Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1152: Xiling Fengyun

Chapter 1152

Han Yu ran all the way, until he left the world of the underworld, he was relieved for a long time.

This trip to the underworld was his safest, but it was the most thrilling. Han Yu has solved some puzzles, but there are new ones.

Han Yu didn't stay long, so he flew up into the sky.

Although the underworld was ruined, Han Yu felt that it definitely contained a great secret, and he would definitely come back in the future.

Outside the abyss of evil, the three beautiful ladies were waiting eagerly, and they all breathed a long sigh of relief when Han Yu came back safely.

"Husband, you finally came back." The three women ran to Han Yu side by side, Han Yu opened his arms and let them jump into his arms.

"Husband, why have you been there for so long, have you found what you are looking for?" Narcissus asked.

Before, Han Yu didn't tell them too much about the abyss of sin, and they didn't know anything about the abyss of sin.

Han Yu had only said to look for one thing before, but he didn't say what to look for.

It wasn't that Han Yu deliberately concealed the underworld world, but Han Yu had already planted a causal relationship with the underworld world, and he didn't want the three daughters to be involved.

Han Yu always felt that sooner or later, he might be involved in an unknown storm about the world of the underworld.

"Found it, you can leave."

Han Yu smiled slightly, feeling the body temperature from the body of the three women, and his mood quickly recovered.

The three women jumped on the back of the bird with the small horns, while Han Yu directly used the Yishan formation pattern to transform them into the formation pattern projectile, and took them to the sky. He personally took charge of the journey.

Wuzhou, Xiling.

The storm is surging and frenzy.

After the birth of the Immeasurable Holy Land, one after another ancient forces appeared in front of everyone, allowing everyone to deeply understand what is meant by sitting in a well and watching the sky.

Many ancient forces were born in order to compete for the opportunity of the first great world after the ancients and to hit the peak of martial arts.

The Tianji Master had already made it clear, and was able to prove the truth.

A series of earth-shaking battles unfolded in every corner of Xiling. The younger generation of ancient forces taught the other young people in Xiling a good lesson, letting them know what is a genius and what is invincible among the same generation.

The son of the Promise Hall, the sword of Liangyi has swept the world. Since his debut, he has not failed.

The saint of the immeasurable holy land, the treasure car covers the void, the heroes retreat, and the battle is invincible.

Feng Clan Tianjiao, the fairy phoenix cuts the void, can kill the gods at the top, and slaughter the demons at the bottom, no one can fight!

Too many young masters, Hajime showed invincible demeanor as soon as he appeared.

Compared with the Xiling Four Masters, there is simply a gap between the ants and the Honghu.

The ancient forces seem to be generally negotiated, and the younger generation was born first. Rao is the younger generation, who has also stirred up countless **** storms.

The original Xiling Four Masters must have suffered a great deal.

Before becoming famous, the disciples of the ancient forces must step on the Xiling Four Masters. Among them, Yin Jinchan, who is known as the head of the Xiling Four Masters, became the main target of the young heroes of the ancient forces.

Tian Chan is very knowledgeable about current affairs, no matter who is to challenge him, he directly admits defeat.

If it is true to discuss combat power, Tian Chan is not afraid of anyone in the younger generation of ancient forces, but the present is not what it used to be, and the ancient forces are no longer what Tian Chan can compare with.

If Tian Chan loses one, it will attract more challengers. No matter how strong she is, how can she withstand the endless stream of ancient powers of outstanding talent.

The appearance of ancient forces disrupted the overall situation of Xiling instantly.

This makes many people uncomfortable, especially some young disciples of ancient forces, who are very high-profile, and often go to some schools to search for treasures and make complaints. Among them, the first-class school is the target of the key greet.

Among them, the most eager to cry without tears is the Zhenyuan Sect. With the help of the Tianchan Sect, it hasn't been long before he has just been promoted to the first-class sect.

Unexpectedly, the ancient forces were born suddenly, and they, as first-class schools, were given priority attention.

The clans and families of the world dared not say anything about the robbery practices of the young disciples of the ancient forces. Everyone imagined that there could be a peerless master who stepped on the colorful auspicious clouds to fall from the sky to give a good lesson to those yellow-haired children who are above the top and arrogant.

However, even Yin Jinchan can only admit defeat, who else can stand up for everyone?

Everyone thought of Han Yu involuntarily. Many people thought that Han Yu might be able to wrestle with young people from the ancient forces. Who is Han Yu? That's someone who can escape alive in Yin Jinchan's hands, a strongman who can kill the wise men of the Boundless Holy Land in Boundless City and retreat all over (because Han Yu's incident in Boundless City has spread, everyone I knew that Han Yu was still alive).

However, since Wuliangcheng appeared once, Han Yu has not appeared again for half a year. Some people have speculated that Han Yu may have been killed by the people of Boundless Holy Land.

Killing people of the ancient sect is no different from death in the eyes of many people.

Recently, Xiling ushered in the most chaotic and manic period since the birth of the ancient forces.

The entire ancient level of Xiling was shocked.

Those older generations who have been hiding behind the scenes have also been born one after another.

Just because an ancient tomb was found in the west of Xiling. Experts from ancient forces speculated that this was probably the burial site of a saint in the Wudi era.

Some people even speculate that the appearance of this saint’s burial site is likely to be a sign of the arrival of the first world after ancient times.

Obtaining the treasures in the saint’s burial ground is likely to seize the first opportunity in the world.

It is even more rumored that this saint had received a holy medicine before, and that holy medicine was probably buried in his cemetery. The holy medicine will be a huge support for the saint's realm.

Whoever gets the holy medicine, who gets the luck of the first great world after the ancient times, can rush in front of everyone and seek the holy way.

Not to mention the younger generation, the masters of the older generation are crazy when they hear this.

In the age of no sage, if you can break through to the realm of martial sage, you will gather glory and power in one. If it becomes the first saint in the age of no saints, the meaning is completely different.

He can definitely be included in the most important historical annals of the cultivation world, and become a figure comparable to the incomparable emperors of the ancient times.

This kind of glory shines for all generations.

However, as the strongest in the age of Emperor Wu, the cemetery of the saint is not so easy to open.

The first attempt caused an explosion at the entrance. It is said that three masters of Wuhuang realm were killed and seven masters of Wuhuang realm were injured. Several ancient forces suffered heavy losses.

However, this proves the horror and value of this cemetery. Some ancient forces that were still on the sidelines before joined decisively.

After more than half a month of hard work, the entrance to the tomb of the saint was finally opened, and countless masters rushed in from all directions, flooding into the tomb of the saint like a flood.

On the land of Xiling, I hear countless news about the tomb of the saint almost every day.

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