Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2152: Desperate fight

Within the killing array, there were sudden bursts of painful roars that shocked the world, making people horrified.

The Ten Thousand Demon Formation was broken by Linghao's sword, causing heavy casualties and no fighting power.

Before long, the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation was also destroyed by Linghao, and Baihu and Huoqilin could only run away.

On the other side, Lingyin, Sun Shenzi, and Xuanwu were also very struggling to face the sword like rainbow.

Lingyin's left shoulder was pierced, Rishenzi's chest shattered, and a crack broke on the Xuanwu tortoise shell. The three joined forces and retreated while fighting.

"No, it won't last long, have they left?" Bai Hu anxiously communicated with the other incarnations.

"I don't know!" Xuanwu responded bluntly. Their battle was so terrible that they had no intention of taking care of others.


A sword light flew past, almost smashing Baihu's head in half, scared to death.


The white tiger soared to the sky, ready to escape.

Among the incarnations of Han Yu, Bai Hu has the strongest offensive power, but also the weakest defense. When encountering an opponent of the same strength, Baihu is the most lethal, but when encountering a strong enemy, especially Linghao, an almost invincible existence, its weaknesses are exposed.

As soon as the white tiger left, the other incarnations also soared into the sky, followed by Huo Qilin.

There are only two of them, and there are five of them, there is always someone who can escape. When I rushed out of the big array, I saw Han Yu's four wives, Lin Zi and Chen Mengyao, still fighting against Ling Xiao, and Han Yu's incarnations and Fire Qilin were all dizzy.

They didn't even leave.


With a roar, Bai Hu decisively turned to kill Linghao.

If they leave, Narcissus, Ma Su and others will definitely die.

On the other side, seven women fought together. The Narcissus at this time, with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, like crazy, not afraid of life and death. It was Ma Su, Shui Ling'er, Fenghuang and others, all looking sad and terrified.

Narcissus has always been gentle and gentle, but at this time, it was like a different person.

The palm of Ling Xiao just now didn't know how much damage it caused to her.

"Go away!" Lingyin shouted.

The four incarnations have their own thoughts, as well as those of Han Yu.

But up to now, it's not easy to talk about it.


A ray of blood splashed, and the left arm of Sun Godzi was cut off.

"Unexpectedly, we followed Han Yu to the world, but today we are about to die at our door." Sun Godzi smiled miserably. Now, he has lost the confidence to escape and can only fight to the end.

"Except for self-destruction, they can't be injured at all. Who will be the first." Baihu's eyes showed fierce light, and he decided to fight hard.

The other three incarnations all looked suffocated. At this time, they blew themselves up, which meant death.

"I'm coming!" Sun Godzi gritted his teeth and did not hesitate to urge his mind to make the vitality in his body boil like never before.


At this moment, a scream came.

Transformed into the strongest combat form, the phoenix that transformed into the body, the left wing was cut off by Ling Xiao with a sword, flew out and hit the ground fiercely.

Sun Godko dared not delay.

Bai Hu gritted his teeth and prepared to blew himself up.

Ri Shenzi and Xuanwu secretly prepared, once they blew themselves up, they rescued Han Yu's wife and relatives immediately.

"Dare to hurt my brother's closest relatives, tired of life!"

At this moment, a loud shout of domineering came. Then there was a loud bang, and the entire sky seemed to collapse. I saw a huge pillar of golden light rushing from the distant sky and slamming straight into Lingxiao.


Ling Xiao hummed softly and slapped it out.


The two sides collided fiercely, Ling Xiao screamed, vomited blood, and flew away.

"Bitch, die!" The furious voice came again, and the huge golden pillar slammed into Ling Xiao indefinitely.

Linghao's face changed slightly, and he slapped it out in a hurry, then slapped the giant pillar horizontally, allowing Ling Xiao to escape.

I saw a man with a tiger-backed waist, long hair and loose hair, rushing towards him, his body exuding dazzling golden light, and countless hairs that seemed to be watered by gold grew from his pores, and he quickly transformed from a man into a golden ape.

Sun Monkey is here.

The incarnations of Han Yu were overjoyed. There is no doubt that Sun Dahou's combat power is not weak at the same level, and the defense is still very strong.


Sun Dahou turned the giant stick in his hand and slammed it at Linghao.

"I can't help myself!" Linghao curled his lips in disdain, and shot up against the sky with a punch.


The big bell-like loud noise of Dalu Hong shook the sky, and Sun Dahou's giant stick bounced back and quickly became smaller. Sun Dahou's hands were cracked, blood flowed. Staggered back a few steps before stopping.

The incarnations secretly sighed, although Sun Dahou was strong, but after all he had just broken through the early stage of the quasi-emperor, where would he be Linghao's opponent.


Suddenly, dark clouds rolled in the sky, lightning and thunder, like the end of the world.

An incomparable and terrifying thunder and lightning poured down like a column of water and directly hit the sword like a rainbow. That way, it would almost hit the earth through.

"Is the Thunder Spirit coming?" Linghao muttered to himself as he watched the thunder and lightning rushed down.

Sword Ruhong hummed softly, and a sword pierced out against the sky, and the terrible sword energy rushed into the sky, smashing the lightning pillars and shattering the thunderclouds in the sky. In the distance, there was a soft drink suddenly in the sky, and saw a petite woman flying in quickly.

Lei Jiaojiao is here.

The two great arrogances of the Imperial League almost broke through the realm of Quasi-Emperor before and after.

"One is to kill, and two are to kill!" The sword is like a rainbow sword pointing to the sky, arrogantly dry.


Several incarnations, Huo Qilin, Sun Dahou, Lei Jiaojiao, etc., set off quickly, and then the seven masters stood side by side, blocking Narcissus, Ma Su and others behind them.

"Leave the woman to you, and give us the rest." Sun Dahou pointed at Ling Xiao and said to Lei Jiaojiao. Even in the face of masters in the middle stage of Wu Sheng, he is not afraid, and his fighting spirit is soaring.


Without too much words, everyone worked together.

Lingyin, Sun Shenzi, and Huoqilin pounced on Linghao, Sun Dahou, Baihu, and Xuanwu pounced on swords like a rainbow, Lei Jiaojiao rushed toward Lingxiao.


Shuixian'er and the others rushed into the palace by helping each other.

"It's not that easy to leave!" Jian Ruhong sneered and threw out a small black clock. The small clock quickly rose against the storm and covered the entire Bafang City inside. Suddenly cut off the world, even if it is a teleportation array, don't even think about crossing it.

"One more act, when you are killed, what is the use of your broken clock?" Sun Dahou said proudly.

"Hmph, overwhelming!" Jian Ruhong snorted coldly. The battle was even more terrifying than before. Except for the big bell in Bafang City that was not damaged, the rest of the place was razed to the ground.

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