Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1138: Strange master and apprentice

Chapter 1138

Han Yu's face stretched out, and he stretched out his arms to support Gong Chaoyang, and said, "Get up."

"Master, have you accepted me?" Gong Chaoyang looked at Han Yu in surprise.

"Yeah!" Han Yu nodded.

Gong Chaoyang was overjoyed and stood up with Han Yu's support. After standing up, the two of them looked at each other, and suddenly both were a little embarrassed, not knowing what to say.

"Master, I think you are hurt, let the disciples help you heal your injuries!" Gong Chaoyang said, already showing sincerity to Han Yu.

Han Yu nodded and sat cross-legged on the ground. Gong Chaoyang came to Han Yu's back, sat down cross-legs, and pressed his hands on Han Yu's back. Suddenly two horrible vitality gushed from his body and rushed into Han Yu's body to help Han Yu heal.

Although Han Yu's injury is not minor, because the strength of the two is very different, Gong Chaoyang's treatment of Han Yu is very effective. Xiao Jiao stepped aside, took a nine-pronged medicine, and treated himself.

Five days later, Han Yu and Xiao Jiao both recovered.

"Master, I think you have touched the barrier of King Wu's sixth layer, and you are about to break through to the sixth layer of King Wu!" Gong Chaoyang retracted his hand and said respectfully.

"Well, it's about to break through, but the barrier is temporarily unable to break through." Han Yu nodded.

"I think Master's current state is that there is still a lack of understanding of the Tao. As long as the understanding of the Tao is enough, a breakthrough will be a matter of course. The disciple had some experience when he broke through the sixth layer of the King of Wu. Should he tell the master?" Gong Chaoyang asked.

There was no air at all at this time, and he was completely an obedient little apprentice in front of Han Yu. Not only obedient, but also consider Han Yu everywhere.

There was a strange feeling in Han Yu's heart suddenly, the disciple teacher, this is probably unique.

After thinking about it, he said, "Let's talk and listen."

Gong Chaoyang came to Han Yu to sit down and began to talk.

Gong Chaoyang has made considerable achievements in martial arts. Han Yu's training experience is of great use to him.

An hour later, Gong Chaoyang stepped aside, quietly protecting Han Yu. Han Yu thought about what Gong Chaoyang had said before.

Gradually, Han Yu entered a state of emptiness, opening up some areas that he had never seen before.

Gong Chaoyang looked in his eyes and nodded secretly.

"The aptitude of the master is unparalleled, and the future achievements are limitless, maybe even above me. It is not a humiliating thing to be his disciple."

Gong Chaoyang gradually discovered that Han Yu's potential was greater than he had previously imagined.

Han Yu was sitting for three days and three nights, eating and sleeping. In the afternoon of the fourth day, a flash of light flashed through Han Yu's mind, and he realized the Dao that belonged to the sixth layer of King Wu.


Within the dantian, there was an involuntary explosion, and he broke through to the sixth realm of King Wu.

"So fast?" Gong Chaoyang was stunned. Although Han Yu was only a thin line away from King Wu's Sixth Layer, he couldn't rush to enlighten him. In his opinion, it would take Han Yu at least three to five months to complete this breakthrough, but he did not expect it to be so fast.

Gong Chaoyang suddenly sounded when he first saw Han Yu, he couldn't help but breathe in cold breath.

The first time I saw Han Yu, Han Yu was only in the realm of King Wu's triple level, only about ten months from now, Han Yu actually broke through the triple level.

Such a speed of cultivation is against the sky.

Gong Chaoyang really realized how terrifying Han Yu's potential was.

He had promised to let Han Yu catch up with him for thirty years, but now it seems like a joke.

In addition to shock, Gong Chaoyang was even more happy, so that his heart was even more balanced.

After adjusting his breath for most of the day, Han Yu stabilized his cultivation, and stood up, raising his hands and feet with a lot of domineering.

"Congratulations, Master!" Gong Chaoyang hurriedly congratulated.

Gong Chaoyang was not a person who likes flattering, but he has admitted from the bottom of his heart that Han Yu is his master, and what he did has become human nature, not deliberately disguised.

"This is also your credit." Han Yu smiled faintly, and now he sees this old apprentice more and more like it.

"Chaoyang, in front of outsiders in the future, don't call me a master. We are present as brothers. As a master and apprentice, you can know me." Han Yu said gently.

Gong Chaoyang was taken aback, clasped his fists, and said moved: "Listen to Master's instructions."

In this case, Gong Chaoyang's worship of Han Yu as a teacher will not be spread, Gong Chaoyang will not become the laughingstock of the world, and will not be driven out of the mountain gate by the Promise Hall. This is a gift for him.

"I have something to ask you." Han Yu thought for a while.

Gong Chaoyang listened quietly.

"Did you know that there is a person named Zhao Yubing in the Zhao family?" Han Yu looked at Gong Chaoyang with some expectation.

"The disciple doesn't know." Gong Chaoyang shook his head.

Han Yu suddenly felt a little regretful. Did he find the wrong one?

Gong Chaoyang paused and asked, "What is the age of the person Master is looking for?"

Han Yu said: "In his early forties."

Han Yu also doesn't know the exact age of his mother, so he can only give a rough idea.

Gong Chaoyang said: "The disciples have been cultivating in depth in recent decades, and they don't know much about the rising stars. Maybe the person the master is looking for may be in the Zhao family."

Gong Chaoyang’s words made Han Yu ablaze with hope, and said: "Well, you come to Zhao's house with me."

Gong Chaoyang said: "Master, I'm afraid it's wrong for you to go to Zhao's house."

Han Yu smiled and said, "I'm not swaying, you and I sneak in."

Gong Chaoyang changed his color suddenly, and hurriedly said, "Master, never!"

"Huh?" Han Yu frowned and asked, "Why?"

Han Yu had successfully sneaked into the Holy Land of Thunder, but he didn't think it was too difficult to sneak into the Zhao family.

Gong Chaoyang explained: "Master does not know something. The emperor of the Zhao family is guarded by the celestial mirror. The celestial mirror can illuminate all the falsehoods of time. Even if the master is invisible, he will have nowhere to hide in front of the celestial mirror. Going is undoubtedly to die."

Han Yu was startled and asked, "Could it be that someone in the Zhao family stays in front of the mirror at all times?"

Gong Chaoyang said: "Yes."

Han Yu secretly said that it was dangerous. If he hadn't met Gong Chaoyang, he would accept Gong Chaoyang as a disciple, and Han Yu would enter the Zhao family rashly.

Gong Chaoyang asked, "Why does the Master look for this person?"

Han Yu said: "Something is going on."

Gong Chaoyang said: "Master, would you like to let the disciple go to Zhao's house and inquire for you."

Han Yu's eyes lit up and said, "This is really great. When you ask, don't talk about anything about me."

Back then, Zhao Yubing was forcibly captured by the Zhao family. If this Zhao family was the Zhao family that Han Yu was looking for, they knew that Zhao Yubing's children came here by no means a good thing.

Gong Chaoyang said: "The disciple understands!"

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