Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1113: Many enemies

Chapter 1113

Han Yu's forehead was suddenly covered with black lines, and he asked angrily: "Who is your name?"

"Who do you think my name is?" The ghost blinked her eyes strangely.

Those onlookers suddenly became more confused. Why did the little princess of Leiyin Holy Land suddenly ran to the camp of the Stealing Mountain Range? Is it true that today's wedding reception is true?

On the side of Leiyin Holy Land, Qin Yin was going crazy, his body almost exploded. No one thought that when the relationship between the enemy and us was so tense, as the sister of the person involved, she would run into the enemy's camp.

Mo Xiaoxiao looked at Han Yu, then at Qin Le, and hummed secretly, suddenly a little unhappy.

Han Yu could only bite the bullet and walked towards Qin Le and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Han Yu could imagine that Qin Yin might want to kill him at this time.

"Why don't you come to me?" Qin Le asked unwillingly.

Han Yu suddenly became the first two big people, and thought: "Are we so familiar?" Of course, these words cannot be said, and Han Yu can imagine what kind of disaster he would encounter when he said this.

Scratching his head, he thought for a while and said, "I'm not seriously injured, I'm still not well."

"Ah? Really, let me see." Qin Le's face changed slightly, and he took Han Yu's hand and began to check Han Yu's body up and down. Han Yudun felt like a light on his back. People in Leiyin Holy Land almost killed him with their eyes.

"Xiao Lele, you come back to me!" Leiyin Holy Land Third Elder Qin Chang stomped his feet in an angry manner. Normally, Qin music is nothing more than that. At this time, she can't let her go crazy.

Qin Yue didn't think he had heard it, looking at the little horn in Han Yu's arms, his eyes were staring.

"Wow, what a cute little beast, can I touch it?" Qin Le reached out and touched the little golden horn of the little horn, suddenly feeling happy and jumping for joy.

"Oh damn, it turns out that Brother Han had planned for a long time. No wonder he refused to lend me the little beast." Later, Ye Xunhua was a little bit sad and sighed, "First Zhao Mingxi, now Qin Le, it seems I You have to work harder, otherwise the status of the Flower Protector will be threatened!"

"Is that person Han Yu?" In the mountains and forests in the distance, a man and a woman looked at Han Yu from a distance. The man's face was frosty, his fists clenched tightly, his anger was extreme. When the woman saw this, she felt sorry for her, and gently held the man's hand.

The man nodded. At this time, his head seemed to weigh endlessly, and it was hard to light it up.

"Chen Hao, don't worry, he won't live long, and your hatred will be avenged immediately!" The woman held the man's hand tightly with both hands and said secretly, her eyes gradually becoming colder.

She didn't tell the man her plan. She knew he was stubborn, and if she knew it would stop her.

"Hey, what is the Zhao family doing?" The woman was surprised. In the Zhao family's camp, more than a dozen people all rushed to the camp of the Stealing Mountain Range.


There was a rush of breaking through the air, with a biting killing intent. Han Yu saw that he was from the Zhao family and pulled Qinle behind him.

Qin Yue was playing with Xiaojiao, and was a little dissatisfied. When he realized that the enemy was approaching, his face instantly flashed with a strong color of happiness.

"The surname Han, I see where you are going this time!" Zhao Mingxi's cold voice came. Everyone in the Zhao family was murderous, half of them chased Han Yu and Ye Xunhua yesterday.

The middle-aged man who was still in the lead was not there yesterday, otherwise Han Yu and Ye Xunhua would not be able to fly with their Wuhuang level cultivation.


From a distance, the pressure of Emperor Wu Huang was like a tide rushing towards Han Yu, but beyond Han Yu's three feet, he could no longer move forward because Hua Luocan had already walked over.

Zhao Tong, the leader of the Zhao family, narrowed his eyes slightly, stopped slowly, and stared at Hua Luocan and said, "Hua Luocan, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Hua Luocan responded coldly.

Although he didn't say much, his meaning was obvious. This is the camp of the Stealing Mountain Range. They came from a strong force. Do they want to be an enemy of the Stealing Mountain Range?

Zhao Tong pointed to Han Yu and said, "This son hurts my people from the Zhao family, and kills the three big monsters of the Zhao family. Today is here to let him fix the law!" Zhao Mingchen, Zhao Mingguang, and Zhao Mingxi were the only ones present, but none of the first two were present.

Both of them were severely injured by Han Yu and were still healing at Thunder Sacred Land.

"Unexpectedly, this thief would offend the people of the Zhao family, this time there is no life!" In the distant mountains and forests, a sneer gradually appeared in the woman's eyes.

Before Hua Luocan talked to Han Yu, Qin Yue flashed out from behind Han Yu and asked in surprise: "Are you mistaken?"

"Lele, what are you doing here?" Zhao Mingxi frowned.

"Cousin Ming Xi, are you making a mistake?" Qin Le asked.

Han Yu glanced at Qin Le and Zhao Mingxi in surprise. He didn't expect the two to have this relationship.

"I am the victim, how could I be mistaken." Zhao Mingxi's voice was a little cold.

"What are you doing so fiercely? I'm just asking you." Qin Le was a little unhappy.

Zhao Mingxi didn't bother to pay attention to Qin Yue, looking at Han Yu, his face was as cold as frost, and his eyes were moving with coldness.

"Zhao Mingxi, since you are so shameless, well, I will speak up all the things that have happened before in front of the people of the world, and let the heroes of the world comment on it." Xiao Zhugan gathered courage and walked over. I feel ashamed in my heart, and now I can no longer stay out of it.

Zhao Mingxi's face changed slightly when he heard the words, but he quickly returned to nature. The rest of the ancient forces could not help but surround themselves. This small episode caused Hu Lielie and Qin Yin's test to be stranded.

Hu Lielie was not in a hurry, but on the side of Leiyin Sacred Land, rare things divert everyone's attention, so naturally he was not in a hurry.

Xiao Zhugan said exactly what happened in Xingluo Dongtian, the only change was that he didn't name Xingluo Dongtian.

When they heard that there was a cosmic starry sky inside a cave, everyone was shocked. They listened carefully and felt that there must be a treasure.

"Behind Han Yu became angry, he single-handedly killed them, wounded their people, killed their mounts, I don't know what's wrong with this, they even dared to shout and kill them brazenly!"

Xiao Zhugan finished speaking in one breath, and at the end he was indignant. Everyone could feel the pain of his treasure being occupied by others.

There was not a fool who was there, and after listening, they all understood that it was the three brothers and sisters of the Zhao family who did not believe it first.

Zhao Tong's face trembled, and he hummed: "Even if they made a mistake first, but they didn't get anything, it's fine for Han Yu to injure Zhao Mingguang and kill his mount. Isn't that too much? Domineering, too arrogant? And his domineering and arrogant directly contributed to the escalation of the contradiction. Who dares to say that it is not his fault for the series of events that occurred afterwards!"

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