Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2169: Mid-term

After hearing the news that Han Yu was sober, many people rushed to visit Han Yu non-stop. And Han Yu retreats to practice on the second day.

Although Han Yu’s injuries have been healed, his dantian has dried up and he needs to refine countless treasures of heaven and earth to recover. And that day, watching Linghao’s master use that peerless sword made Han Yu feel a lot. His cultivation and enlightenment are of great benefit.

In the secret room, Han Yu sat cross-legged, countless heaven, material and earth treasures turned into tornadoes and revolved around Han Yu, and the terrifying spiritual energy contained in Han Yu poured into Han Yu's body like a tide.

The Heaven Swallowing Demon Gourd shattered, and Han Yu's speed in refining heaven and earth treasures was greatly affected, but Han Yu was still much faster than people in the same realm.

It took Han Yu 20 days before and after to restore his dry vitality.

During the period, Han Fengwu, Nangong Xue, Sun Dahou, Bailang, Bai Feifei, Baili Luoxin, Baili Yaner, Yudie, Chu Xuehan, Wugu, Wulai, Lingzun, Rooster, etc. When I came to Bafang City and learned that Han Yu was practicing in retreat, he waited quietly without interruption.

Han Yu didn't know that they had already arrived. After he recovered, he continued to practice. After another ten days of this shaking, suddenly, Han Yu's body made a loud bang, and the vitality flowing in the meridians was like a flood rushing through the obstacles, and the speed instantly increased more than twice. The breath of Han Yu's body, It is soaring rapidly. The surrounding heaven, material and earth treasures instantly turned into fly ash,

All the aura was absorbed by Han Yu.

This was not enough. The aura of heaven and earth in the heaven and earth began to be attracted by Han Yu, and rushed towards the secret room where Han Yu was in madness, and soon formed a huge vortex over the palace. The residents of the entire Tiangangdi evil city group were all alarmed.

"A breakthrough!"

In the palace, Han Yu's relatives looked up at the sky, all surprised.

"Everyone throws out all the treasures of heaven and earth that you are carrying, so that my brother can absorb the refining. The spiritual energy between heaven and earth is not enough for him." Sun Dahou hurriedly said, taking away the treasures of heaven and earth in the universe bag. He took it out in a rush and threw it out.

After throwing it out, the treasures of heaven, material and earth were swept away, quickly transformed into aura, and poured into Han Yu's closed chamber.

The other people also took pictures of the gourd, dozens of people provided countless treasures, and finally reached Han Yu's demand for breakthrough. It made countless people slap their tongues, especially Nangong Xue. It didn't take long for him to break through the mid-term of the quasi-emperor, but the terrible extent of this consumption of heaven, material and earth treasures was simply incomparable to Han Yu.

This lasted for half a month, and suddenly the world became quiet and the vortex disappeared.

"Have you broken through?" Everyone looked forward to it.


There was a loud noise, like a star explosion. The entire palace began to vibrate violently, and then everyone saw that terrible black air gushing out of Han Yu's secret room, rushing to the sky above the palace, turning into a terrifying whirlpool.

The whirlpool seemed to swallow the sky and the earth, as strong as Nangong Xue, and felt a burst of heart palpitations.

"It's worthy of the Sky Swallowing Devil Body, ten times stronger than me!" Nangongxue sighed secretly.

Who can cultivate to the realm of quasi-emperor, no one is a genius, but compared with Han Yu, a peerless evildoer that has been rare in the past, it is still inferior.

Soon, the black vortex dissipated, and the black gas receded like a tide, all rushing back into the secret room where Han Yu was. Heaven and earth returned to terrible silence.

In the secret room, Han Yu put his hands together in front of Qihai Cave. Although there is no further refining of heaven, material and earth treasures, the "Tai Shang Zhen Jing" runs wildly, and the vitality in the body is fast shuttled through the meridians like an aurora.

Inside the black hole, the orange dragon, the invisible dragon, and the purple dragon came back to life one after another, roaring up to the sky, very excited. What made Han Yu regret was that Fairy Yue had already been wiped out, and like Yun Taixu, could not be resurrected.

The statue representing the blue dragon in the black hole has collapsed and turned into nothingness, leaving only the seven-seat dragon-shaped sculpture.


Lingyin, Baihu, Xuanwu, and Sun Shenzi rushed out of Han Yu's body one after another, and then left directly, looking for a place of retreat. Han Yu broke through, and they got the opportunity to make a breakthrough.

Outside, seeing Lingyin, Baihu, Xuanwu and Rishenzi rushing out, everyone who is familiar with Han Yu was overjoyed. From this, it can be seen that Han Yu has broken through.


Han Yu didn't rush out, but carefully stabilized his cultivation. After three days, he got up and walked out of the secret room. Looking at the familiar faces outside the secret room, Han Yu couldn't help but smile.

The people present are all Han Yu who cares about Han Yu.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. It was a great pleasure for my friends to travel far and wide to visit! After drinking for three days and nights, everyone left one after another. Lin Zi and Zhao Mingyue were taken away by Sun Dahou. Han Yu did not object. The Demon League’s background is too poor to cultivate too many geniuses. When Lin Zi and Zhao Mingyue go to the Imperial League, they will get better resources.

Progress will be faster. The two didn't want to go, they were persuaded by Han Yu to leave.

The last one was Chen Mengyao, and Han Yu sent thousands of miles away. The two walked side by side, starting from the palace without saying a word, until the end they said "take care".

The **** stayed in the Demon League, and made considerable progress in the past few years, and is now a master of the Seventh Layer of the Late Demon Sage.

Han Fengwu did not rush to leave. What made Han Yu feel weird was that Nangongxue turned out to be Han Fengwu's follower, but Han Yu didn't say much.

After sending away relatives and friends, Han Yu retreats again. This time the retreat is to repair the Heaven-swallowing Demon Gourd and Xuanwu Sword. Heaven-swallowing devil gourd was damaged for the second time, this time the most thorough. Fortunately, Zixiao Divine Sand is extremely hard, even if it is broken, there is no loss in the total amount, Han Yu can restore the original appearance of the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Gourd. On the contrary, the Xuanwu sword has a lot of damage, even if it is restored, it will not be used.

But this sword is a set of the three swords of Shuixian'er, Ma Su, and Shui Ling'er, so Han Yu will naturally not discard it.

In the long years, Han Yu has been repairing magic weapons. The turmoil caused by Han Yu's awakening lasted for a year in the Zhongtian Continent before it slowly subsided.

During this period of time, some extraterrestrial protoss descended one after another, and there were others who sneaked into the Bafang City to look outside the palace, but when they discovered that the palace was actually a quasi-emperor soldier, they fled in fright.

The Shenting was very quiet during this time. Although there were many protoss masters coming, they weren't as reckless as before. Once they came high-profile, they wanted to level Bafang City and kill Han Yu and Han Yu's family.

Obviously the previous severe injuries have made them remember. But Han Yu didn't dare to take it lightly. After the four incarnations broke through and returned, Han Yu arranged for them to sit in the north, southeast and northwest of the Tiangangdi evil city group. As long as there are people from the Protoss, no matter who it is, kill without mercy!

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