Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1163: opinionated

Chapter 1163

If anyone knew that Han Yu was still doing self-examination, he would definitely call him a lunatic. With this kind of cultivation base, Li Yangzhou can force Li Yangzhou to use the strongest method and retreat safely. In the eyes of many people, this is already a record against the sky.

Han Yu condensed his mind, slowly got up, sat cross-legged, took out the jade bottle containing the blood of the Five Elements Spirit Rabbit, opened the cap, and the dim canyon was filled with light of five colors.

In the strong smell of blood, there is a strong vitality, and the sun shines, and in the surrounding stone cracks, there are seeds that sprouted and sprouts, which are visible to the naked eye.

Han Yu dripped three drops of essence and blood, poured them into his mouth, immediately corked the jade bottle, and put it into the Qiankun bag.


Three drops of blood entered the mouth, immediately turned into three terrifying energy, intertwined, rushed into the lungs, and then quickly spread.

"It deserves to be the blood of the Five Elements Spirit Rabbit!" Han Yu sighed secretly.

He had used the blood of the Five Elements Spirit Rabbit to heal Shui Ling'er before, knowing the horror of this blood, but now he experienced it personally and couldn't help but praise it.

From the three drops of essence and blood, three strands of blood origin qi were separated and swallowed by the golden dragon. The golden dragon is one step closer to the resurrection. Only the small half of its head does not look real, and the rest are almost the same as living creatures. After absorbing two or so bloodline origin qi, it should be able to resurrect.

There was a little excitement in Han Yu's heart. As long as the golden dragon resurrected, the black hole would feed back and break through continuously. In this era of arrogance and competition for hegemony, strength is particularly important.

The essence of the blood turned into the essence of Han Yu's limbs and hundreds of skeletons, covering the five internal organs, and the backlash injury suffered by Han Yu is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not long after, Han Yu regained his ability to act.

These three drops of essence and blood are worthy of being a treasure comparable to a low-grade medicine king, even if Han Yu's physical body is extremely demanding of medicine, he is still treated quickly.

Han Yu took out a lot of medicinal materials and began to refine and replenish vitality.

It only took less than two days for Han Yu's backlash injury to heal, and the vitality in his body had also returned to a saturated state.

Han Yu was thinking of getting up and leaving. Suddenly, there were a few rapid breaking sounds, and the power of the soul quietly released. After detecting the incoming person, he couldn't help but sneered, with a restrained breath, and sat motionless.

Seven people rushed towards Han Yu. It was Yu Gaoyuan and his party that they met before entering the tomb.

After a few people landed, they quickly surrounded Han Yu. Seeing Han Yu sitting motionless, all thought that Han Yu's injury was not healed, and there were cruel smiles on each of his faces.

"Han, didn't you run very fast? Why were we chased by us?" a young man of Wu Wang Liuzhong teased.

During this period of time they had been chasing Han Yu, and they quickly found Han Yu and Li Yangzhou after they had fought.

They were truly surprised to learn that Han Yu could still retreat under Li Yangzhou. But I also heard that Han Yu was seriously injured, so he didn't put Han Yu in his eyes at all.

"Do you know what Muxiuyu Linfeng will destroy? I have to admit that you are indeed very potential, but you are too arrogant, make enemies everywhere, and are doomed to die!" Yu Gaoyuan said coldly.

Han Yu glanced at several people indifferently, and said: "I can retreat from Li Yangzhou, do you think you can do anything to me?"

"Huh, if you were in his heyday, we might not be able to help you. But you had a battle with Li Yangzhou in two days before Qiancai, at this time, the injury has not healed, is already a sick tiger, not even as good as a cat." Youth Road.

It is really not easy for him to admit that Han Yu is a tiger.

Of course, their view of Han Yu has changed a bit, all because of the battle between Han Yu and Li Yangzhou.

They knew that Li Yangzhou was good, and they could naturally infer Han Yu's ability. But just as they said, no matter how strong Han Yu is, he is also a sick tiger.

Han Yu stood up slowly, his action actually made the people of the Immeasurable Holy Land involuntarily take a half step backwards, that is, Yu Gaoyuan, his face changed slightly.

Han Yu is amused secretly, speaks more grandiosely than anyone else, but he is strong in the outside world.

"Since you don't see me in your eyes, why are you afraid of me?" Han Yu said sarcastically.

The faces of several people became a little ugly.

"Huh, pretend, let me see how many kilograms you have left!" The young man of Wuwang Sixth Layer took a step forward and suddenly appeared in front of Han Yu, with his right hand bent into claws, and he grabbed Han directly. Yu's throat.

Han Yu remained silent, and took a quiet step with his left foot, turning his body into a series of afterimages, which he easily avoided.

"Aren't you very strong? Why don't you fight back?" The man sneered, having already determined that Han Yu was just posing.

Upon seeing this, Yu Gaoyuan and the others put down the stones in their hearts, secretly vigilant, afraid that Han Yu would escape.


The man's claws moved together, and the tiger was alive. Claw shadows are heavy, blocking the space around Han Yu.

But Han Yu's body style is extremely good, no matter how beautiful and terrifying his attack is, he didn't even touch Han Yu's clothes.

In a blink of an eye, more than 30 moves were made, and the man was a little dizzy. He couldn't figure out exactly where Han Yu was. In front of him, there were only afterimages, and it was impossible to tell who was the real Han Yu.

The attacks fell again and again, and they were obviously hit on Han Yu. Before he was too happy, the people who were hit were scattered, turning out to be afterimages.

Yu Gaoyuan's pupils tightened, and Han Yu was so fast that he couldn't even match the dust.


Han Yu turned into a light, and easily rushed out of their encirclement between the two people.

"Stop him!"

Yu Gaoyuan thought that Han Yu was going to run, yelled in a low voice, and hurriedly pursued. But after a few steps, he stopped again, because Han Yu had stopped and looked at them with a smile.

"You dare to chase me even at this point. I have to say that you are very courageous." Han Yu smiled faintly.

"Let's do it together!" Yu Gaoyuan's face sank and shouted in a low voice.

Regardless of whether Han Yu is injured or not, the injuries are heavy. Judging from the physique shown by Han Yu just now, he cannot be taken lightly.

"Just so, let you test the power of my Fire Cloud Cthulhu!" Han Yu smiled. But in my eyes, there are two cold light flashes.

With both hands quickly forming a seal, thirty-three seals were shot out, and a terrifying flame instantly rose up on his body, and then the flames twisted and condensed, poured down beside him, and piled up to form a burning man. The burning man’s eyelids opened and closed, and the flames flickered. .

"Xuan-level high-level magical power?" Yu Gaoyuan was shocked, as he could see the level of this magical power from the breath radiating from the fire man.


Before he had finished his words, the Evil God Huoyun turned into a red line and slew them.

"Boom boom boom..."

All the hands of the immeasurable holy land people, all kinds of supernatural powers flooded the space.

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