Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1150: Underworld

Chapter 1150

Standing on the edge of the abyss of evil, you can clearly feel the secret power of evil gushing from the abyss of evil, like a tide, in the air, there is also a faint smell of blood and chill.

Han Yu frowned tightly. Under the abyss of sin, I'm afraid something happened.

The white dragon rushed out of his body and slowly flew to the bottom of the abyss of evil with Han Yu, his soul power was exerted to the extreme, and he was always alert.

"Swish swish..."

When it fell to a certain distance, in the silent void, suddenly there were countless sounds of breaking through the sky.

For this, Han Yu is no longer unfamiliar, he must be a bloodsucking grass.

Countless blood-sucking grasses, like octopus tentacles, surrounded Han Yu from all directions. Han Yu's body shook slightly, and a wave of air swept out. Suddenly, the blood-sucking grasses were all shattered into fly ash, and their roots were destroyed.

In the first two visits, Han Yu had to use Ming Huangshi to protect him. Now the blood sucking grass has no threat to him.

Han Yu quickly flew in the direction of the bronze gate. As the distance from the bronze gate gradually narrowed, the smell of blood, stench and chill in the void became more intense.

It didn't take long before Han Yu saw a black mist gushing out of a cliff from a distance. This cliff was where the bronze gate was in the past, and the bronze gate was actually broken into pieces.

"What's going on?" Han Yu's heart moved, "Could it be that the enemies of the underworld world have found this place and are at war with the underworld world?"

Han Yu remembered the secrets he had heard when he entered the world of the underworld for the second time.

This underworld world was built by a group of masters to avoid enemies.

Han Yu suddenly became nervous, even if he is now a master of the sixth layer of King Wu, but Han Yu is holding a respectful attitude towards the underworld and the enemies of the underworld.

He hesitated, not knowing whether to go in or not.

In the end, Han Yu stepped into the door. After passing through the black fog, Han Yu was dazed by the sight in front of him.

The dead bodies everywhere, blood flowed into rivers.

From the perspective of clothing, these dead people should all be people from the underworld, and none of them are the bodies of enemies in the underworld.

"I have been here twice. I have never seen a living person. I didn't expect that there are so many people living in the world of the underworld!" Han Yu looked at a glance, there were hundreds of dead bodies.

At this time, the body had begun to decay, showing that these people had been dead for a long time.

Han Yu flew over the suspension bridge and came to Guimenguan.

In front of the Guimen Pass, the stone monument that reads "As soon as one enters the Guimen Gate, all thoughts will die, the world and humanity will not reincarnate."

It looked like it had been smashed by a sledgehammer from the sky.

"Unexpectedly, the Cloud Continent hasn't heard anything about such a big battle." Han Yu sighed.

It can be seen from the degree of decay on the dead bodies that this battle should have occurred a year ago. Of those dead, the weakest were the masters of the Martial King level, and there were not a few of the Martial King level. It was obvious how terrible they were.

But let alone other places, Qinzhou did not receive any wind.

"I'm afraid that only the ancient forces of Wuzhou can come to level the world of the underworld, right?"

The few ancient red texts that appeared in Tiangong's mind quietly appeared in Han Yu's mind.

If the underworld mentioned there belonged to this underworld, then their enemy must be heaven. Perhaps in the ancient times, the Heavenly Court was not destroyed, and it evolved into another force.

A certain ancient force in Wuzhou may be the inheritance of Heavenly Court.

Han Yu converged his mind and continued to move forward.

The world after the gate of the ghost is closed, the mountains and rivers are broken, and the face is completely blank.

The chaotic stone hill seemed to be trampled by a foot, and a huge deep pit of footprints appeared.

The towering peaks on both sides of the Flying Dagger Canyon were cut into countless pieces with a knife.

In the Gobi Gobi, there was a huge deep pit of the palm, which was actually flattened by a palm. In the deep pit, Han Yu saw the bones of the old golden skull, his whole body shattered, and the soul fire in his head. Extinguished.

"This is definitely done by experts above Wu Huang's fifth level." Han Yu looked at the remaining traces and made this judgment.

In the entire Cloud Continent, there are only a handful of experts in the Martial Emperor Realm, and the five masters of the Wu Emperor are even rarer. It shouldn't be difficult to find the murderer.

Of course, Han Yu just speculated for himself that he has no relatives with the underworld world, so he wouldn't be bored to trace the murderer.

Han Yu went all the way, and the Jedi that had made him retreat in the past were all destroyed.

The iceberg collapsed, the ghost valley shattered, but the bridge disappeared, and the other shore flowers withered. All of it foreshadows to Han Yu that the underworld world is over.

The fact is also true. When Han Yu walked to the sea of ​​blood, the shock in his heart had reached the point where it could not be added.

The Nine Nether Fire, which was known to never go out, was extinguished, and the boundless sea of ​​blood was even dried up.

A huge body lying on the blood-colored ground is the guardian of the blood sea that Han Yu has encountered before.

Underworld world, broken, over!

Han Yu couldn't help but hesitate, even if he had seen ancient forces in Wuzhou, Han Yu still felt that the world of the underworld was the most terrifying and mysterious force he had ever seen.

But such a terrifying force has actually been wiped out.

Han Yu walked to the side of the Guardian of the Sea of ​​Blood. It was regrettable that such a great master floating corpse was here.

Its tight right hand attracted Han Yu's attention.

Although it is dead, it looks like its tight right hand is still full of power at this time. Is this the power of anger, or is it holding something in its hand?

Its left hand was released, and Han Yu guessed that it must be holding something in his right hand.

Its fist was like a hill, and Han Yu tried to pull its hand apart, but couldn't shake its fingers.

"I can't break the fist I held after death. What a terrifying master was this in his lifetime?" Han Yu was dumbfounded.

Han Yu wants to use the soul to probe its fist. Although this monster has been dead for a long time, there is still a terrible energy in its body. That energy is all concentrated in its fist, making its fist indestructible and the power of the soul. Can't pass through.

This made Han Yu even more curious about what was in its fist, what kind of treasure it was that could make a dead person still value it so much.

Han Yu took out the broken sword, trying to split the monster's fist with the broken sword, but sparks splashed on it, and the broken sword only left a white mark on its fingers.

Han Yu was speechless, he couldn't even cut his fingers with a broken sword, there was no other way.

Looking around, the entire underworld world is dim and terrifying, and lifeless. Han Yu decided to leave.

Suddenly, in the blood mist in the sky, two people appeared, fighting a crazy battle.

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