soul power is so powerful, no matter how fast it is, it is within Han Yu's observation range.


The two punched each other, making a terrifying loud noise dozens of times more terrifying than just now. After that, both parties snorted and flew backwards.

The distance between the two flying backwards was similar, and Feng Shenzi's was a little farther away, and Feng Shenzi could not help being furious, feeling it was a great shame in his life.

After stabilizing his body, he swiftly came to Han Yu, and hit Han Yu with a punch.

The momentum of this punch was three points more terrifying than the punch just now.

Han Yu still confronted him with Tianlei Ba fist.


The two separated again, the distance the Fengshenzi flew upside down was once again farther than Han Yu's, and what made him the most unbearable was that he felt a burst of pain in his fist and a burst of numbness in his arm.


The proud Fengshenzi didn't want to bear this reality, and rushed to Han Yu again, still using a boxing technique.

But this time Fengshenzi added softness to the boxing technique, and no longer won with violent violent power.

Han Yu is still Tianlei Baquan.


For the third encounter, Fengshenzi's fist split directly, blood flew horizontally, and the distance it flew out was much farther than Han Yu, and he seemed very embarrassed.

Fengshenzi is going crazy, he is the son of the true god, it is unreasonable that he was suppressed by a humble human!

"The wind is rising, the universe is moving!" Feng Shenzi shouted, raising his hands, and suddenly a terrifying tornado appeared in front of him. It blew more and more fiercely, turning thicker and thicker, going into the sky, and it was very terrifying. Within the tornado, countless blades were turned into unparalleled sharpness and unbreakable. The horrible intent of a sword is comparable to a master with a sword

, A full blow. It made Wei Ning, Jiang Ling and others numb their scalp when they saw it. Such a terrible tornado, even if the powerhouse in the early stage of the Emperor Zhun was caught, it would instantly fall apart.


Jin Mo and Jian Ruhong looked at each other, and flew out to the sides of Fengshenzi, bypassing the tornado, trying to bypass Han Yu to kill the people of Tiangangdi, Wei Ning and others followed. With a move of Han Yu's heart, Baihu, Xuanwu, and Sun Shenzi rushed out at the same time. The white tiger greeted the gold ink, the Xuanwu greeted the sword like a rainbow, and the Sun Godzi had long hair like flying. Standing in front of the Tiangangdi evil city group, with his own strength, he faced the four early quasi-emperor masters.

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