Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2161: Son of the True God

At this time, both of them were already masters in the early stage of the quasi emperor, breaking through the realm of the quasi-emperor before and after.

When Feng Shenzi entered the Zhongtian Continent on that day, the supreme sword intent he sensed was the aura that leaked when the sword broke through.

After going to the Imperial League, Swordsman I, Lingzun, Wugu and others have all been vigorously cultivated by the Imperial League. Swordsman concentrates on kendo. The Imperial League does not lack kendo masters and kendo resources, and grows fastest.

The speed of his growth made the senior leaders of the Imperial League feel incredible. Although Kendo I had a good aptitude, the senior leaders of the Imperial League were still skeptical about whether they could break through to the realm of Quasi-Emperor.

After all, the quasi-emperor realm, not everyone can break through. It depends on qualifications and opportunities.

Unexpectedly, the Kendo one was a few months later than Wang Zhong.

Now there are three more masters joining, and now they have become eleven quasi-di masters, and everyone's confidence has increased instantly.

Zhang Daojun introduced to everyone the origin of Fengshenzi's identity, and everyone present was shocked.

In the Protoss, the people who can be called the Son of God have a great origin. Unlike the Sun God Son, who was selected as the young master of the Sun Moon God Sect, he has the title of Sun God Son. The **** son of the **** race is not a title, but an identity, the son of the true god.

Zhang Daojun said that the **** of wind should be the parent and child of the **** of wind. The God of Wind, that is a terrifying existence comparable to the Human Race and Demon Race Emperor Realm.

Even Nangongxue sank.

The four words "son of true god" represent everything.

Ten days later, the four uninvited guests finally arrived outside Bafang City.

Nangongxue and Zhang Daojun led everyone out, preparing for a battle outside the city.

In the palace, the old man kept stimulating Han Yu with the power of his soul, telling Han Yu that the sword Ruhong that "killed his wife and children" was outside the city, asking him to get up and take revenge.

Seeing eleven strong men coming out side by side, Feng Shenzi was not surprised, but looked at Jian Ruhong with a smile and said, "Almost all the quasi emperors of Jiuyang Continent are here, right?"

Jian Ruhong's gaze swept across the crowd, and he couldn't help but frown slightly, saying, "Except for Han Yu, Jiang Ling, the deputy leader of the Imperial League, is almost there."

Fengshenzi said disapprovingly: "According to the information you have collected, even if Han Yu is alive, he will be half-worn. It is not a concern. As for the deputy leader, the ant. Today, let the quasi-emperor of the Jiuyang Continent disappear. It's not in vain that the son of God came here for a while."

Jian Ruhong quickly said yes. Although he and Feng Shenzi were both in the mid-term cultivation base of the quasi-emperor, the status and status of Feng Shenzi was on par with that of their swordsman. In front of a character like Feng Shenzi, Jian Ruhong It's like a running dog.

Nangongxue, Zhang Daojun and others came to the wall and looked at each other. Although the numbers of the two sides are very different, the four of the other side's faces are indifferent, while the eleven people on this side look solemn and solemn.

Suddenly, Fengshenzi spoke. "My son asked Han Yu to go to death obediently. He didn't know how to promote him, so he made his own trip. The son said that if the son of the **** came, he would surely destroy the Bafang City and kill Han Yu and his family. If you have nothing to do with Han Yu, leave quickly, this **** son can temporarily

Not to be held accountable. "

Rijinzi carried his hands behind his back, his eyes indifferent.

The eleven masters on the city wall were all top experts in the Zhongtian Continent. A stomped foot would make the Zhongtian Continent tremble, but in the eyes of Sun Godzi, it seemed that they could be wiped out.

"Huh, what an arrogant tone, I have the ability to fight with your grandfather monkey for three hundred rounds." Sun Dahou holding a golden stick, his body crackled and quickly turned into the real body of the fighting monkey, up to three. More than ten feet away, exuding a violent atmosphere.

"Battle Saint Monkey? In the weak world of Nine Suns Continent, you are named a beast, but in front of this **** son, you are just a beast!" Feng Shenzi said disdainfully.

"Damn it!"

Sun Dahou was furious and hit the Fengshenzi with a stick, but before he hit the Fengshenzi, he was bounced back by a powerful wave of air. Sun Dahou couldn't help but stepped back a few steps, his hands were cracked, his eyes became very deep.

Everyone is the same, Sun Dahou's combat power is obvious to all, but the gap with the opponent is still too big.

Fengshenzi shook his head at Sun Dahou and said: "If you are the mid-term cultivation base of the quasi emperor, you may still be able to take the trick of the **** child, now, let the **** child do it is not worthy!"

Arrogant, too arrogant.

Sun Monkey has an invincible posture, he even said that Sun Monkey can only catch him in the same realm.

Are there such arrogant people in this world?

Sun Dahou was so angry that the three corpse gods jumped, and there was smoke in the seven orifices. But was stopped by Zhang Daojun.

Although Fengshenzi is defiant, he does have the capital to be proud. Feng Shenzi saw that everyone was just angry, he didn't dare to do anything, he was even more proud, and said, "This God child has never liked bullying others. Today I will give you a chance. Who can fight alone and win Di Xiuxian, this God child? Retreat immediately, but if you can’t win, then the son of God will only

Can reluctantly kill your group of ants. "

Satire, humiliation.

People present, have never been so furious?

Even Nangongxue, Zhang Daojun, and Lingyin, who had always been prudent, were all murderous at this time, let alone the others.

The middle-aged man Di Xiuxian took a step forward, swept his eyes contemptuously across the crowd, paused on Zhang Daojun, then shook his head, looked at Nangongxue, also shook his head, and said casually: It’s the same if anyone comes."

Everyone is about to explode.

Zhang Daojun couldn't help looking at Nangongxue. He had confronted Di Xiuxian before and was not Di Xiuxian's opponent. People in the field, I am afraid that only Nangongxue can fight Di Xiuxian.

Nangongxue was expressionless, without saying a word, and stepped out. Judging from his cold breath, he was also on the verge of rage.

Di Xiuxian carried his hands on his back, and didn't even see Nangongxue in his eyes, and said faintly: "Do it!"


When Nangongxue's figure moved, she turned into an aurora and rushed towards Di Xiuxian.

In a blink of an eye, dozens of palms were shot, each with terrifying lethality.

No one could see how Di Xiuxian did it, he just heard a deafening crash, terrible air waves swept across the sky and the sky was turbulent.

The two held dozens of palms at each other like lightning, and Nangongxue suddenly groaned, and stepped back to stop her figure. Di Xiuxian didn't even move his body. Zhang Daojun's expression instantly became extremely ugly, and even the most powerful Nangong Xue was not Di Xiuxian's opponent. On the other hand, Di Xiuxian was obviously not the strongest.

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