Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1111: Piano sound debut

Chapter 1111

"Zhao Mingchen, Zhao Mingxi and Zhao Mingguang." Xiao Zhugan hurriedly replied.

Yin Shisan said: "I've heard of these three people. Zhao Mingchen and Zhao Mingxi are still in the top ten of the Zhao family's younger generation, but with the abilities of Han brother, as long as he doesn't face them head-on, nothing will happen."

Xiao Zhugan hurriedly said: "At that time, Big Brother Han said when he went back that he would not face the three of them, he would only sap in secret."

Yin Thirteen nodded, completely relieved, and said, "There is no danger to Brother Han. He should have been delayed on the road, so he didn't arrive. Don't worry too much, it's not that there is some time left. Well."

Miaoshouqing and Guisixin were relieved, but Mo Xiaoxiao looked sad.

"Hey, you guys, this lady asks you something." At this moment, a petite and lovely woman in a black cyan dress flew over, with a simple and sweet voice.

"Are you asking us?" The ghost pointed at himself, somewhat flattered.

Yu Daikong, Xiao Zhugan, etc., their eyes flashed instantly, and such a wonderful woman suddenly remained in their eyes.

"Yeah!" The woman nodded.

"If you have any questions, just ask, we know all the answers, and the answers are endless!" The ghost said with a smile, his smile is a bit wretched no matter what.

Mo Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes and scolded the eighteenth generations of several people's ancestors.

"Why didn't Han Yu come with you?" the woman asked.

"Huh?" Gui Dongxin and Yu Bagkong were all taken aback, unexpectedly they came to ask Han Yu whereabouts.

"Hey, who are you?" Mo Xiaoxiao asked angrily. She was uncomfortable at first, and when she asked Han Yu again when she met a woman who was so beautiful, it was even more inexplicable.

"What are you fierce? Who am I asking you to control? I am not asking you!" The woman was unhappy in an instant, and she was not a vegetarian.

Mo Xiaoxiao wanted to get angry and was hurriedly stopped by Yin Shisan. This woman is the cultivation base of King Wu's fourth layer. Mo Xiaoxiao, who has just broken through the first layer of King Wu, is definitely not an opponent. Yin Shisan asked, "What can you do with Brother Han?"

Yin Shisan is much more stable than Guitoxin, Yu Daikong and others.

"Just ask why he is not with you, why is there so much nonsense?" The woman was not happy.

"Oooh, isn't your temper?" Miaoshou Qingyin and Yang said strangely, somewhat surprised.

After the woman glanced contemptuously at Miaoshouqing, she owed her a second look. She looked at Yin Shisan and said, "It looks like you are still normal. Tell me, why didn't Han Yu come?"

"Hey, do you mean that we are not normal?" Miaoshouqing and Guisixin were about to fry the pan, but the woman ignored them.

Yin Shisan frowned. This woman's dominance made him a little unhappy, but he thought that it might be someone related to Han Yu, or he said, "We are also waiting for him. I don't know why he hasn't come yet. "

"Huh?" The woman was a little surprised, cocked her mouth and murmured a few words, turned and left. Then, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, he flew into the camp on the opposite side of Thunder Sound Holy Land.

"Why is it from Leiyin Holy Land, what is her purpose for inquiring about Brother Han's whereabouts?" Gui Yixin exclaimed.

"Could this person be Qin Yin's sister Qin Le?" Yin Shisan frowned.

"The woman who came out of the palace with brother Han alive? The assister of brother Han who bowed his bow and shot the heroes?" Miao Shou Qing said in surprise.

An Yifei told them about Han Yu's events before Tiangong, and they knew only a little bit.

"Huh, aren't they from Leiyin Holy Land? What's so great. After Qin Yin is stolen by Hu Lilie to go to warm the bed, Xiao Zhugan, you will also steal her back to warm the bed." Mo Xiaoxiao said angrily.

"I'm not as capable as Old Hu!" Xiao Zhugan waved his hand quickly.

"Just your talent!" Mo Xiaoxiao looked contemptuously.

Finally, it was time for the competition, and everyone's eyes fell on the top of Perak Mountain. Unexpectedly, within this half an hour, the thunder and lightning disappeared, the lead cloud receded, and there was rare sunshine around Pili Mountain.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Yin Shisan and the others out of thin air, with a slender figure from the back, with a bit of loneliness and desolation.

"Hey, who are you, dare to stand in front of Lao Tzu?" Gui Shouxin cursed loudly.

"You're looking for death!" Mo Xiaoxiao took a cold look at the ghost heart, and hurriedly stepped forward, holding the man's arm, and grinning: "Uncle master, why are you here?"

"Nine... Nine masters?" Gui Touxin was in a cold sweat, and his courage was almost scared, and he quietly hid behind Yu Bagkong.

Hua Luo turned his head slowly, glanced at Gui Si Xin and said, "Gu Si Si Xin, don't you even know Lao Tzu?"

"Nine... Nine masters, misunderstanding..." The ghosts were a little confused.

Yin Shisan and the others hurriedly paid homage to Hua Luocan, Hua Luocan nodded, and turned his head, not to be embarrassed. Suddenly, a lot of stealing became honest.

Don't look at them as they usually look like the sky is first and they are second, but in front of a few big thieves, they dare not even let go. The only thing that is somewhat natural is Yin Shisan.

"Master Nine, Master Eight and Hu Lielie are here?" Yin Shisan asked.

The time for the competition has come, but neither of them has appeared yet.

"It should be soon!" Hua Luocan said in an uncertain tone. Since Hu Badao took Hu Lilie out to practice, he hadn't seen the two of them, and he was not sure.

At this moment, there was an uproar. Seeing the direction of Leiyin Holy Land, a woman slowly walked towards Perak Mountain.

This person is beautiful, unparalleled in appearance, and grows lotus every step of the way, just like a goddess descending to the world. It is one of the protagonists of this competition.

Today's Qin Yin, wearing a purple robe, is proud and noble. The rare sun exposed in the sky should have been shining brilliantly, but since the sound of the piano appeared, it seemed to be dimmed.

Step by step, Qin Yin walked to the top of the Pili Mountain, looking forward to her eyes, like a female emperor Linchen, it seemed that the people who came to watch the battle around were all her subjects, and they all worshipped her.

"It's worthy of being one of the most talented people in Leiyin Holy Land. At a young age, he will have the momentum to look around the world!" A master sighed.

"Just because of this proud and noble temperament, there are probably not a few people who can compare with it on the entire ancient level. It seems that she is the new saint of Leiyin Holy Land!"


Qin Yin's gaze swept towards the crowd of Stealing Heaven Mountain Range, even if he saw Hualuo Can, he didn't feel ashamed, and said faintly, "What about Hu Lilie? Why didn't he come out and die?"

The voice was harsh and domineering, with a kind of majesty that people dare not violate.

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