Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1190: Disguise

Chapter 1190

There is only one type of magical power in the entire Thousand Buddha Mahamudra. Ten Buddhas can be regarded as an introduction, small Buddhas can become hundreds of Buddhas, and great Buddhas can become thousands of Buddhas.

Although it is a low-level magical power, but in terms of power, it is absolutely comparable to a general intermediate-level magical power.

The conditions for cultivating the Thousand-Buddha Mahamudra are also extremely harsh. First of all, it must have the Wuhuang triple cultivation level; secondly, the physical body must reach a certain level and be able to withstand the backlash brought by the use of the Thousand-Buddha mudra.

First, Han Yu hasn't got it yet; second, Han Yu already has it. His physical body is stronger than the average martial emperor's third or fourth tier master.

Since Han Yu had practiced, he had practiced many leapfrog martial arts and supernatural powers, so although his cultivation level had not yet reached the standard, Han Yu felt that he might not be able to practice now.

Han Yu began to study the cultivation methods in detail, and every word was recorded in his mind. It didn't take long for Han Yu to read all the cultivation methods.

The practice methods include mental methods and moves. Although there is only one move, the process of issuing moves is quite cumbersome. Moreover, the mind method is very mysterious. After Han Yu looked at it, there were 13 things that he couldn't understand.

There are a few pages left, Han Yu turned it over. Recorded a disguise technique.

Han Yu glanced quickly and couldn't help but move.

This disguise technique is different from the general disguise technique. It can not only change the appearance, but also change the skeleton. The most important thing is that it can change the breath and make people undergo earth-shaking changes.

With this disguise technique, even if the other party is a Qitian Master who is familiar with you, he might not be able to recognize you.

Moreover, this disguise technique requires only the seven-layered cultivation base of King Wu to practice.

"Practice this disguise first!" Han Yu made a decision instantly.

With this disguise technique, the human skin mask is no longer needed, and this disguise technique is far more advanced than the human skin mask.

Han Yu began to study disguise.

Disguise surgery is divided into three parts in total: first, facial disguise; second, contraction of muscles and bones; third, change of breath.

The first thing to do in facial disguise is to open up all the meridians of the face, and control distension by controlling the expansion and contraction of the meridians with vitality.

This is not difficult at all for Han Yu. It only took Han Yu half a day to open up all the meridians of the face, and then his vitality surged and poured into the meridians, controlling the amount of vitality, and allowing different meridians to form different thicknesses, which could change the face.

Han Yu moved with his heart, and his face moved accordingly, and his appearance began to change.

At this moment, Sun Dahou woke up in a daze. He opened his eyes to see a young man with a square face sitting next to him. He couldn't help but suddenly sat up and asked, "Who are you? ?"

Han Yu turned his head to look at Sun Dahou, smiled slightly, looked at Han Yu's eyes, and felt a familiar smile. Sun Dahou was taken aback, and asked somewhat uncertainly: "Are you the second brother?"

Han Yu's face changed for a while, and it became the same as before.

"Damn, how did you do it, your appearance will change as soon as you change?" Sun Dahou's eyes widened, thinking that he was still drunk, and his eyes were dizzy.

"This is disguise." Han Yu said.

Sun Dahou nodded in relief, and asked: "Why are you suddenly disguised?"

Han Yu said, "I just learned a disguise technique and tried disguise. You just woke up."

Sun Dahou asked: "How long did I sleep?"

Han Yu said: "Two days."

Sun Dahou was taken aback for a moment, and exclaimed: "Second brother, your wine is so powerful that you were drunk when you were drunk."

Han Yu smiled and said, "What is this, look at your current cultivation level."

Sun Dahou suspiciously turned his mind, his vitality rushed, his eyes widened, and he exclaimed in unbelievable exclamation: "I have reached the peak of the Martial King, and I am about to enter the realm of the Martial King? This... just because I drank it. A glass of wine?"

Sun Dahou looked at Han Yu, feeling like a world away.

Han Yu nodded seriously and said, "Yes."

"Oh my god, this is too scary? A glass of wine is worth three nine-grade drugs!" Sun Dahou smacked his lips, and suddenly looked at Han Yu with bright eyes, "Second brother, pour me some more Taste it and see if you can break through to the realm of Emperor Wu in one breath."

Han Yu laughed dumbly: "If the Wuhuang realm breaks through so well, there won't be so many geniuses who will be blocked from this gate, and will not be able to take that step in a lifetime. You still have to consolidate your cultivation and wait for the right thing. It’s not too late to break through."

Sun Dahou nodded deeply thinking it was right, and said: "You are right, the Wuhuang realm is not so easy to break through, so the wine is drunk like this, isn't it for nothing, keep it first, and drink it later."

Han Yu smiled and said, "There is a lot of wine. I can pour you another glass, but after drinking it, I'm afraid you will fall asleep again."

Although now in the state of Sun Dahou, drinking wine into his stomach, most of the terrifying energy will be wasted, but Han Yu doesn't care about it.

"I think it's fine, it's a pity to waste it." Sun Dahou hesitated.

Han Yu smiled faintly, took out the wine vessel, poured half a cup to Sun Dahou, and said, "I'm afraid you will get drunk. Half a cup should be fine."

Sun Dahou rubbed his hands, took the glass happily, and said: "You also pour half a glass, my brother slams one."

Han Yu poured half a cup and toasted to Sun Dahou.

This time Sun Dahou learned to be smart, and slowly tasted the taste of wine. I had to compliment every bite. After half a cup of my stomach, my face turned purple again, but I didn't get drunk, but I started to have a big tongue.

Continue to chat with Han Yu.

As soon as Sun Dahou opened his head, he couldn't hold it back. That posture was quite the second in the sky, and he felt first.

In the holy place of the fighting sage monkey clan, the holy cliff, Sun Dahou received the inheritance of the fighting sacred monkey clan, and the power of his bloodline has been greatly recovered, at this time it has recovered to 90%. Only the last 10% can be completely transformed into a fighting monkey, possessing boundless combat power.

There is advice on the holy cliff: 90% rely on talent, and 10% rely on luck.

This means that the inheritance on the holy cliff, coupled with Sun Dahou's talent, can restore 90% of his bloodline power, and the last 10% depends on his good fortune.

So Sun Dahou left the holy cliff before he could fully recover his blood.

Han Yu is happy for Sun Dahou.

Ninety percent of the bloodlines of ancient gods and beasts are already remarkable. Second only to the ancient mythical beasts and the invincible system, it is even more terrifying than the royal body.

In the end, Sun Dahou was a little sad, he did not find his grandfather.

According to the old monkey, his grandfather was indeed chased and killed at the time, and it is likely that he went to Jingzhou because of avoiding enemies. But the old monkey didn't say exactly who it was, and it was not clear whether he didn't know or didn't want to say.

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