Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1154: Bird's chance

Chapter 1154

Outside the city, a middle-aged man in a gray robe was holding the bird master with one hand. The huge bird master was in his hand, and he was as weak as a rooster, and wailed in his mouth.

"Niaoye, I just came to Wuzhou, and I haven't been able to become famous, and I met this unlucky human being in the world. What a sin!" Niaoye felt distressed.

"Who are you? Why do you want to catch him?" Han Yu rushed out, stunned when he saw this.

Although this man is not good-looking, he has a tendency to dominate the world, and his breath is majestic and vast. He is actually a master of Wu Huang's first heavy.

Han Yu couldn't understand, how could a master of Wu Huang's first heavy attack against a Tier 2 Heavenly Beast.

"What is his relationship with you?" the middle-aged man asked flatly, but a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and he was not kind to Han Yu.

Han Yu strode forward, even if the opponent was a master of Wu Huang Yizhong, he was not afraid for the sake of the bird.

Said: "He is my friend."

Han Yu's voice was extremely low, and his body gradually flickered with chill.

The man's eyes were cold, and there was a touch of kindness on his face, and he said: "In Fengjiu of the Xiafeng clan, I saw him today and wanted to give him a chance."

Han Yu narrowed his eyes and asked, "Phoenix City Phoenix Clan?"

The man said: "Exactly."

The Phoenix Clan of Phoenix, after calling himself a Phoenix, had the blood of the sacred beast Phoenix flowing in his body. The Phoenix blood is also flowing in the bird's body. If it is as Feng Jiu said, he wants to give the bird a chance, for the bird's master, it is definitely a great thing.

However, Han Yu was very cautious, and asked, "The Feng Clan is an ancient family, and the seniors are masters of Wu Huang's First Heavy, so why would you like him?"

Han Yu knew the reason, definitely because of the Phoenix blood in the bird's body, but now he can only pretend not to know.

Feng Jiu stared at Han Yu and said, "It seems that you don’t know his origin. He has the blood of the sacred beast Phoenix, and he is in the same blood line as my Feng clan. If he follows me, I can help him restore his blood. The power, let him shine with the brightest light."

When Feng Jiu was speaking, the surrounding void suddenly squirmed, which actually blocked his voice and prevented others from hearing it.

There is Phoenix blood flowing in a little demon beast, and this must not be known to outsiders.

After hearing Feng Jiu's words, the bird's eyes lit up and asked, "Can you really help me restore my bloodline?"

Niao Ye came to Wuzhou with Han Yu, but wanted to shine, but the strength of Wuzhou made him feel frustrated. If there is a big opportunity for him to become stronger soon, he definitely doesn't want to miss it.

Feng Jiu confidently said, "You can ask him."

Niaoye looked at Han Yu and asked, "Is what he said is true?"

Han Yu said, "The Feng Clan is after the Phoenix, so what he said should be true."

Because of the Slaughter Terrace, Han Yu had specifically inquired about the Phoenix Clan. After they were Phoenix, it was almost certain to be true.

Niaoye said with joy: "Okay, I promise you."

Feng Jiu smiled slightly and let go of Lord Bird. The reason why he caught the bird master was that the bird's mouth was a bit too stinky and wanted to teach him a lesson. If Master Bird had been so obedient earlier, Feng Jiu would not be embarrassed if Feng Jiu had finished speaking.

Seeing Feng Jiu's behavior, Han Yu was also completely relieved.

Niaoye walked over to chat with Han Yu, and finally hugged and parted with Han Yu, and followed Feng Jiu away.

"Smelly boy, you are waiting for the master bird to fully recover the power of your blood and take you across the world!" The arrogant voice of the bird master came into Han Yu's ears.

Han Yu smiled slightly and watched Master Bird and Feng Jiu leave.

"Husband, what's the matter, why did the bird master leave?" The three daughters of Narcissus stepped into the air, causing countless exclaims.

The three females are beautiful and beautiful, and they are not weaker than Wuzhou Peerless Tianjiao.

"Someone wants to accept Master Bird as a disciple!" Han Yu said. Because Feng Jiu's relationship prevented the voice from spreading, the third daughter did not hear the specific content.

"I can see that that person should be very powerful. Today, perhaps it is an important turning point in the life of Lord Bird." Ma Su said.

She has been in a high position all year round and is in charge of the world, allowing her to see the problem more comprehensively.

Han Yu nodded, being able to enter the ancient family Feng Clan's cultivation is of great significance to the bird master.

"Damn, who is that man? Three peerless beauties are surrounding him, is this too violent?"

"None of these three women is worse than Fairy Jin Chan. If I can take one as my wife in my lifetime, I would be willing to be a cat or a dog in my next life."

"I advise you to dispel those evil thoughts. That person, Han Yu, dare to kill the immeasurable holy land!"

There was an uproar among the crowd.

Han Yu was a little stunned. He didn't expect his appearance to cause a lot of trouble. He looked at each other with the third daughter, smiled slightly, and disappeared as soon as he flashed with the third daughter, which caused a shock.

"It's great that Han Yu didn't die. Will he challenge those princes of the ancient forces?"

"Being caught alive by Yin Jinchan can still retreat peacefully, killing the boundless holy land Junjie can still live to this day, Han Yu is the legend of our generation."

"I really look forward to the moment when Han Yu and the ancient power Tianjiao collide, it will be exciting and exciting!"

What Han Yu didn't know was that his departure did not stop the topic about him, but it got worse.

Countless people were eager to see through, and finally saw his appearance.

Recalling Han Yu's previous deeds in Xiling, some sensitive people felt that the **** wind in Xiling might have become even more mad because of his appearance.

This kind of thinking can be said to be extremely absurd. Now that the ancient forces dominate the world, who can stir this pool of boiling water with their own power? However, many people worship Han Yu blindly.

Han Yu contacted Gong Chaoyang in a special way, and he was not surprised by the reply that he got. Gong Chaoyang entered the tomb of the saint.

Han Yu sought Gong Chaoyang for Pang Xuan. This woman dared to send someone to Jingzhou to catch her beloved, and Han Yu would never spare her. She lived one more day, Han Yu felt like sitting on pins and needles.

But if Gong Chaoyang is not there, there is some trouble.

The tomb of the saint has been opened, and the younger generations have already entered. If Han Yu goes to the Promise Hall to kill Pang Xuan first, and then enters the tomb of the saint, I am afraid that time is too late.

He must think of a compromise.

Pang Xuan must die, and the tomb of the saint must also go.

After several days of rushing, Han Yu took his three daughters to the outside of Tianchan.

Before Han Yu went to work, he had to settle the three girls. When it comes to safety, Stealing the Sky Mountain Range is undoubtedly the best choice, but Han Yu is not the one who steals the Sky Mountain Range after all, so he chose the Tianchan Buddhism.

Tian Chan is Han Yu's maidservant, and Tian Chan is equivalent to Han Yu's school. The three women are not only safe here, but also free from restraint.

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