Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1136: Supernatural power

Chapter 1136

But for Gong Chaoyang, this regret is like a splash in the boiling sea, which is not worth mentioning. More is excitement, rejoicing, and excitement.

Gong Chaoyang is a cultivating genius, with the spirit of giving up to me.

"You can achieve your current achievements from a casual practice. There is no doubt about your potential. Even if you are not weaker than the supreme arrogance of the ancient forces, what you lack most now is a good cultivation environment. The ancient forces, It is undoubtedly the best place for cultivation in the world. Cultivating mental methods, supernatural powers, resources, systems, and competition are the strongest and most perfect. Only when you enter the ancient forces, can you maximize your potential and have your future. Will become brighter."

"If you worship me as a teacher, I can tailor a set of cultivation system that is most suitable for you, make up for your previous regrets, and embark on the most perfect path of cultivation. In less than 30 years, you can keep pace with me. , To pursue the supreme road of Martial Saint together!"

Gong Chaoyang's eyes are clear and confident. He appreciates Han Yu from the heart.

It is a great temptation for any person to let a person of Wuwang Wuzhong catch up with a Wuhuang triple master in thirty years.

Han Yu sneered in his heart. Thirty years is too long for him.

His way, he knows in his heart, his way does not need to be planned by others.

Seeing that Han Yu was indifferent, Gong Chaoyang narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you doubt my sincerity?"

Han Yu shook his head and said, "I believe what you said is true, but I have my own way!"

Gong Chaoyang's face suddenly became a little difficult to look at. This was the best condition he could come up with. Some unwillingly asked: "Don’t you realize that the conditions I give you, the era you are in, are a golden opportunity for you. If you give up my conditions, you are likely to miss this era. Do you know what the consequences are?"

Although Gong Chaoyang had taken a fancy to Han Yu's potential, he was derived from pride and confidence in his blood, and he was like Yu Qianshuang. He held a contemptuous and skeptical attitude towards Han Yu other than potential.

Can people from the ancient forces look down on people like this? Could it be that in the first great world after the ancient times, the person who was finally sanctified must be the person of the ancient forces?

Han Yu doesn't believe it!

"I appreciate your kindness, but without the permission of my master, I can't do anything to deceive my ancestor and switch to another person!" Han Yu's attitude is very firm.

Gong Chaoyang stood up suddenly, obviously a little angry. However, due to his character, no matter what, his face is so stiff.

He took a deep look at Han Yu, turned around, and started pacing nonstop with his hands behind his back.

Am I a little bit ignorant? Han Yu gave a wry smile and slowly stood up. Even if you don't know what's good or bad, there are certain things you can't do.

Han Yu can't tell others about Jietian Zhijian and betray Tianlao and worship others.

With an old personality, knowing that Han Yu switched to someone else's sect, it shouldn't be so good, but Han Yu has his own principles.


Gong Chaoyang suddenly turned around, his eyes swept over Han Yu's face. His eyes became colder than ever.

Han Yu's heart twitched, is it because Gong Chaoyang wants to be strong?

"Tell me about your conditions?" Gong Chaoyang said solemnly.

"Senior, my swordsmanship is really something that I can't change." Han Yu tried to make his speech milder.

"Today you must have an exchange." Gong Chao's strength is beyond doubt.

Han Yu frowned and couldn't help taking two steps backwards. He smiled bitterly: "Senior, I respect you very much. You can't do things that are difficult for a strong man!"

Although Han Yu had an antagonism with the Promise Hall, what Han Yu said about Gong Chaoyang came from the bottom of his heart.

Gong Chaoyang's eyes suddenly flickered. He was indeed not a person who likes to be difficult.

Soon, Gong Chaoyang's eyes became determined again, and said: "If it was before, I would disdain to do this kind of thing, but now, I really don't have time."

Gong Chaoyang's tone actually meant some discussion and request.

Han Yu was also a little shaken for a while. Gong Chaoyang could catch him and persecute him, but he didn't. Instead, he tried every means to exchange with him. There is nothing to say about this character alone.

"My swordsmanship is really so important to you?" Han Yu asked suspiciously.

Although the Shutten Finger Sword is powerful, it is only a magical power. After all, the magical power is only a means of fighting, and it is not necessary to master it.

Originally, he thought that Gong Chaoyang was so entangled in swordsmanship because of his fascination with swordsmanship. Now it seems that he has other uses for him.

"Do you know what level of swordsmanship your swordsmanship is?" Gong Chaoyang asked rhetorically.

Han Yu shook his head, he really didn't know.

Gong Chaoyang was relieved and said every word: "Extreme swordsmanship!"

Han Yu asked, "What is Extreme Swordsmanship?"

Gong Chaoyang said: "The supernatural powers beyond the heavenly ranks, the supernatural powers, because yours is a sword technique, so it is called the super sword technique!"

Han Yu was taken aback. He only knew about the supernatural powers of the world, which were divided into four levels: Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang, and he didn't expect that there would be more powerful supernatural powers above the heavens.

The stronger the supernatural powers, the higher the requirements for cultivators. With Han Yu's current strength, it is very difficult to cultivate and use the supernatural powers of the earth. How can he master the supernatural powers?

Gong Chaoyang saw Han Yu’s doubts and explained: "The ultimate magical powers are not in the heaven, earth, mystery, and yellow, and are beyond the ranks. Cultivating it is not restricted by rank, and the most important thing is people. Qualifications. If they are suitable for cultivation, people at the martial arts level can cultivate and display the ultimate magical powers; if they are not suitable for cultivation, even those at the martial sage or even the martial emperor level can’t practice the ultimate magical powers."

Han Yu said so.

The Heavenly Zhentian Monument suddenly appeared in his mind. The mighty power of the Heavenly Heavenly Monument Monument, but the sword did not cut the sky at all, could it be the ultimate magical power?

Suddenly knowing that he had mastered two supernatural powers beyond the heavenly ranks, Han Yu suddenly felt happy.

You must know that the supernatural powers of the tiers are rare in the world, and they are almost the most powerful supernatural powers. As for the supernatural powers of the heavens, the entire Wuzhou has not appeared for many years. Whether the ancient forces have mastered it, Han Yu doesn't know. It shows the preciousness of the supernatural powers.

Gong Chaoyang continued: "In addition to being not restricted by the level of cultivation level, the supernatural powers are also superior to the heavenly supernatural powers. There is also a huge advantage, that is, it can help others to realize the Tao. If you can cultivate a supernatural power during your lifetime. Supernatural powers, the cultivation base will definitely go a long way, and it is several times faster than not practicing the ultimate supernatural powers!"

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