Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1109: Imperial family

Chapter 1109

Since Han Yu knew about the existence of the Zhao family of the ancient family, he has always wanted to inquire about the situation of the Zhao family. His mother Zhao Yubing is likely to belong to the Zhao family.

But Xiao Bone knows very little, and Han Yu asked before and didn't get much value.

"Xuantian Riverside Zhao Family, Brother Han is related to them?" Ye Xunhua asked curiously.

"I want to get to know the Zhao family." Han Yu said in an angry tone, and Ye Xunhua said too much.

"Hey, did Brother Han like Zhao Mingyue, the little princess of the Zhao family, or Zhao Mingxi, so he wanted to inquire about the Zhao family? What's embarrassing to say. Since Brother Han is interested in them, then I will not It's up to them and leave it to Brother Han." Ye Xunhua showed a lewd smile on her face.

Han Yu is too lazy to deal with Ye Xunhua, this person is really inseparable from a woman in a few words.

Seeing Han Yu's displeasure, Ye Xunhua stopped in an instant, and began to introduce the Zhao family to Han Yu in a serious manner.

The Zhao family, located on the Xuantian River in the middle of Xiling, is one of the ancient forces in Wuzhou. In the ancient times, the Zhao family had a powerful existence at the level of Emperor Wu, and it was once the world's hegemon.

To this day, the Zhao family is also one of the strongest families in the cultivation world. Even among the ancient forces, it is also one of the top giants. This family not only has geniuses from generation to generation, but the most terrifying thing is that it is guarded by the emperor's soldiers, which can guarantee the enduring forever.

Among the ancient forces, the family that had appeared in Emperor Wu, like the Zhao family, also had a title-Emperor Clan. The word "di" is enough to represent everything.

When it comes to the Zhao family, apart from its history and solid background, it is inevitable to talk about contemporary Tianjiao.

Every generation of the Zhao family was born with cultivating geniuses, and every generation has a powerful presence in the world. The young people of this generation are even worse.

According to Ye Xunhua, there are now as many as ten young people in the ancient Zhao family. Zhao Mingxi and Zhao Mingyue, whom he mentioned earlier, are the two most unique female arrogances among the ten, who are called Zhao Jia Shuangjiao.

Zhao Mingchen was also among the ten, and he was not the most powerful of the ten. So far, the top ten masters of the Zhao family have not been clearly arranged. There is no answer to who is the first in the younger generation.

After Han Yu heard this, he secretly sighed that the ancient forces were really not comparable to ordinary forces. It is not accidental that it can remain prosperous.

People like Zhao Mingchen and Zhao Mingxi, who appear in the cultivation world at random, will inevitably set off a frenzy in the cultivation world, and there are ten such people in each Zhao family.

Other ancient forces can be as famous as the Zhao family, obviously not weak. This is Wuzhou, the real world of cultivation. The ancient level is the pinnacle of Wuzhou.

Han Yu was surprised, his blood boiled over. This kind of cultivating world with countless geniuses and vying for hundreds of thousands of rivers is the place that aspiring people yearn for, and it is the style and features of the sacred land of martial arts in the cloud continent.

At Han Yu's request, Ye Xunhua also talked about their Ye family, but said very little. But judging from the pride and indomitableness in his speech and demeanor, the Ye Family is also extraordinary and vulgar. I am afraid that it can be compared with the Zhao Family. Perhaps once the Emperor Wu!

Thunderbolt Mountain is covered with dark clouds all the year round and thunderous, so it has the name of Thunderbolt.

There are still three days before the competition between Hu Lielie and Qin Yin, a lot of people have gathered around Pilishan, all thinking about coming here early to find a good viewing position.

The younger generation of stealing the sky, headed by Yin Shisan, has come here and has taken the best position in advance. As for the elder master of stealing the sky, and Hu Lilie, one of the protagonists this time, they have not yet appeared.

"Master Eight is really amazing. The news was spread in advance and attracted the attention of so many ancient forces. If Qin Yin fails, Lei Yin Holy Land will not be able to repent." Miao Shou Qing glanced at the dense crowd, and smiled strangely. Tao.

"I just don't know how the Eighth Master trained the old Hu in a devilish manner this time, but don't be ashamed of stealing the mountains from the sky." Guitoxin said with a wretched expression.

"Don't worry, Lao Hu will win this time." Yin Shisan smiled, with a treacherous smile.

"Brother Thirteen, you have so much confidence in Lao Hu?" All of them looked at Yin Shisan curiously.

"At that time you will know." Yin Shisan said mysteriously.

Mo Xiaoxiao's eyes rolled, and she pulled Yin Shisan's arm and said, "Brother Shisan, have you received any gossip, tell us and share it with us."

Miaoshou Qing said: "Yes, Brother Thirteen, even if Lao Hu has a rapid cultivation base, it is a bit unrealistic to surpass Qin Yin in such a short period of time. Has he already planned other solutions?

Miao Shouqing said that, everyone felt reasonable.

"Don't reveal the secret of heaven!" Yin Shisan shook his head and said, seemingly nagging.

On the other side, some people from Leiyin Sacred Land also came, and they happened to face the people from the Thieving Mountain Range across the Peli Mountain. Looking at the people around, the faces of the people in Leiyin Holy Land were a bit ugly.

Leiyin Sacred Land agreed to Hu Lilielie's challenge, but there was no way, because the words written in the war book were so irritating that they had to fight.

I thought that the two sides would fight quietly to extinguish the arrogance of the Thiotian Mountain Range, and then cut the matter off, but I didn't expect it to attract so many spectators.

Leiyin Sacred Land had long been aware of the leak of the test news, and thought it would not cause too much attention, but only when I came to see it, it was completely beyond their expectations.

After seeing the situation here, the leader of Leiyin Holy Land became a little uneasy, and immediately rushed back to Leiyin Holy Land.

"Hey, people in Leiyin Sacred Land, you're going to jump with anger now!" Gui Yixin smiled. Although they were talking and laughing vigorously, they were always paying attention to the actions of Leiyin Holy Land.

"What about jumping feet, it's too late for them to repent. These ancient forces are the most face-conscious, hahaha..." Yu Bagkong smiled.

"I'm really looking forward to how Lao Hu will take advantage of his mouth when he arrives, claiming the non-existent, the false as the real, and the haughty piano sound as his wife!" Miaoshou said.

"A group of people with dirty hearts!" Mo Xiaoxiao cursed contemptuously, deliberately staying away from a few people, for fear of getting dirty.

The high-levels who were about to set off in Leiyin Holy Land were so angry that they were so angry when they got the situation of the Thunderbolt Mountain.

"You **** bastard, haven't you already said it's a secret contest? How come so many people are attracted!" An old man blew his beard and stared with anger.

"This is clearly a set for us, to embarrass us!" The other old man was murderous.

"Hmph, I just wanted to teach them a lesson, but I didn't expect to bully our Thunder Sacred Land. It's unreasonable! If that's the case, let them pay the price for their madness!" The third elders of Thunder Sacred Land rushed into the crown. He is the oppressor of the thunder sacred land this competition.

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