Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2150: Come together

The gods are in depression.

In the battle of Shenxian State, most of the middle and high level of Shenting fell, and at this time there was no appearance of the largest power in the Zhongtian Continent. If there were no Shifang World Array, there is no doubt that it would have been endorsed by the Demon League, Emperor League and other forces long ago.

This is the most declining time since ancient times. The main reason for this decline is Han Yu.

Whenever thinking of Han Yu, Ling Xiao couldn't help frowning tightly. Although she didn't have much contact with Han Yu, they almost watched Han Yu grow up all the way, and now looking back on it, they still feel incredible.

"Is he really dead?" Ling Xiao muttered to herself. Han Yu has experienced countless life and death catastrophes, many times he was thought to have fallen, but in the end he would suddenly appear, and it appeared strongly.

What impressed Ling Xiao most was the first time Han Yu rushed to Wuya Mountain.

That time Han Yu was almost forced into Wuya Mountain. After entering Wuya Mountain for more than a year, everyone thought he had fallen. As a result, when he landed in the Profound Sky Realm, Han Yu appeared strongly and killed countless heroes.

It was also that time when Ling Xiao really fought Han Yu, was defeated by Han Yu, and lost Xiao Miao.

The more I thought about it, the more disturbed Ling Xiao became.

Ling Xiao thought for a while, stood up and left his palace, and went to Linghao's retreat.

The rest of Linghao's retreat was not allowed to approach, but Lingxiao could enter his palace without any obstruction or notification.

Inside the palace, a round room. There are countless mysterious and mysterious runes carved in this room, giving people a feeling of imperial avenue. In the center of the room is a stone platform on which Linghao is sitting cross-legged.

The breath is stable and the complexion is ruddy. Ling Xiao could see at a glance that Linghao's injury was almost healed, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"God Lord." Walking to the front of the stone platform, Ling Xiao stopped and bowed slightly to Linghao on the stone platform.

Linghao slowly opened his eyes, the terrible light in his pupils flashed and disappeared, returning to a deep calmness, and asked: "Lingxiao, what's the matter with you?"

Ling Xiao said: "I suspect Han Yu is not dead yet."

Linghao's face condensed slightly, then stretched out, and said, "The old **** master can't kill him by himself? Don't think too much."

Ling Xiao wanted to explain, but she swallowed back when she reached her lips, and thought for a while: "Then what about Han Yu's avatar and his relatives?"

In Linghao's eyes, two kills were suddenly shot out, and a "kill!"

Ling Xiao said: "Sword Chao senior rushed forward half a year ago and was surrounded and killed. Even if God and I take the initiative, I am afraid it will be difficult to kill them."

Linghao said coldly: "Jian Chao said, he is not the only one who has crossed the border city, and there will be more Protoss masters coming next, we don't have to worry, just wait."

Ling Xiao nodded, said no more, and left. She already had a plan in her heart and decided to take a trip in person to investigate Han Yu's specific situation. She was really uneasy.

Ling Xiao didn't take a few steps, when he heard Linghao mutter to herself: "Come here." Then Ling Xiao felt that she was wrapped in a force. She did not resist, and left here the next moment. , Appeared in the sky above the court. I saw Dongfang Tiantian, an old man with a crane-haired childlike face, holding a whisk and carrying a peach wood sword, dressed as a Taoist priest, walking slowly towards this side.

, Frowned slightly, it seemed that something made him quite unhappy.

"A fellow Taoist?" Linghao asked with a fist.

"The sword is like a rainbow." The old man said slowly.

"Shen Ting God Lord Linghao." Linghao was overjoyed.

"Divine Lord, is he a strong man in the mid-term quasi-emperor?" Ling Xiao secretly transmitted to Ling Hao, the old man's aura was very ethereal, making her a little unpredictable.

"Yes!" Linghao said.

Lingxiao was overjoyed.

"Is the old man the first to arrive?" Jian Ruhong asked.

"No, before Fellow Daoist, there was another fellow Daoist named Jian Chao." Linghao said.

"Jian Chao? My nephew, where is he?" The old man was overjoyed. This time, many masters of the Protoss died in the border city, and they were naturally happy to hear that their nephew was still alive and came here first.

"He..." Linghao didn't know what to say for a while.

"What's the matter?" the old man asked, his tone a little hastily.

"He was killed." Linghao said with some shame.

"What?" The old man changed his color suddenly, his aloof and dusty temperament changed drastically, as if a peerless demon had just awakened.


In the demon league, three people suddenly appeared in the northern sky of the Tiangangdi evil city group. These three are an old man with a fairy style, a middle-aged man with torch-eyed eyes, and a peerless beauty in white clothes. They are the swords Ruhong, Linghao, and Lingxiao who have just arrived in the Zhongtian Continent.

Jian Ruhong learned of Jian Chao's death, so he didn't want to stay for a moment to avenge Xuehen. On the way, Linghao told Jian Ruhong about some things that happened in the court, and let this old man with a fairy style, several times. Roar, murderous in the sky.

"It's a pity that Han Yu is dead. The old man can't handle him. Today, he will use his incarnation and the blood of his wife and children to pay tribute to the dead souls of the heroes of my protoss." Jian Ruhong said coldly, his voice was icy. , So that Ling Xiao on the side felt a little uncomfortable.

"Brother Jian, do you call the formation, or just go straight in?" Linghao asked. He couldn't wait to start the killing. In the past few years, he has been too aggrieved.

"It's just a small array, just break it!" Jian Ruhong said disapprovingly, his back shook, and the sword on his back rushed out with a scream of swords and rushed into the misty fog ahead.

The sword easily dissipated the fog, and soon the mountains shook, and then a loud noise shook the sky. When the sword flew back into the scabbard behind Jian Ruhong, the fog in front had dissipated, and the great formation of Heaven and Earth was broken.

Within the Bafang City and the Imperial Palace. Huo Qilin rushed into the air for the first time and saw that the Tiangangdisha formation was broken, and then the three people walked side by side. The woman on the left, with a roll of sleeves and a whirlwind blowing by, the screams of the screams were deafening for a while, all monsters that were swept by the whirlpool, no matter what the cultivation level, burst into pieces at the first time


"Swish swish..."

Lingyin, Baihu, Xuanwu, Sun Shenzi, Fenghuang and others also rushed over the palace and saw the three.

"Linghao is here!" Lingyin's face changed slightly.

"Who is that old man, how can I never see it?" Bai Hu asked.

"I don't know, I'm afraid it's a protoss from outside the territory. Walking between Linghao and Lingxiao, the weakest is the mid-term cultivation base of the quasi emperor. We are not their opponents. We enter the formation and use the killing formation to entangle them." Lingyin said solemnly.

Several people did not have the urge to return to the palace quickly. "Wait for the fight, we hold them, you find a chance to leave here." Lingyin looked at the Phoenix solemnly.

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